Added SegmentStore class and use in ContentClosure.upcall to keep at least 2 outstanding requests for segments to improve throughput.
diff --git a/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js b/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js
index 2f27973..71c2bdd 100644
--- a/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js
+++ b/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js
@@ -135,12 +135,14 @@
     this.uriSearchAndHash = uriSearchAndHash;

     this.segmentTemplate = segmentTemplate;


-    this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = null;

-    this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;

+    this.segmentStore = new SegmentStore();

     this.contentSha256 = new Sha256();

+    this.didRequestFinalSegment = false;

+    this.finalSegmentNumber = null;



 ContentClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {

+  try {

     if (!(kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT ||

           kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED))

         // The upcall is not for us.

@@ -156,26 +158,15 @@
     NdnProtocolInfo.setConnectedNdnHub(, this.ndn.port);


     // If !this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber, we use the segmentNumber to load multiple segments.

+    // If this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber, then we leave segmentNumber null.

     var segmentNumber = null;

     if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber && endsWithSegmentNumber( {

         segmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt

             ([ - 1]);

-        if (this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == null) {

-            // This is the first call.

-            this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = segmentNumber;

-            if (segmentNumber != 0) {

-                // Special case: Save this content object for later and request segment zero.

-                this.firstReceivedContentObject = contentObject;

-                var componentsForZero =

-                    (0, - 1);

-                componentsForZero.push([0]);

-                this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(componentsForZero), this, this.segmentTemplate); 

-                return Closure.RESULT_OK;

-            }

-        }

+        this.segmentStore.storeContent(segmentNumber, contentObject);



-    if (this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber || segmentNumber == null || segmentNumber == 0) {

+    if (segmentNumber == null || segmentNumber == 0) {

         // This is the first or only segment, so start.

         // Get the URI from the ContentObject including the version.

         var contentUriSpec;

@@ -196,53 +187,199 @@
             ioService.newURI(contentUriSpec, this.uriOriginCharset, null));



-    this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));

-    this.contentSha256.update(contentObject.content);


-    // Check for the special case if the saved content is for the next segment that we need.

-    if (this.firstReceivedContentObject != null && 

-        this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == segmentNumber + 1) {

-        // Substitute the saved contentObject send its content and keep going.

-        contentObject = this.firstReceivedContentObject;

-        segmentNumber = segmentNumber + 1;

-        // Clear firstReceivedContentObject to save memory.

-        this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;


-        this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));        

+    if (segmentNumber == null) {

+        // We are not doing segments, so just finish.

+        this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));


+        this.contentListener.onStop();


+        if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber) {

+            var nameContentDigest =;

+            if (nameContentDigest != null &&

+                !DataUtils.arraysEqual(nameContentDigest, this.contentSha256.finalize()))

+                // TODO: How to show the user an error for invalid digest?

+                dump("Content does not match digest in name " +;

+        }

+        return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+    }


+    if (contentObject.signedInfo != null && contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID != null)

+        this.finalSegmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt(contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID);


+    // The content was already put in the store.  Retrieve as much as possible.

+    var entry;

+    while ((entry = this.segmentStore.maybeRetrieveNextEntry()) != null) {

+        segmentNumber = entry.key;

+        contentObject = entry.value;

+        this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));

+        this.contentSha256.update(contentObject.content);


+        if (this.finalSegmentNumber != null && segmentNumber == this.finalSegmentNumber) {

+            // Finished.

+            this.contentListener.onStop();

+            var nameContentDigest =;

+            if (nameContentDigest != null &&

+                !DataUtils.arraysEqual(nameContentDigest, this.contentSha256.finalize()))

+                // TODO: How to show the user an error for invalid digest?

+                dump("Content does not match digest in name " +;


+            return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+        }



-    var finalSegmentNumber = null;

-    if (contentObject.signedInfo != null && contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID != null)

-        finalSegmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt(contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID);

+    if (this.finalSegmentNumber == null && !this.didRequestFinalSegment) {

+        // Try to determine the final segment now.

+        var components =

+            (0, - 1);


-    if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber &&

-        segmentNumber != null && 

-        (finalSegmentNumber == null || segmentNumber != finalSegmentNumber)) {

-        // Make a name for the next segment and get it.

-        var segmentNumberPlus1 = DataUtils.nonNegativeIntToBigEndian(segmentNumber + 1);

+        // Temporarily set the childSelector in the segmentTemplate.

+        this.segmentTemplate.childSelector = 1;

+        this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(components), this, this.segmentTemplate);

+        this.segmentTemplate.childSelector = null;

+    }


+    // Request new segments.

+    var toRequest = this.segmentStore.requestSegmentNumbers(2);

+    for (var i = 0; i < toRequest.length; ++i) {

+        if (this.finalSegmentNumber != null && toRequest[i] > this.finalSegmentNumber)

+            continue;


+        // Make a name for the segment and get it.

+        var segmentNumberBigEndian = DataUtils.nonNegativeIntToBigEndian(toRequest[i]);

         // Put a 0 byte in front.

-        var nextSegmentNumber = new Uint8Array(segmentNumberPlus1.length + 1);

-        nextSegmentNumber.set(segmentNumberPlus1, 1);

+        var segmentNumberComponent = new Uint8Array(segmentNumberBigEndian.length + 1);

+        segmentNumberComponent.set(segmentNumberBigEndian, 1);


         var components =

             (0, - 1);

-        components.push(nextSegmentNumber);

+        components.push(segmentNumberComponent);

         this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(components), this, this.segmentTemplate);


-    else {

-        // Finished.

-        this.contentListener.onStop();

-        var nameContentDigest =;

-        if (nameContentDigest != null &&

-            !DataUtils.arraysEqual(nameContentDigest, this.contentSha256.finalize()))

-            // TODO: How to show the user an error for invalid digest?

-            dump("Content does not match digest in name " +;

-    }


     return Closure.RESULT_OK;

+  } catch (ex) {

+        dump("ContentClosure.upcall exception: " + ex + "\n" + ex.stack);

+        return Closure.RESULT_ERR;

+  }





+ * A SegmentStore stores segments until they are retrieved in order starting with segment 0.

+ */

+var SegmentStore = function SegmentStore() {

+    // Each entry is an object where the key is the segment number and value is null if

+    //   the segment number is requested or the contentObject if received.

+ = new SortedArray();

+    this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber = -1;



+SegmentStore.prototype.storeContent = function(segmentNumber, contentObject) {

+    // We don't expect to try to store a segment that has already been retrieved, but check anyway.

+    if (segmentNumber > this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber)

+, contentObject);




+ * If the min segment number is this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber + 1 and its value is not null, 

+ *   then delete from the store, return the entry with key and value, and update maxRetrievedSegmentNumber.  

+ * Otherwise return null.

+ */

+SegmentStore.prototype.maybeRetrieveNextEntry = function() {

+    if ( > 0 &&[0].value != null &&

+[0].key == this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber + 1) {

+        var entry =[0];


+        ++this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber;

+        return entry;

+    }

+    else

+        return null;




+ * Return an array of the next segment numbers that need to be requested so that the total

+ *   requested segments is totalRequestedSegments.  If a segment store entry value is null, it is

+ *   already requested and is not returned.  If a segment number is returned, create a

+ *   entry in the segment store with a null value.

+ */

+SegmentStore.prototype.requestSegmentNumbers = function(totalRequestedSegments) {

+    // First, count how many are already requested.

+    var nRequestedSegments = 0;

+    for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {

+        if ([i].value == null) {

+            ++nRequestedSegments;

+            if (nRequestedSegments >= totalRequestedSegments)

+                // Already maxed out on requests.

+                return [];

+        }

+    }


+    var toRequest = [];

+    var nextSegmentNumber = this.maxRetrievedSegmentNumber + 1;

+    for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {

+        var entry =[i];

+        // Fill in the gap before the segment number in the entry.

+        while (nextSegmentNumber < entry.key) {

+            toRequest.push(nextSegmentNumber);

+            ++nextSegmentNumber;

+            ++nRequestedSegments;

+            if (nRequestedSegments >= totalRequestedSegments)

+                break;

+        }

+        if (nRequestedSegments >= totalRequestedSegments)

+            break;


+        nextSegmentNumber = entry.key + 1;

+    }


+    // We already filled in the gaps for the segments in the store. Continue after the last.

+    while (nRequestedSegments < totalRequestedSegments) {

+        toRequest.push(nextSegmentNumber);

+        ++nextSegmentNumber;

+        ++nRequestedSegments;

+    }


+    // Mark the new segment numbers as requested.

+    for (var i = 0; i < toRequest.length; ++i)

+[i], null);

+    return toRequest;




+ * A SortedArray is an array of objects with key and value, where the key is an integer.

+ */

+var SortedArray = function SortedArray() {

+    this.entries = [];



+SortedArray.prototype.sortEntries = function() {

+    this.entries.sort(function(a, b) { return a.key - b.key; });



+SortedArray.prototype.indexOfKey = function(key) {

+    for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; ++i) {

+        if (this.entries[i].key == key)

+            return i;

+    }


+    return -1;



+SortedArray.prototype.set = function(key, value) {

+    var i = this.indexOfKey(key);

+    if (i >= 0) {

+        this.entries[i].value = value;

+        return;

+    }


+    this.entries.push({ key: key, value: value});

+    this.sortEntries();



+SortedArray.prototype.removeAt = function(index) {

+    this.entries.splice(index, 1);




  * Scan the name from the last component to the first (skipping special name components)

  *   for a recognized file name extension, and return an object with properties contentType and charset.

diff --git a/js/ndnProtocol/modules/ndn-js.jsm b/js/ndnProtocol/modules/ndn-js.jsm
index 30cc0bb..52bf527 100644
--- a/js/ndnProtocol/modules/ndn-js.jsm
+++ b/js/ndnProtocol/modules/ndn-js.jsm
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Name.prototype.from_ccnb=function(a){a.readStartElement(this.getElementLabel());for(this.components=[];a.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Component);)this.add(a.readBinaryElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Component));a.readEndElement()};Name.prototype.to_ccnb=function(a){if(null==this.components)throw Error("CANNOT ENCODE EMPTY CONTENT NAME");a.writeStartElement(this.getElementLabel());for(var b=this.components.length,c=0;c<b;c++)a.writeElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Component,this.components[c]);a.writeEndElement()};
 Name.prototype.getElementLabel=function(){return CCNProtocolDTags.Name};
 Name.prototype.add=function(a){var b;if("string"==typeof a)b=DataUtils.stringToUtf8Array(a);else if("object"==typeof a&&a instanceof Uint8Array)b=new Uint8Array(a);else if("object"==typeof a&&a instanceof ArrayBuffer)b=new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(a.byteLength)),b.set(new Uint8Array(a));else if("object"==typeof a)b=new Uint8Array(a);else throw Error("Cannot add Name element at index "+this.components.length+": Invalid type");return this.components.push(b)};
-Name.prototype.to_uri=function(){for(var a="",b=0;b<this.components.length;++b)a+="/"+Name.toEscapedString(this.components[b]);return a};Name.prototype.getPrefix=function(a){return new Name(this.components.slice(0,a))};Name.prototype.getComponent=function(a){var b=new ArrayBuffer(this.components[a].length);(new Uint8Array(b)).set(this.components[a]);return b};
+Name.prototype.to_uri=function(){if(0==this.components.length)return"/";for(var a="",b=0;b<this.components.length;++b)a+="/"+Name.toEscapedString(this.components[b]);return a};Name.prototype.getPrefix=function(a){return new Name(this.components.slice(0,a))};Name.prototype.getComponent=function(a){var b=new ArrayBuffer(this.components[a].length);(new Uint8Array(b)).set(this.components[a]);return b};
 Name.prototype.indexOfFileName=function(){for(var a=this.components.length-1;0<=a;--a){var b=this.components[a];if(!(0>=b.length)&&!(0==b[0]||192==b[0]||193==b[0]||245<=b[0]&&255>=b[0]))return a}return-1};Name.prototype.equalsName=function(a){if(this.components.length!=a.components.length)return!1;for(var b=this.components.length-1;0<=b;--b)if(!DataUtils.arraysEqual(this.components[b],a.components[b]))return!1;return!0};
 Name.prototype.getContentDigestValue=function(){for(var a=this.components.length-1;0<=a;--a){var b=Name.getComponentContentDigestValue(this.components[a]);if(null!=b)return b}return null};
 Name.getComponentContentDigestValue=function(a){return a.length==Name.ContentDigestPrefix.length+32+Name.ContentDigestSuffix.length&&DataUtils.arraysEqual(a.subarray(0,Name.ContentDigestPrefix.length),Name.ContentDigestPrefix)&&DataUtils.arraysEqual(a.subarray(a.length-Name.ContentDigestSuffix.length,a.length),Name.ContentDigestSuffix)?a.subarray(Name.ContentDigestPrefix.length,Name.ContentDigestPrefix.length+32):null};Name.ContentDigestPrefix=new Uint8Array([193,46,77,46,71,193,1,170,2,133]);