chunks+peek+ping: use correct underlying type for time::milliseconds
Change-Id: I3f46f846401eccc0c11d3abcd1a5ebff89056f7d
diff --git a/tools/ping/client/main.cpp b/tools/ping/client/main.cpp
index 86db7da..76d72ff 100644
--- a/tools/ping/client/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/ping/client/main.cpp
@@ -160,37 +160,35 @@
namespace po = boost::program_options;
- po::options_description visibleOptDesc("Allowed options");
+ po::options_description visibleOptDesc("Options");
- ("help,h", "print this message and exit")
- ("version,V", "display version and exit")
- ("interval,i", po::value<int>(),
- ("set ping interval in milliseconds (default " +
- std::to_string(getDefaultPingInterval().count()) + " ms - minimum " +
- std::to_string(getMinimumPingInterval().count()) + " ms)").c_str())
- ("timeout,o", po::value<int>(),
- ("set ping timeout in milliseconds (default " +
- std::to_string(getDefaultPingTimeoutThreshold().count()) + " ms)").c_str())
- ("count,c", po::value<int>(&options.nPings), "set total number of pings")
- ("start,n", po::value<uint64_t>(&options.startSeq),
- "set the starting seq number, the number is incremented by 1 after each Interest")
+ ("help,h", "print this message and exit")
+ ("version,V", "display version and exit")
+ ("interval,i", po::value<time::milliseconds::rep>()->default_value(getDefaultPingInterval().count()),
+ "ping interval, in milliseconds")
+ ("timeout,o", po::value<time::milliseconds::rep>()->default_value(getDefaultPingTimeoutThreshold().count()),
+ "ping timeout, in milliseconds")
+ ("count,c", po::value<int>(&options.nPings), "number of pings to send (default = no limit)")
+ ("start,n", po::value<uint64_t>(&options.startSeq),
+ "set the starting sequence number, the number is incremented by 1 after each Interest")
("identifier,p", po::value<std::string>(&identifier),
- "add identifier to the Interest names before the numbers to avoid conflict")
- ("cache,a", "allows routers to return stale Data from cache")
+ "add identifier to the Interest names before the sequence numbers to avoid conflicts")
+ ("cache,a", "allow routers to return stale Data from cache")
("timestamp,t", "print timestamp with messages")
- po::options_description hiddenOptDesc("Hidden options");
+ po::options_description hiddenOptDesc;
("prefix", po::value<std::string>(), "prefix to send pings to")
- po::options_description optDesc("Allowed options");
+ po::options_description optDesc;
- try {
- po::positional_options_description optPos;
- optPos.add("prefix", -1);
+ po::positional_options_description optPos;
+ optPos.add("prefix", -1);
+ try {
po::variables_map optVm;
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(optDesc).positional(optPos).run(), optVm);
@@ -212,19 +210,14 @@
- if (optVm.count("interval") > 0) {
- options.interval = time::milliseconds(optVm["interval"].as<int>());
- if (options.interval.count() < getMinimumPingInterval().count()) {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: Specified ping interval is less than the minimum " <<
- getMinimumPingInterval() << std::endl;
- usage(visibleOptDesc);
- }
+ options.interval = time::milliseconds(optVm["interval"].as<time::milliseconds::rep>());
+ if (options.interval < getMinimumPingInterval()) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: Specified ping interval is less than the minimum " <<
+ getMinimumPingInterval() << std::endl;
+ usage(visibleOptDesc);
- if (optVm.count("timeout") > 0) {
- options.timeout = time::milliseconds(optVm["timeout"].as<int>());
- }
+ options.timeout = time::milliseconds(optVm["timeout"].as<time::milliseconds::rep>());
if (optVm.count("count") > 0) {
if (options.nPings <= 0) {