Major updates to change default behavior of NDN to connect to a random host on the testbed.
Make expressInterest and registerPrefix connect when needed. Removed WebSocketTransport.connectWebSocket.
Also, don't fetch the ccndid until registerPrefix needs it.
diff --git a/js/NDN.js b/js/NDN.js
index 30d5d3f..f77e73c 100644
--- a/js/NDN.js
+++ b/js/NDN.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* {
* getTransport: function() { return new WebSocketTransport(); }
* getHostAndPort: transport.defaultGetHostAndPort,
- * host: 'localhost', // If null, use getHostAndPort when connecting.
+ * host: null, // If null, use getHostAndPort when connecting.
* port: 9696,
* onopen: function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection established."); }
* onclose: function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection closed."); }
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
var getTransport = (settings.getTransport || function() { return new WebSocketTransport(); });
this.transport = getTransport();
this.getHostAndPort = (settings.getHostAndPort || this.transport.defaultGetHostAndPort);
- = ( !== undefined ? : 'localhost');
+ = ( !== undefined ? : null);
this.port = (settings.port || 9696);
this.readyStatus = NDN.UNOPEN;
this.verify = (settings.verify !== undefined ? settings.verify : true);
@@ -176,16 +176,74 @@
NDN.prototype.registerPrefix = function(name, closure, flag) {
- if (this.readyStatus != NDN.OPENED) {
- console.log('Connection is not established.');
- return -1;
- }
+ var thisNDN = this;
+ var onConnected = function() {
+ if (thisNDN.ccndid == null) {
+ // Fetch ccndid first, then register.
+ var interest = new Interest(NDN.ccndIdFetcher);
+ interest.interestLifetime = 4000; // milliseconds
+ if (LOG>3) console.log('Expressing interest for ccndid from ccnd.');
+ thisNDN.transport.expressInterest
+ (thisNDN, interest, new NDN.FetchCcndidClosure(thisNDN, name, closure, flag));
+ }
+ else
+ thisNDN.registerPrefixHelper(name, closure, flag);
+ };
- if (this.ccndid == null) {
- console.log('ccnd node ID unkonwn. Cannot register prefix.');
- return -1;
+ if ( == null || this.port == null) {
+ if (this.getHostAndPort == null)
+ console.log('ERROR: host OR port NOT SET');
+ else
+ this.connectAndExecute(onConnected);
+ }
+ else
+ onConnected();
+ * This is a closure to receive the ContentObject for NDN.ccndIdFetcher and call
+ * registerPrefixHelper(name, callerClosure, flag).
+ */
+NDN.FetchCcndidClosure = function FetchCcndidClosure(ndn, name, callerClosure, flag) {
+ // Inherit from Closure.
+ this.ndn = ndn;
+ = name;
+ this.callerClosure = callerClosure;
+ this.flag = flag;
+NDN.FetchCcndidClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {
+ if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {
+ console.log("Timeout while requesting the ccndid. Cannot registerPrefix for " +
+ + " .");
+ return Closure.RESULT_OK;
+ }
+ if (!(kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT ||
+ // The upcall is not for us.
+ return Closure.RESULT_ERR;
+ var co = upcallInfo.contentObject;
+ if (!co.signedInfo || !co.signedInfo.publisher
+ || !co.signedInfo.publisher.publisherPublicKeyDigest)
+ console.log
+ ("ContentObject doesn't have a publisherPublicKeyDigest. Cannot set ccndid and registerPrefix for "
+ + + " .");
+ else {
+ if (LOG>3) console.log('Got ccndid from ccnd.');
+ this.ndn.ccndid = co.signedInfo.publisher.publisherPublicKeyDigest;
+ if (LOG>3) console.log(this.ndn.ccndid);
+ this.ndn.registerPrefixHelper(, this.callerClosure, this.flag);
+ return Closure.RESULT_OK;
+// Do the work of registerPrefix once we know we are connected with a ccndid.
+NDN.prototype.registerPrefixHelper = function(name, closure, flag) {
var fe = new ForwardingEntry('selfreg', name, null, null, 3, 2147483647);
var bytes = encodeForwardingEntry(fe);
@@ -208,8 +266,6 @@
- return 0;
@@ -243,154 +299,132 @@
var co = new ContentObject();
- if (this.ccndid == null && NDN.ccndIdFetcher.match( {
- // We are in starting phase, record publisherPublicKeyDigest in ccndid
- if(!co.signedInfo || !co.signedInfo.publisher
- || !co.signedInfo.publisher.publisherPublicKeyDigest) {
- console.log("Cannot contact router, close NDN now.");
+ var pitEntry = NDN.getEntryForExpressedInterest(;
+ if (pitEntry != null) {
+ //console.log(pitEntry);
+ // Remove PIT entry from NDN.PITTable
+ var index = NDN.PITTable.indexOf(pitEntry);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ NDN.PITTable.splice(index, 1);
- // Close NDN if we fail to connect to a ccn router
- this.readyStatus = NDN.CLOSED;
- this.onclose();
- //console.log("NDN.onclose event fired.");
- } else {
- if (LOG>3) console.log('Connected to ccnd.');
- this.ccndid = co.signedInfo.publisher.publisherPublicKeyDigest;
- if (LOG>3) console.log(ndn.ccndid);
+ var currentClosure = pitEntry.closure;
- // Call NDN.onopen after success
- this.readyStatus = NDN.OPENED;
- this.onopen();
- //console.log("NDN.onopen event fired.");
+ // Cancel interest timer
+ clearTimeout(pitEntry.timerID);
+ //console.log("Clear interest timer");
+ //console.log(currentClosure.timerID);
+ if (this.verify == false) {
+ // Pass content up without verifying the signature
+ currentClosure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
+ return;
- } else {
- var pitEntry = NDN.getEntryForExpressedInterest(;
- if (pitEntry != null) {
- //console.log(pitEntry);
- // Remove PIT entry from NDN.PITTable
- var index = NDN.PITTable.indexOf(pitEntry);
- if (index >= 0)
- NDN.PITTable.splice(index, 1);
- var currentClosure = pitEntry.closure;
- // Cancel interest timer
- clearTimeout(pitEntry.timerID);
- //console.log("Clear interest timer");
- //console.log(currentClosure.timerID);
- if (this.verify == false) {
- // Pass content up without verifying the signature
- currentClosure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
- return;
+ // Key verification
+ // Recursive key fetching & verification closure
+ var KeyFetchClosure = function KeyFetchClosure(content, closure, key, sig, wit) {
+ this.contentObject = content; // unverified content object
+ this.closure = closure; // closure corresponding to the contentObject
+ this.keyName = key; // name of current key to be fetched
+ this.sigHex = sig; // hex signature string to be verified
+ this.witness = wit;
+ };
+ var thisNDN = this;
+ KeyFetchClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {
+ if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {
+ console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: interest time out.");
+ console.log(this.keyName.contentName.getName());
+ } else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT) {
+ //console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: signature verification passed");
+ var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(upcallInfo.contentObject.content);
+ var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(this.contentObject.rawSignatureData, this.witness, this.sigHex);
+ var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
+ //console.log("raise encapsulated closure");
+ this.closure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(thisNDN, null, 0, this.contentObject));
+ // Store key in cache
+ var keyEntry = new KeyStoreEntry(keylocator.keyName, rsakey, new Date().getTime());
+ NDN.addKeyEntry(keyEntry);
+ //console.log(NDN.KeyStore);
+ } else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD) {
+ console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: signature verification failed");
- // Key verification
+ };
- // Recursive key fetching & verification closure
- var KeyFetchClosure = function KeyFetchClosure(content, closure, key, sig, wit) {
- this.contentObject = content; // unverified content object
- this.closure = closure; // closure corresponding to the contentObject
- this.keyName = key; // name of current key to be fetched
- this.sigHex = sig; // hex signature string to be verified
- this.witness = wit;
- };
- var thisNdn = this;
- KeyFetchClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {
- if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {
- console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: interest time out.");
- console.log(this.keyName.contentName.getName());
- } else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT) {
- //console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: signature verification passed");
- var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(upcallInfo.contentObject.content);
- var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(this.contentObject.rawSignatureData, this.witness, this.sigHex);
- var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
- //console.log("raise encapsulated closure");
- this.closure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(thisNdn, null, 0, this.contentObject));
- // Store key in cache
- var keyEntry = new KeyStoreEntry(keylocator.keyName, rsakey, new Date().getTime());
- NDN.addKeyEntry(keyEntry);
- //console.log(NDN.KeyStore);
- } else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD) {
- console.log("In KeyFetchClosure.upcall: signature verification failed");
- }
- };
- if (co.signedInfo && co.signedInfo.locator && co.signature) {
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("Key verification...");
- var sigHex = DataUtils.toHex(co.signature.signature).toLowerCase();
+ if (co.signedInfo && co.signedInfo.locator && co.signature) {
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("Key verification...");
+ var sigHex = DataUtils.toHex(co.signature.signature).toLowerCase();
- var wit = null;
- if (co.signature.Witness != null) {
- wit = new Witness();
- wit.decode(co.signature.Witness);
- }
+ var wit = null;
+ if (co.signature.Witness != null) {
+ wit = new Witness();
+ wit.decode(co.signature.Witness);
+ }
- var keylocator = co.signedInfo.locator;
- if (keylocator.type == KeyLocatorType.KEYNAME) {
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("KeyLocator contains KEYNAME");
- //var keyname = keylocator.keyName.contentName.getName();
- //console.log(nameStr);
- //console.log(keyname);
+ var keylocator = co.signedInfo.locator;
+ if (keylocator.type == KeyLocatorType.KEYNAME) {
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("KeyLocator contains KEYNAME");
+ //var keyname = keylocator.keyName.contentName.getName();
+ //console.log(nameStr);
+ //console.log(keyname);
- if (keylocator.keyName.contentName.match( {
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("Content is key itself");
+ if (keylocator.keyName.contentName.match( {
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("Content is key itself");
- var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(co.content);
+ var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(co.content);
+ var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, wit, sigHex);
+ var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
+ currentClosure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
+ // SWT: We don't need to store key here since the same key will be
+ // stored again in the closure.
+ //var keyEntry = new KeyStoreEntry(keylocator.keyName, rsakey, new Date().getTime());
+ //NDN.addKeyEntry(keyEntry);
+ //console.log(NDN.KeyStore);
+ } else {
+ // Check local key store
+ var keyEntry = NDN.getKeyByName(keylocator.keyName);
+ if (keyEntry) {
+ // Key found, verify now
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("Local key cache hit");
+ var rsakey = keyEntry.rsaKey;
var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, wit, sigHex);
var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
- currentClosure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
- // SWT: We don't need to store key here since the same key will be
- // stored again in the closure.
- //var keyEntry = new KeyStoreEntry(keylocator.keyName, rsakey, new Date().getTime());
- //NDN.addKeyEntry(keyEntry);
- //console.log(NDN.KeyStore);
- } else {
- // Check local key store
- var keyEntry = NDN.getKeyByName(keylocator.keyName);
- if (keyEntry) {
- // Key found, verify now
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("Local key cache hit");
- var rsakey = keyEntry.rsaKey;
- var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, wit, sigHex);
- var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
- // Raise callback
- currentClosure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
- } else {
- // Not found, fetch now
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("Fetch key according to keylocator");
- var nextClosure = new KeyFetchClosure(co, currentClosure, keylocator.keyName, sigHex, wit);
- this.expressInterest(keylocator.keyName.contentName.getPrefix(4), nextClosure);
- }
+ // Raise callback
+ currentClosure.upcall(flag, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
+ } else {
+ // Not found, fetch now
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("Fetch key according to keylocator");
+ var nextClosure = new KeyFetchClosure(co, currentClosure, keylocator.keyName, sigHex, wit);
+ this.expressInterest(keylocator.keyName.contentName.getPrefix(4), nextClosure);
- } else if (keylocator.type == KeyLocatorType.KEY) {
- if (LOG > 3) console.log("Keylocator contains KEY");
- var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(co.signedInfo.locator.publicKey);
- var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, wit, sigHex);
- var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
- // Raise callback
- currentClosure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
- // Since KeyLocator does not contain key name for this key,
- // we have no way to store it as a key entry in KeyStore.
- } else {
- var cert = keylocator.certificate;
- console.log("KeyLocator contains CERT");
- console.log(cert);
- // TODO: verify certificate
+ } else if (keylocator.type == KeyLocatorType.KEY) {
+ if (LOG > 3) console.log("Keylocator contains KEY");
+ var rsakey = decodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(co.signedInfo.locator.publicKey);
+ var verified = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, wit, sigHex);
+ var flag = (verified == true) ? Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT : Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_BAD;
+ // Raise callback
+ currentClosure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT, new UpcallInfo(this, null, 0, co));
+ // Since KeyLocator does not contain key name for this key,
+ // we have no way to store it as a key entry in KeyStore.
+ } else {
+ var cert = keylocator.certificate;
+ console.log("KeyLocator contains CERT");
+ console.log(cert);
+ // TODO: verify certificate
@@ -452,6 +486,11 @@
// The host is alive, so cancel the timeout and continue with onConnected().
+ // Call NDN.onopen after success
+ this.ndn.readyStatus = NDN.OPENED;
+ this.ndn.onopen();
return Closure.RESULT_OK;