blob: f0267c5a7b4d1e543be41372e033306926249816 [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Meki Cherkaoui, Jeff Thompson, Wentao Shang
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
* This class represents the top-level object for communicating with an NDN host.
var LOG = 0;
* settings is an associative array with the following defaults:
* {
* host: 'localhost',
* port: 9696,
* getTransport: function() { return new WebSocketTransport(); }
* onopen: function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection established."); }
* onclose: function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection closed."); }
* }
var NDN = function NDN(settings) {
settings = (settings || {}); = ( || "localhost");
this.port = (settings.port || 9696);
var getTransport = (settings.getTransport || function() { return new WebSocketTransport(); });
this.transport = getTransport();
this.readyStatus = NDN.UNOPEN;
// Event handler
this.onopen = (settings.onopen || function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection established."); });
this.onclose = (settings.onclose || function() { if (LOG > 3) console.log("NDN connection closed."); });
NDN.UNOPEN = 0; // created but not opened yet
NDN.OPENED = 1; // connection to ccnd opened
NDN.CLOSED = 2; // connection to ccnd closed
/* Java Socket Bridge and XPCOM transport */
NDN.prototype.createRoute = function(host,port){;
/** Encode name as an Interest. If template is not null, use its attributes.
* Send the interest to host:port, read the entire response and call
* closure.upcall(Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT (or Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED),
* new UpcallInfo(this, interest, 0, contentObject)).
NDN.prototype.expressInterest = function(
// Name
// Closure
// Interest
template) {
if ( == null || this.port == null) {
dump('ERROR host OR port NOT SET\n');
var interest = new Interest(name);
if (template != null) {
interest.minSuffixComponents = template.minSuffixComponents;
interest.maxSuffixComponents = template.maxSuffixComponents;
interest.publisherPublicKeyDigest = template.publisherPublicKeyDigest;
interest.exclude = template.exclude;
interest.childSelector = template.childSelector;
interest.answerOriginKind = template.answerOriginKind;
interest.scope = template.scope;
interest.interestLifetime = template.interestLifetime;
interest.interestLifetime = 4.0; // default interest timeout value in seconds.
this.transport.expressInterest(this, interest, closure);
NDN.prototype.registerPrefix = function(name, closure, flag) {
return this.transport.registerPrefix(this, name, closure, flag);