blob: 3cabaec10c12c685686b271c3606cad589dcbe3a [file] [log] [blame]
var sax = require("./sax");
var strict = true;
* Really simple XML DOM implementation based on sax that works with Strings.
* If you have an XML string and want a DOM this utility is convenient.
* var domjs = new DomJS();
* domjs.parse(xmlString, function(err, dom) {
* });
* If you want to compile C there are versions based on libxml2
* and jsdom is full featured but complicated.
* This is "lightweight" meaning really simple and serves my purpose, it does not support namespaces or all
* of the features of XML 1.0 it just takes a string and returns a JavaScript object graph.
* There are only three types of object supported Element, Text and Comment.
* e.g.
* take <xml><elem att="val1"/><elem att="val1"/><elem att="val1"/></xml>
* return { name : "xml",
* attributes : {}
* children [
* { name : "elem", attributes : {att:'val1'}, children [] },
* { name : "elem", attributes : {att:'val1'}, children [] },
* { name : "elem", attributes : {att:'val1'}, children [] }
* ]
* }
* The object returned can be serialized back out with obj.toXml();
* @constructor DomJS
DomJS = function() {
this.root = null;
this.stack = new Array();
this.currElement = null;
this.error = false;
DomJS.prototype.parse = function(string, cb) {
if (typeof string != 'string') {
cb(true, 'Data is not a string');
var self = this;
parser = sax.parser(strict);
parser.onerror = function (err) {
self.error = true;
cb(true, err);
parser.ontext = function (text) {
if (self.currElement == null) {
// console.log("Content in the prolog " + text);
var textNode = new Text(text);
parser.onopencdata = function () {
var cdataNode = new CDATASection();
parser.oncdata = function (data) {
var cdataNode = self.currElement.children[self.currElement.children.length - 1];
// do nothing on parser.onclosecdata
parser.onopentag = function (node) {
var elem = new Element(, node.attributes);
if (self.root == null) {
self.root = elem;
if (self.currElement != null) {
self.currElement = elem;
parser.onclosetag = function (node) {
self.currElement = self.stack[self.stack.length - 1 ];// self.stack.peek();
parser.oncomment = function (comment) {
if (self.currElement == null) {
//console.log("Comments in the prolog discarded " + comment);
var commentNode = new Comment(comment);
parser.onend = function () {
if ( self.error == false) {
cb(false, self.root);
DomJS.prototype.reset = function() {
this.root = null;
this.stack = new Array();
this.currElement = null;
this.error = false;
var escape = function(string) {
return string.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
Element = function(name, attributes, children ) { = name;
this.attributes = attributes || [];
this.children = children || [];
Element.prototype.toXml = function(sb) {
if (typeof sb == 'undefined') {
sb = {buf:''}; // Strings are pass by value in JS it seems
sb.buf += '<' +;
for (att in this.attributes) {
sb.buf += ' ' + att + '="' + escape(this.attributes[att]) + '"';
if (this.children.length != 0) {
sb.buf += '>';
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; i++) {
sb.buf += '</' + + '>';
else {
sb.buf += '/>';
return sb.buf;
Element.prototype.firstChild = function() {
if ( this.children.length > 0) {
return this.children[0];
return null;
Element.prototype.text = function() {
if ( this.children.length > 0) {
if (typeof this.children[0].text == 'string') {
return this.children[0].text;
return null;
Text = function(data){
this.text = data;
Text.prototype.toXml = function(sb) {
sb.buf += escape(this.text);
Comment = function(comment) {
this.comment = comment;
Comment.prototype.toXml = function(sb) {
sb.buf += '<!--' + this.comment + '-->';
CDATASection = function(data){
this.text = data || '';
CDATASection.prototype.toXml = function(sb) {
sb.buf += '<![CDATA[' + this.text + ']]>';
CDATASection.prototype.appendData = function(data) {
this.text += data;