First Commit after cleanup
Socket Bridge in java now works with UDP
Now connecting to remote ccnd nodes ( unless there is a firewall on the
way) currently connecting to borges on port 9695
Cleaned up the code and added authors to all files since new people are
joining the project.
Separated java from javascript code.
diff --git a/js/encoding/BinaryXMLEncoder.js b/js/encoding/BinaryXMLEncoder.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05a869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/encoding/BinaryXMLEncoder.js
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * This class is used to encode and decode binary elements ( blog, type/value pairs)
+ *
+ * @author: ucla-cs
+ */
+var XML_EXT = 0x00;
+var XML_TAG = 0x01;
+var XML_DTAG = 0x02;
+var XML_ATTR = 0x03;
+var XML_DATTR = 0x04;
+var XML_BLOB = 0x05;
+var XML_UDATA = 0x06;
+var XML_CLOSE = 0x0;
+var XML_TT_BITS = 3;
+var XML_TT_MASK = ((1 << XML_TT_BITS) - 1);
+var XML_TT_VAL_MASK = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS)) - 1);
+var XML_REG_VAL_BITS = 7;
+var XML_REG_VAL_MASK = ((1 << XML_REG_VAL_BITS) - 1);
+var XML_TT_NO_MORE = (1 << XML_REG_VAL_BITS); // 0x80
+var BYTE_MASK = 0xFF;
+var LONG_BYTES = 8;
+var LONG_BITS = 64;
+var bits_11 = 0x0000007FF;
+var bits_18 = 0x00003FFFF;
+var bits_32 = 0x0FFFFFFFF;
+var BinaryXMLEncoder = function BinaryXMLEncoder(){
+ this.ostream = new Array(10000);
+ this.offset =0;
+ this.CODEC_NAME = "Binary";
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeUString = function(/*String*/ utf8Content){
+ this.encodeUString(this.ostream, utf8Content);
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeBlob = function(/*byte []*/ binaryContent
+ //, /*int*/ offset, /*int*/ length
+ ) {
+ console.log(binaryContent);
+ this.encodeBlob(this.ostream, binaryContent, this.offset, binaryContent.length);
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeStartElement = function(/*String*/ tag, /*TreeMap<String,String>*/ attributes){
+ /*Long*/ dictionaryVal = tag;//stringToTag(tag);
+ if (null == dictionaryVal) {
+ this.encodeUString(this.ostream, tag, XML_TAG);
+ } else {
+ this.encodeTypeAndVal(XML_DTAG, dictionaryVal, this.ostream);
+ }
+ if (null != attributes) {
+ this.writeAttributes(attributes);
+ }
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeEndElement = function(){
+ this.ostream[this.offset] = XML_CLOSE;
+ this.offset+= 1;
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeAttributes = function(/*TreeMap<String,String>*/ attributes) {
+ if (null == attributes) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // the keySet of a TreeMap is sorted.
+ for(var i=0; i<attributes.length;i++){
+ var strAttr = attributes[i].k;
+ var strValue = attributes[i].v;
+ var dictionaryAttr = stringToTag(strAttr);
+ if (null == dictionaryAttr) {
+ // not in dictionary, encode as attr
+ // compressed format wants length of tag represented as length-1
+ // to save that extra bit, as tag cannot be 0 length.
+ // encodeUString knows to do that.
+ this.encodeUString(this.ostream, strAttr, XML_ATTR);
+ } else {
+ this.encodeTypeAndVal(XML_DATTR, dictionaryAttr, this.ostream);
+ }
+ // Write value
+ this.encodeUString(this.ostream, strValue);
+ }
+//returns a string
+stringToTag = function(/*long*/ tagVal) {
+ if ((tagVal >= 0) && (tagVal < CCNProtocolDTagsStrings.length)) {
+ return CCNProtocolDTagsStrings[tagVal];
+ } else if (tagVal == CCNProtocolDTags.CCNProtocolDataUnit) {
+ }
+ return null;
+//returns a Long
+tagToString = function(/*String*/ tagName) {
+ // the slow way, but right now we don't care.... want a static lookup for the forward direction
+ for (var i=0; i < CCNProtocolDTagsStrings.length; ++i) {
+ if ((null != CCNProtocolDTagsStrings[i]) && (CCNProtocolDTagsStrings[i] == tagName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CCNProtocolDTags.CCNPROTOCOL_DATA_UNIT == tagName) {
+ return CCNProtocolDTags.CCNProtocolDataUnit;
+ }
+ return null;
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeElement = function(
+ //long
+ tag,
+ //byte[]
+ binaryContent,
+ //TreeMap<String, String>
+ attributes) {
+ this.writeStartElement(tag, attributes);
+ // Will omit if 0-length
+ this.writeBlob(binaryContent);
+ this.writeEndElement();
+var TypeAndVal = function TypeAndVal(_type,_val) {
+ this.type = _type;
+ this.val = _val;
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.encodeTypeAndVal = function(
+ //int
+ type,
+ //long
+ val,
+ //byte []
+ buf) {
+ console.log('Encoding type '+ type+ ' and value '+ val);
+ if ((type > XML_UDATA) || (type < 0) || (val < 0)) {
+ throw new Exception("Tag and value must be positive, and tag valid.");
+ }
+ // Encode backwards. Calculate how many bytes we need:
+ var numEncodingBytes = this.numEncodingBytes(val);
+ if ((this.offset + numEncodingBytes) > buf.length) {
+ throw new Exception("Buffer space of " + (buf.length-this.offset) +
+ " bytes insufficient to hold " +
+ numEncodingBytes + " of encoded type and value.");
+ }
+ // Bottom 4 bits of val go in last byte with tag.
+ buf[this.offset + numEncodingBytes - 1] =
+ //(byte)
+ (((XML_TT_MASK & type) |
+ ((XML_TT_VAL_MASK & val) << XML_TT_BITS))) |
+ XML_TT_NO_MORE); // set top bit for last byte
+ val = val >>> XML_TT_VAL_BITS;;
+ // Rest of val goes into preceding bytes, 7 bits per byte, top bit
+ // is "more" flag.
+ var i = this.offset + numEncodingBytes - 2;
+ while ((0 != val) && (i >= this.offset)) {
+ buf[i] = //(byte)
+ (val & XML_REG_VAL_MASK)); // leave top bit unset
+ val = val >>> XML_REG_VAL_BITS;
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (val != 0) {
+ throw new Exception( "This should not happen: miscalculated encoding");
+ //Log.warning(Log.FAC_ENCODING, "This should not happen: miscalculated encoding length, have " + val + " left.");
+ }
+ this.offset+= numEncodingBytes;
+ return numEncodingBytes;
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.encodeUString = function(
+ //OutputStream
+ ostream,
+ //String
+ ustring,
+ //byte
+ type) {
+ if ((null == ustring) || (ustring.length == 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //byte [] data utils
+ /*custom*/
+ //byte[]
+ strBytes = new Array(ustring.Length);
+ var i = 0;
+ for( ;i<ustring.lengh;i++) //in InStr.ToCharArray())
+ {
+ strBytes[i] = ustring[i];
+ }
+ //strBytes = DataUtils.getBytesFromUTF8String(ustring);
+ this.encodeTypeAndVal(type,
+ (((type == XML_TAG) || (type == XML_ATTR)) ?
+ (strBytes.length-1) :
+ strBytes.length), ostream);
+ this.writeString(strBytes,this.offset);
+ this.offset+= strBytes.length;
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.encodeBlob = function(
+ //OutputStream
+ ostream,
+ //byte []
+ blob,
+ //int
+ offset,
+ //int
+ length) {
+ if ((null == blob) || (length == 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.encodeTypeAndVal(XML_BLOB, length, ostream,offset);
+ if (null != blob) {
+ this.writeString(blob,this.offset);
+ this.offset += length;
+ }
+var ENCODING_LIMIT_1_BYTE = ((1 << (XML_TT_VAL_BITS)) - 1);
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.numEncodingBytes = function(
+ //long
+ x) {
+ if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_1_BYTE) return (1);
+ if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_2_BYTES) return (2);
+ if (x <= ENCODING_LIMIT_3_BYTES) return (3);
+ var numbytes = 1;
+ // Last byte gives you XML_TT_VAL_BITS
+ // Remainder each give you XML_REG_VAL_BITS
+ x = x >>> XML_TT_VAL_BITS;
+ while (x != 0) {
+ numbytes++;
+ x = x >>> XML_REG_VAL_BITS;
+ }
+ return (numbytes);
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeDateTime = function(
+ //String
+ tag,
+ //CCNTime
+ dateTime) {
+ this.writeElement(tag, dateTime.toBinaryTime());
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeString = function(
+ //String
+ input,
+ //CCNTime
+ offset) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
+ this.ostream[this.offset+i] = (input.charCodeAt(i));
+ }
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.writeBlobArray = function(
+ //String
+ Blob,
+ //CCNTime
+ offset) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < Blob.length; i++) {
+ this.ostream[this.offset+i] = Blob[i];
+ }
+BinaryXMLEncoder.prototype.getReducedOstream = function() {
+ return this.ostream.slice(0,this.offset);