Major update to rename ccnx to ndn, mainly in ndnProtocol and also in a few files with ccnx in comments.
diff --git a/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js b/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a8909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/ndnProtocol/components/ndnProtocolService.js
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ * This is the ndn protocol handler.
+ * Protocol handling code derived from
+ */
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cr = Components.results;
+const nsIProtocolHandler = Ci.nsIProtocolHandler;
+function NdnProtocol() {
+NdnProtocol.prototype = {
+ scheme: "ndn",
+ protocolFlags: nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NORELATIVE |
+ nsIProtocolHandler.URI_NOAUTH |
+ nsIProtocolHandler.URI_LOADABLE_BY_ANYONE,
+ transport: new XpcomTransport(),
+ newURI: function(aSpec, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI)
+ {
+ // We have to trim now because nsIURI converts spaces to %20 and we can't trim in newChannel.
+ var spec = aSpec.trim();
+ var preSearch = spec.split('?', 1)[0];
+ var searchAndHash = spec.substr(preSearch.length).trim();
+ var uri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
+ uri.spec = preSearch.trim() + searchAndHash;
+ return uri;
+ },
+ newChannel: function(aURI)
+ {
+ var thisNdnProtocol = this;
+ try {
+ // Decode manually since nsIURI doesn't have selectors for hash, etc.
+ var spec = aURI.spec.trim();
+ var preHash = spec.split('#', 1)[0];
+ var hash = spec.substr(preHash.length).trim();
+ var preSearch = preHash.split('?', 1)[0];
+ var search = preHash.substr(preSearch.length).trim();
+ // Set nameString to the preSearch without the protocol.
+ var nameString = preSearch.trim();
+ if (nameString.indexOf(':') >= 0)
+ nameString = nameString.substr(nameString.indexOf(':') + 1).trim();
+ var template = new Interest(new Name([]));
+ // Use the same default as NDN.expressInterest.
+ template.interestLifetime = 4200;
+ var searchWithoutNdn = extractNdnSearch(search, template);
+ var requestContent = function(contentListener) {
+ var name = new Name(nameString);
+ // TODO: Strip off an ending implicit digest before checking the last component?
+ var uriEndsWithSegmentNumber = endsWithSegmentNumber(name);
+ var ndn = new NDN({ host: "", port: 9695,
+ // Use the same transport object each time.
+ getTransport: function() { return thisNdnProtocol.transport; } });
+ ndn.expressInterest(name,
+ new ContentClosure(ndn, contentListener, uriEndsWithSegmentNumber,
+ aURI.originCharset, searchWithoutNdn + hash),
+ template);
+ };
+ return new ContentChannel(aURI, requestContent);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ dump("NdnProtocol.newChannel exception: " + ex + "\n" + ex.stack);
+ }
+ },
+ classDescription: "ndn Protocol Handler",
+ contractID: ";1?name=" + "ndn",
+ classID: Components.ID('{8122e660-1012-11e2-892e-0800200c9a66}'),
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
+if (XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory)
+ var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([NdnProtocol]);
+ var NSGetModule = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetModule([NdnProtocol]);
+ * Create a closure for calling expressInterest.
+ * contentListener is from the call to requestContent.
+ * uriEndsWithSegmentNumber is true if the URI passed to newChannel has a segment number
+ * (used to determine whether to request only that segment number and for updating the URL bar).
+ * uriOriginCharset is the charset of the URI passed to newChannel (used for making a new URI)
+ * uriSearchAndHash is the search and hash part of the URI passed to newChannel, including the '?'
+ * and/or '#' but without the interest selector fields.
+ */
+var ContentClosure = function ContentClosure
+ (ndn, contentListener, uriEndsWithSegmentNumber, uriOriginCharset, uriSearchAndHash) {
+ // Inherit from Closure.
+ this.ndn = ndn;
+ this.contentListener = contentListener;
+ this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber = uriEndsWithSegmentNumber;
+ this.uriOriginCharset = uriOriginCharset;
+ this.uriSearchAndHash = uriSearchAndHash;
+ this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = null;
+ this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;
+ContentClosure.prototype.upcall = function(kind, upcallInfo) {
+ if (!(kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT ||
+ // The upcall is not for us.
+ return Closure.RESULT_ERR;
+ var contentObject = upcallInfo.contentObject;
+ if (contentObject.content == null) {
+ dump("NdnProtocol.ContentClosure: contentObject.content is null\n");
+ return Closure.RESULT_ERR;
+ }
+ // If !this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber, we use the segmentNumber to load multiple segments.
+ var segmentNumber = null;
+ if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber && endsWithSegmentNumber( {
+ segmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt
+ ([ - 1]);
+ if (this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == null) {
+ // This is the first call.
+ this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber = segmentNumber;
+ if (segmentNumber != 0) {
+ // Special case: Save this content object for later and request segment zero.
+ this.firstReceivedContentObject = contentObject;
+ var componentsForZero =
+ (0, - 1);
+ componentsForZero.push([0]);
+ this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(componentsForZero), this);
+ return Closure.RESULT_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber || segmentNumber == null || segmentNumber == 0) {
+ // This is the first or only segment, so start.
+ // Get the URI from the ContentObject including the version.
+ var contentUriSpec;
+ if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber && endsWithSegmentNumber( {
+ var nameWithoutSegmentNumber = new Name
+ (
+ (0, - 1));
+ contentUriSpec = "ndn:" + nameWithoutSegmentNumber.to_uri();
+ }
+ else
+ contentUriSpec = "ndn:" +;
+ // Include the search and hash.
+ contentUriSpec += this.uriSearchAndHash;
+ var contentTypeEtc = getNameContentTypeAndCharset(;
+ var ioService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
+ this.contentListener.onStart(contentTypeEtc.contentType, contentTypeEtc.contentCharset,
+ ioService.newURI(contentUriSpec, this.uriOriginCharset, null));
+ }
+ this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));
+ // Check for the special case if the saved content is for the next segment that we need.
+ if (this.firstReceivedContentObject != null &&
+ this.firstReceivedSegmentNumber == segmentNumber + 1) {
+ // Substitute the saved contentObject send its content and keep going.
+ contentObject = this.firstReceivedContentObject;
+ segmentNumber = segmentNumber + 1;
+ // Clear firstReceivedContentObject to save memory.
+ this.firstReceivedContentObject = null;
+ this.contentListener.onReceivedContent(DataUtils.toString(contentObject.content));
+ }
+ var finalSegmentNumber = null;
+ if (contentObject.signedInfo != null && contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID != null)
+ finalSegmentNumber = DataUtils.bigEndianToUnsignedInt(contentObject.signedInfo.finalBlockID);
+ if (!this.uriEndsWithSegmentNumber &&
+ segmentNumber != null &&
+ (finalSegmentNumber == null || segmentNumber != finalSegmentNumber)) {
+ // Make a name for the next segment and get it.
+ var segmentNumberPlus1 = DataUtils.nonNegativeIntToBigEndian(segmentNumber + 1);
+ // Put a 0 byte in front.
+ var nextSegmentNumber = new Uint8Array(segmentNumberPlus1.length + 1);
+ nextSegmentNumber.set(segmentNumberPlus1, 1);
+ var components =
+ (0, - 1);
+ components.push(nextSegmentNumber);
+ this.ndn.expressInterest(new Name(components), this);
+ }
+ else
+ // Finished.
+ this.contentListener.onStop();
+ return Closure.RESULT_OK;
+ * Scan the name from the last component to the first (skipping special name components)
+ * for a recognized file name extension, and return an object with properties contentType and charset.
+ */
+function getNameContentTypeAndCharset(name) {
+ var iFileName = name.indexOfFileName();
+ if (iFileName < 0)
+ // Get the default mime type.
+ return MimeTypes.getContentTypeAndCharset("");
+ return MimeTypes.getContentTypeAndCharset
+ (DataUtils.toString(name.components[iFileName]).toLowerCase());
+ * Return true if the last component in the name is a segment number..
+ */
+function endsWithSegmentNumber(name) {
+ return name.components != null && name.components.length >= 1 &&
+ name.components[name.components.length - 1].length >= 1 &&
+ name.components[name.components.length - 1][0] == 0;
+ * Find all search keys starting with "ndn." and set the attribute in template.
+ * Return the search string including the starting "?" but with the "ndn." keys removed,
+ * or return "" if there are no search terms left.
+ */
+function extractNdnSearch(search, template) {
+ if (!(search.length >= 1 && search[0] == '?'))
+ return search;
+ var terms = search.substr(1).split('&');
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < terms.length) {
+ var keyValue = terms[i].split('=');
+ var key = keyValue[0].trim();
+ if (key.substr(0, 4) == "ndn.") {
+ if (keyValue.length >= 1) {
+ var value = keyValue[1].trim();
+ var nonNegativeInt = parseInt(value);
+ if (key == "ndn.MinSuffixComponents" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.minSuffixComponents = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.MaxSuffixComponents" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.maxSuffixComponents = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.ChildSelector" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.childSelector = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.AnswerOriginKind" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.answerOriginKind = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.Scope" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.scope = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.InterestLifetime" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.interestLifetime = nonNegativeInt;
+ if (key == "ndn.PublisherPublicKeyDigest" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.publisherPublicKeyDigest = DataUtils.toNumbersFromString(unescape(value));
+ if (key == "ndn.Nonce" && nonNegativeInt >= 0)
+ template.nonce = DataUtils.toNumbersFromString(unescape(value));
+ // TODO: handle Exclude.
+ }
+ // Remove the "ndn." term and don't advance i.
+ terms.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (terms.length == 0)
+ return "";
+ else
+ return "?" + terms.join('&');
\ No newline at end of file