Renamed README.install to INSTALL and made corrections
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415b591
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+NDN-JS: A javascript client library for Named Data Networking
+The basic NDN-JS library does not need to be "built". For the library, you can manually
+include the necessary scripts in a web page or include build/ndn-js.js to have it load all of
+the scripts.
+While the combined file ndn-js.js is useful for debugging, a more efficient way to include the library
+is to used the combined, compressed library build/ndn-js.min.js.
+While we try to keep a built version in that directory for convenience, it
+may fall out of sync with the library, so we recommend building it as follows if possible.
+To create a combined and compressed versions of NDN-JS scripts:
+ ./waf configure
+ ./waf
+These commands will create a combined version build/ndn-js.js, and combined version build/ndn-js.min.js, compressed
+using Google's Closure Compiler.
+The compressed version is what we recommend including in applications.
+The documentation is auto-generated using JSDoc. If you don't have JSDoc installed, download and unzip from:
+To make doc, cd to the root directory of ndn-js and run the following command to put the output in subdirectory doc:
+<path-to-jsdoc>/jsdoc --recurse --destination doc js
+If you wish to run your own WebSockets proxy instead of using the NDN testbed, you must
+build and install Node.js (often on the machine also running the ccnd you wish to proxy
+for, but that doesn't have to be the case). See wsproxy/
+First build the compressed version of NDN.js
+ ./waf configure
+ ./waf
+Then go to the ndnProtocol directory and run ./ which makes ndnProtocol.xpi in the top directory.