Start implement signature verification
diff --git a/js/testing/.DS_Store b/js/testing/.DS_Store
index e1477e1..a3d2768 100644
--- a/js/testing/.DS_Store
+++ b/js/testing/.DS_Store
Binary files differ
diff --git a/js/testing/test-publish-async.html b/js/testing/test-publish-async.html
index cb8a7c1..b29098e 100644
--- a/js/testing/test-publish-async.html
+++ b/js/testing/test-publish-async.html
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
 				console.log('AsyncPutClosure.upcall() called.');

 				var content = document.getElementById('content').value;

 				var interest = upcallInfo.interest;

-				var nameStr = escape(;

+				var nameStr =;


 				var si = new SignedInfo();


-				var co = new ContentObject(new Name(nameStr), si, content, new Signature()); 

+				var co = new ContentObject(new Name(nameStr), si, content, new Signature());



 				upcallInfo.contentObject = co;

diff --git a/js/testing/test-throughput-http.html b/js/testing/test-throughput-http.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3720be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/testing/test-throughput-http.html
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


+<html xmlns = "">

+<meta charset="UTF-8">



+	<title>HTTP Get via XHR</title>


+	<script type="text/javascript" src="../tools/build/ndn-js.js"></script>


+	<script type="text/javascript">

+		function run() {

+			var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

+			var url = document.getElementById('interest').value;

+"GET", url, true);

+			//xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";

+			var T0 = new Date();

+			xhr.onload = function(e) {

+				//var arraybuffer = xhr.response; // not responseText

+				/* ... */

+				//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += xhr.responseText;

+				var T1 = new Date();

+				document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Time elapsed: " + (T1 - T0) + " ms</p>";

+				document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Buffer size: " + xhr.responseText.length + "</p>";

+			};

+			xhr.send();

+		}


+	</script>



+<body >


+	<form>

+		Please Enter an Interest:<br />

+		<input id="interest" type="text" name="INTEREST" size="50" value="marsgale_curiosity_1452.jpg" /> 

+	</form>


+	<button onclick="run()">Fetch Content</button>


+	<p id="content">Result: <br/></p>




diff --git a/js/testing/test-throughput-ws.html b/js/testing/test-throughput-ws.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6544798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/testing/test-throughput-ws.html
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


+<html xmlns = "">

+<meta charset="UTF-8">



+	<title>NDN Get File via WebSocket</title>


+	<script type="text/javascript" src="../tools/build/ndn-js.js"></script>


+	<script type="text/javascript">

+		hostip = "";

+		//hostip = "localhost";

+		var ndncon = new NDN({port:9696,host:hostip});

+        ndncon.transport.connectWebSocket(ndncon);



+        /*

+		 * Closure for calling expressInterest to fetch big file.

+		 */                                                

+		var ContentClosure = function ContentClosure(ndn, T0) {

+		    // Inherit from Closure.



+		    this.T0 = T0;

+		    this.ndn = ndn;

+			this.totalBlocks = 0;


+		    this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = null;

+		    this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;

+		}


+		ContentClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {

+		    if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {

+		    	var T1 = new Date();

+		    	document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Interest time out.</p>";

+		        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Time elapsed: " + (T1 - this.T0) + " ms including 4s timeout</p>";

+		        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Total number of blocks: " + this.totalBlocks + "</p>";

+		        return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+		    }


+		    if (!(kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT ||

+		          kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED))

+		        // The upcall is not for us.

+		        return Closure.RESULT_ERR;


+		    var contentObject = upcallInfo.contentObject;

+		    if (contentObject.content == null) {

+		        console.log("NdnProtocol.ContentClosure: contentObject.content is null\n");

+		        return Closure.RESULT_ERR;

+		    }


+		    // Use the segmentNumber to load multiple segments.

+		    //var segmentNumber = ArrayToNum([ - 1]);

+		    var segmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt

+		    						([ - 1]);

+		    //console.log(segmentNumber);


+	        if (this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == null) {

+	            // This is the first call.

+	            this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = segmentNumber;

+	            if (segmentNumber != 0) {

+	                // Special case: Save this content object for later and request segment zero.

+	                this.firstReceivedContentObject = contentObject;

+	                var componentsForZero =

+	                    (0, - 1);

+	                componentsForZero.push([0]);

+	                this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(componentsForZero), this);

+	                return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+	            }

+	        }


+		    // Process received data here...

+		    // Count content length

+		    //nameStr = escape(;

+			//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Name string: " + nameStr + "</p>";

+			//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Content buffer length: " + contentObject.content.length + "</p>";

+			this.totalBlocks++;


+		    // Check for the special case if the saved content is for the next segment that we need.

+		    if (this.firstReceivedContentObject != null && 

+		        this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == segmentNumber + 1) {

+		        // Substitute the saved contentObject send its content and keep going.

+		        contentObject = this.firstReceivedContentObject;

+		        segmentNumber = segmentNumber + 1;

+		        // Clear firstReceivedContentObject to save memory.

+		        this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;


+		        // Process received data here...

+		    	// Count content length

+		    	//nameStr = escape(;

+				//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Name string: " + nameStr + "</p>";

+				//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Content buffer length: " + contentObject.content.length + "</p>";

+				this.totalBlocks++;

+		    }


+		    var finalSegmentNumber = null;

+		    if (contentObject.signedInfo != null && contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID != null)

+		        //finalSegmentNumber = ArrayToNum(contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID);

+		        finalSegmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt(contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID);


+		    if (finalSegmentNumber == null || segmentNumber != finalSegmentNumber) {

+		        // Make a name for the next segment and get it.

+		        //var segmentNumberPlus1 = NumToArray(segmentNumber + 1);

+		        // Make a name for the next segment and get it.

+		        var segmentNumberPlus1 = DataUtils.nonNegativeIntToBigEndian(segmentNumber + 1);

+		        // Put a 0 byte in front.

+		        var nextSegmentNumber = new Uint8Array(segmentNumberPlus1.length + 1);

+		        nextSegmentNumber.set(segmentNumberPlus1, 1);


+		        var components =

+		            (0, - 1);

+		        components.push(nextSegmentNumber);

+		        //components.push(segmentNumberPlus1);

+		        this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(components), this);

+		    }

+		    else {

+		        // Final block received.

+		        // Record stop time

+		        var T1 = new Date();

+		        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Final block received.</p>";

+		        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Time elapsed: " + (T1 - this.T0) + " ms</p>";

+		        document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Total number of blocks: " + this.totalBlocks + "</p>";

+		    }


+		    return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+		};


+		/*

+		 * Convert the big endian Uint8Array to an unsigned int.

+		 * Don't check for overflow.

+		 */

+		function ArrayToNum(bytes) {

+		    var result = 0;

+		    for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {

+		        result = result * 10;

+		        result += (bytes[i] - 48);

+		    }

+		    return result;

+		};


+		/*

+		 * Convert the int value to a new big endian Uint8Array and return.

+		 * If value is 0 or negative, return Uint8Array(0). 

+		 */

+		function NumToArray(value) {

+		    value = Math.round(value);

+		    if (value <= 0)

+		        return new Uint8Array(0);


+		    numString = value.toString();

+		    var size = numString.length;

+		    var result = new Uint8Array(size);

+		    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {

+		    	result[i] = numString.charCodeAt(i);

+		    }

+		    return result;

+		};



+        /*

+        var AsyncGetClosure = function AsyncGetClosure(T0) {

+        	this.T0 = T0;  // Start time

+        	// Inherit from Closure.


+		};


+		AsyncGetClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {

+			//console.log("Closure.upcall() executed.");

+			if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_FINAL) {

+				// Do nothing.

+			} else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT) {

+				var T1 = new Date();


+				var content = upcallInfo.contentObject;

+				nameStr = escape(;

+				document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Time elapsed: " + (T1 - this.T0) + " ms</p>"; 

+				document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Name string: " + nameStr + "</p>";

+				document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Content buffer length: " + content.content.length + "</p>";

+				//console.log("In callback, nameStr: " + nameStr);

+				//console.log("In callback, content: ");

+				//console.log(content.content.length);

+				//document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += contentObjectToHtml(content);

+			} else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {

+				console.log("Closure.upcall called with interest time out.");

+			}

+			return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+		};

+		*/


+		function run() {

+			document.getElementById('content').innerHTML += "<p>Started...</p>";

+			//ndn.expressInterest(new Name(document.getElementById('interest').value), new AsyncGetClosure( new Date() ));

+			var name = new Name(document.getElementById('interest').value);

+            ndncon.expressInterest( name, 

+                    new ContentClosure( ndncon, new Date() ));

+		}


+	</script>



+<body >


+	<form>

+		Please Enter an Interest:<br />

+		<input id="interest" type="text" name="INTEREST" size="50" value="/wentao.shang/choir_jail.png" /> 

+	</form>


+	<button onclick="run()">Fetch Content</button>


+	<p id="content">Result: <br/></p>




diff --git a/js/testing/test-throughput-xpcom.html b/js/testing/test-throughput-xpcom.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b3f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/testing/test-throughput-xpcom.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


+<html xmlns = "">

+<meta charset="UTF-8">



+	<title>NDN Get via XPCOM</title>


+<body >


+	<h1>NDN Protocol Examples</h1>

+	<h2>Segmented files</h2>

+	Here is a small text file:

+	<br/>

+	<a target="_blank" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"

+	 href="ndn:/wentao.shang/mars.jpg">ndn:/wentao.shang/mars.jpg</a>

+	<br/>


+	Here is a large image file:

+	<br/>

+	<a target="_blank" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"

+	 href="ndn:/wentao.shang/choir_jail.png">ndn:/wentao.shang/choir_jail.png</a>

+	<br/>


