1. e5a8828 Pass segmentTemplate to the ContentClosure so further segments fetched by the NDN protocol handler use the PublisherPublicKeyDigest, Scope and InterestLifetime specified in the URI. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  2. e843502 Make sure the Hub is shown when opening a new window by calling addNdnHubChangedListener on the window load event so that the ndnHubLabel is defined. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  3. 96978b4 In BinaryXMLEncoder, use DynamicUint8Array to dynamically allocate the encoding buffer. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  4. 9449113 Change ndn.InterestLifetime to be milliseconds (not seconds). by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  5. 6ad5c36 Added NdnProtocolInfo.jsm to store static info such as the connected host. Updated ndnProtocolService.js to report the hub host and port when connected, and updated the NDN Toolbar to display it. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  6. 604c06e Recompile to connect to a random testbed host. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  7. 3dfddaa For XPCOM (the Firefox add-on), connect to a random testbed host. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  8. bc1e912 Select a testbed host at random. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  9. 84db263 The Interest object interestLifetime is seconds, not milliseconds. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  10. e9f1194 Change makefile to use compressed ndn-js.js. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  11. 963d2da If Name.getContentDigestValue() returns a content digest, then use Sha256 to digest the content and dump an error if not equal. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago
  12. bd82926 Major update to rename ccnx to ndn, mainly in ndnProtocol and also in a few files with ccnx in comments. by Jeff Thompson · 12 years ago