blob: 42273f208a6348f688622c11aca7dd2acb66c5b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Jeff Thompson
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
* Implement getAsync and putAsync used by NDN using nsISocketTransportService.
* This is used inside Firefox XPCOM modules.
// Assume already imported the following:
// Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
// Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
var XpcomTransport = function XpcomTransport() {
this.defaultGetHostAndPort = NDN.makeShuffledGetHostAndPort
(["", "", "", "",
"", "", "", ""],
XpcomTransport.prototype.expressInterest = function(ndn, interest, closure) {
var binaryInterest = encodeToBinaryInterest(interest);
var dataListener = {
onReceivedData : function(data) {
if (data == null || data == undefined || data.length == 0)
dump("NDN.expressInterest: received empty data from socket.\n");
else {
var decoder = new BinaryXMLDecoder(data);
if (decoder.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Interest)) {
// TODO: handle interest
if (closure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST, null) == Closure.RESULT_OK)
// success
return true;
else if (decoder.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.ContentObject)) {
var co = new ContentObject();
// TODO: verify the content object and set kind to UPCALL_CONTENT.
var result = closure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED,
new UpcallInfo(ndn, interest, 0, co));
if (result == Closure.RESULT_OK)
// success
return true;
else if (result == Closure.RESULT_ERR)
dump("NDN.expressInterest: upcall returned RESULT_ERR.\n");
else if (result == Closure.RESULT_REEXPRESS) {
XpcomTransport.readAllFromSocket(, ndn.port, binaryInterest, dataListener);
return true;
else if (result == Closure.RESULT_VERIFY) {
// TODO: force verification of content.
else if (result == Closure.RESULT_FETCHKEY) {
// TODO: get the key in the key locator and re-call the interest
// with the key available in the local storage.
console.log('Incoming packet is not Interest or ContentObject. Discard now.');
return false;
XpcomTransport.readAllFromSocket(, ndn.port, binaryInterest, dataListener);
/** Send outputData (Uint8Array) to host:port, read the entire response and call
* listener.onReceivedData(data) where data is Uint8Array and returns true if the data is consumed,
* false if need to keep reading.
* Code derived from .
XpcomTransport.readAllFromSocket = function(host, port, outputData, listener) {
var transportService = Components.classes[";1"].getService
var pump = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance
var transport = transportService.createTransport(null, 0, host, port, null);
var outStream = transport.openOutputStream(1, 0, 0);
var rawDataString = DataUtils.toString(outputData);
outStream.write(rawDataString, rawDataString.length);
var inStream = transport.openInputStream(0, 0, 0);
var dataListener = {
dataParts: [],
structureDecoder: new BinaryXMLStructureDecoder(),
dataIsConsumed: false,
onStartRequest: function (request, context) {
onStopRequest: function (request, context, status) {
onDataAvailable: function (request, context, _inputStream, offset, count) {
if (this.dataIsConsumed)
// Already finished. Ignore extra data.
try {
// Ignore _inputStream and use inStream.
// Use readInputStreamToString to handle binary data.
// TODO: Can we go directly from the stream to Uint8Array?
var rawData = DataUtils.toNumbersFromString
(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inStream, count));
// Process multiple objects in this packet.
while(true) {
// Scan the input to check if a whole ccnb object has been read.;
if (this.structureDecoder.findElementEnd(rawData)) {
// Got the remainder of an object. Report to the caller.
this.dataParts.push(rawData.subarray(0, this.structureDecoder.offset));
if (listener.onReceivedData(DataUtils.concatArrays(this.dataParts))) {
this.dataIsConsumed = true;
// Need to read a new object.
rawData = rawData.subarray(this.structureDecoder.offset, rawData.length);
this.dataParts = [];
this.structureDecoder = new BinaryXMLStructureDecoder();
if (rawData.length == 0)
// No more data in the packet.
// else loop back to decode.
else {
// Save for a later call to concatArrays so that we only copy data once.
} catch (ex) {
dump("readAllFromSocket.onDataAvailable exception: " + ex + "\n");
pump.init(inStream, -1, -1, 0, 0, true);
pump.asyncRead(dataListener, null);