Moved display code from test-encode-decode-ContentObject.html to EncodingUtils contentObjectToHtml() to allow re-use.
diff --git a/js/encoding/EncodingUtils.js b/js/encoding/EncodingUtils.js
index 503cd66..ee6af87 100644
--- a/js/encoding/EncodingUtils.js
+++ b/js/encoding/EncodingUtils.js
@@ -117,4 +117,237 @@
 	return co;
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Return a user friendly HTML string with the contents of co.
+   This also outputs to console.log.
+ */
+function contentObjectToHtml(/* ContentObject */ co) {
+    var output ="";
+    if(co==-1)
+	output+= "NO CONTENT FOUND"
+    else if (co==-2)
+    else{
+	if(co.Name!=null && co.Name.Components!=null){
+	    output+= "NAME: ";
+	    for(var i=0;i<co.Name.Components.length;i++){
+		output+= "/"+ DataUtils.toString(co.Name.Components[i]);
+	    }
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.Content !=null){
+	    output += "CONTENT(ASCII): "+ DataUtils.toString(co.Content);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.Content !=null){
+	    output += "CONTENT(hex): "+ DataUtils.toHex(co.Content);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.Signature !=null && co.Signature.Signature!=null){
+	    output += "SIGNATURE(hex): "+ DataUtils.toHex(co.Signature.Signature);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.SignedInfo !=null && co.SignedInfo.Publisher!=null && co.SignedInfo.Publisher.PublisherPublicKeyDigest!=null){
+	    output += "Publisher Public Key Digest(hex): "+ DataUtils.toHex(co.SignedInfo.Publisher.PublisherPublicKeyDigest);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.SignedInfo !=null && co.SignedInfo.Timestamp!=null){
+	    var d = new Date();
+	    d.setTime( co.SignedInfo.Timestamp.msec );
+	    var bytes = [217, 185, 12, 225, 217, 185, 12, 225];
+	    output += "TimeStamp: "+d;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output += "TimeStamp(number): "+ co.SignedInfo.Timestamp.msec;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	}
+	if(co.SignedInfo!=null && co.SignedInfo.Locator!=null && co.SignedInfo.Locator.Certificate!=null){
+	    var tmp = DataUtils.toString(co.SignedInfo.Locator.Certificate);
+	    var publickey = rstr2b64(tmp);
+	    var publickeyHex = DataUtils.toHex(co.SignedInfo.Locator.Certificate).toLowerCase();
+	    var publickeyString = DataUtils.toString(co.SignedInfo.Locator.Certificate);
+	    var signature = DataUtils.toHex(co.Signature.Signature).toLowerCase();
+	    var input = DataUtils.toString(co.rawSignatureData);
+	    output += "DER Certificate: "+publickey ;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" ContentName + SignedInfo + Content = "+input);
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log("HEX OF ContentName + SignedInfo + Content = ");
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(DataUtils.stringtoBase64(input));
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKey = "+publickey );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKeyHex = "+publickeyHex );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKeyString = "+publickeyString );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" Signature is");
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log( signature );
+	    //if(LOG>2) console.log(" Signature NOW IS" );
+	    //if(LOG>2) console.log(co.Signature.Signature);
+	    var x509 = new X509();
+	    x509.readCertPEM(publickey);
+	    //x509.readCertPEMWithoutRSAInit(publickey);
+	    var result = x509.subjectPublicKeyRSA.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData, signature);
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log('result is '+result);
+	    var n = x509.subjectPublicKeyRSA.n;
+	    var e =  x509.subjectPublicKeyRSA.e;
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log('PUBLIC KEY n after is ');
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(n);
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log('EXPONENT e after is ');
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(e);
+	    /*var rsakey = new RSAKey();
+	      var kp = publickeyHex.slice(56,314);
+	      output += "PUBLISHER KEY(hex): "+kp ;
+	      output+= "<br />";
+	      output+= "<br />";
+	      console.log('kp is '+kp);
+	      var exp = publickeyHex.slice(318,324);
+	      console.log('kp size is '+kp.length );
+	      output += "exponent: "+exp ;
+	      output+= "<br />";
+	      output+= "<br />";
+	      console.log('exp is '+exp);
+	      rsakey.setPublic(kp,exp);
+	      var result = rsakey.verifyString(input, signature);*/
+	    if(result)
+		output += 'SIGNATURE VALID';
+	    else
+		output += 'SIGNATURE INVALID';
+	    //output += "VALID: "+ toHex(co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    //if(LOG>4) console.log('str'[1]);
+	}
+	if(co.SignedInfo!=null && co.SignedInfo.Locator!=null && co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey!=null){
+	    var publickey = rstr2b64(DataUtils.toString(co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey));
+	    var publickeyHex = DataUtils.toHex(co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey).toLowerCase();
+	    var publickeyString = DataUtils.toString(co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey);
+	    var signature = DataUtils.toHex(co.Signature.Signature).toLowerCase();
+	    var input = DataUtils.toString(co.rawSignatureData);
+	    output += "DER Certificate: "+publickey ;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" ContentName + SignedInfo + Content = "+input);
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKey = "+publickey );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKeyHex = "+publickeyHex );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" PublicKeyString = "+publickeyString );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" Signature "+signature );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(" Signature NOW IS" );
+	    if(LOG>2) console.log(co.Signature.Signature);
+	    /*var x509 = new X509();
+	      x509.readCertPEM(publickey);
+	      //x509.readCertPEMWithoutRSAInit(publickey);
+	      var result = x509.subjectPublicKeyRSA.verifyString(input, signature);*/
+	    //console.log('result is '+result);
+	    var kp = publickeyHex.slice(56,314);
+	    output += "PUBLISHER KEY(hex): "+kp ;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    console.log('PUBLIC KEY IN HEX is ');
+	    console.log(kp);
+	    var exp = publickeyHex.slice(318,324);
+	    console.log('kp size is '+kp.length );
+	    output += "exponent: "+exp ;
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    console.log('EXPONENT is ');
+	    console.log(exp);
+	    /*var c1 = hex_sha256(input);
+	      var c2 = signature;
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log('input is ');
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log(input);
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log('C1 is ');
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log(c1);
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log('C2 is ');
+	      if(LOG>4)console.log(c2);
+	      var result = c1 == c2;*/
+	    var rsakey = new RSAKey();
+	    rsakey.setPublic(kp,exp);
+	    var result = rsakey.verifyByteArray(co.rawSignatureData,signature);
+	    // var result = rsakey.verifyString(input, signature);
+	    console.log('PUBLIC KEY n after is ');
+	    console.log(rsakey.n);
+	    console.log('EXPONENT e after is ');
+	    console.log(rsakey.e);
+	    if(result)
+		output += 'SIGNATURE VALID';
+	    else
+		output += 'SIGNATURE INVALID';
+	    //output += "VALID: "+ toHex(co.SignedInfo.Locator.PublicKey);
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    output+= "<br />";
+	    //if(LOG>4) console.log('str'[1]);
+	}
+    }
+    return output;