tree: 0d78f7fee7b495ee794571107cd463296a3051aa [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  3. wsproxy-tcp.js
  4. wsproxy-udp.js


WebSocket proxy server between NDN javascript stack and ccnd.

This proxy runs on top of 'node.js'. 'ws' and 'node-getopt' packages are required. It listens for WebSocket connection request on port number 9696. Once it receives a incoming connection, it issues a TCP connection to the specified 'ccnd' router (port number 9695). It then translates packet frames from WebSocket to pure TCP byte streams and vice versa.

Installation guide:

  1. node.js: go to to download and install node.js;
  2. ws package: use command 'npm install ws' or go to for more information;
  3. node-getopt package: use command 'npm install node-getopt' or go to for more information.

To run the proxy, simply use the command 'node wsproxy-tcp.js' or 'node wsproxy-udp.js'. To specify remote ccnd router's hostname or ip address, use option '-c x.x.x.x'. Default is 'localhost'. To specify maximum number of concurrent clients, use option '-m N'. Default is 40. To specify the level of log info display, use option '-L x'. x=0 means no output; x=1 will log connection startup and close; x=2 will log contents of all messages that flow across the proxy. Default is 1.

Example: to setup UDP connection to ccnd router with max client number 50 and log level 2, use the command:

node wsproxy-udp.js -c -m 50 -L 2

Acknowledgement: this code is extended from Junxiao's WebSocket proxy implementation (