Moved classes Signature and SignedInfo into ContentObject.js, and deleted Signature.js and SignedInfo.js.
Moved classes Exclude, ExcludeAny and ExcludeComponent into Interest.js, and deleted Exclude.js, ExcludeAny.js and ExcludeComponent.js.
diff --git a/js/Interest.js b/js/Interest.js
index 04cc290..a04c463 100644
--- a/js/Interest.js
+++ b/js/Interest.js
@@ -134,3 +134,95 @@
 	return true;
+ * Exclude
+ */
+var Exclude = function Exclude(_values){ 
+	this.values = _values; //array of elements
+Exclude.prototype.from_ccnb = function(/*XMLDecoder*/ decoder) {
+		decoder.readStartElement(this.getElementLabel());
+		//TODO 
+		/*var component;
+		var any = false;
+		while ((component = decoder.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Component)) || 
+				(any = decoder.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Any)) ||
+					decoder.peekStartElement(CCNProtocolDTags.Bloom)) {
+			var ee = component?new ExcludeComponent(): any ? new ExcludeAny() : new BloomFilter();
+			ee.decode(decoder);
+			_values.add(ee);
+		}*/
+		decoder.readEndElement();
+Exclude.prototype.to_ccnb=function(/*XMLEncoder*/ encoder)  {
+		if (!validate()) {
+			throw new ContentEncodingException("Cannot encode " + this.getClass().getName() + ": field values missing.");
+		}
+		if (empty())
+			return;
+		encoder.writeStartElement(getElementLabel());
+		encoder.writeEndElement();
+	};
+Exclude.prototype.getElementLabel = function() { return CCNProtocolDTags.Exclude; };
+ * ExcludeAny
+ */
+var ExcludeAny = function ExcludeAny() {
+ExcludeAny.prototype.from_ccnb = function(decoder) {
+		decoder.readStartElement(this.getElementLabel());
+		decoder.readEndElement();
+ExcludeAny.prototype.to_ccnb = function( encoder) {
+		encoder.writeStartElement(this.getElementLabel());
+		encoder.writeEndElement();
+ExcludeAny.prototype.getElementLabel=function() { return CCNProtocolDTags.Any; };
+ * ExcludeComponent
+ */
+var ExcludeComponent = function ExcludeComponent(_body) {
+	//TODO Check BODY is an Array of componenets.
+	this.body = _body
+ExcludeComponent.prototype.from_ccnb = function( decoder)  {
+		this.body = decoder.readBinaryElement(this.getElementLabel());
+ExcludeComponent.prototype.to_ccnb = function(encoder) {
+		encoder.writeElement(this.getElementLabel(), this.body);
+ExcludeComponent.prototype.getElementLabel = function() { return CCNProtocolDTags.Component; };