blob: 04d9acf8e4a365c0ea7003ae9a1f6fa07d91fa3d [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Wentao Shang
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
* @constructor
var MerklePath = function MerkelPath() {
this.index = null; // int
this.digestList = []; // array of hex string
* @constructor
var Witness = function Witness() {
this.oid = null; // string
this.path = new MerklePath(); // MerklePath
function parseOID(bytes, start, end) {
var s, n = 0, bits = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
var v = bytes[i];
n = (n << 7) | (v & 0x7F);
bits += 7;
if (!(v & 0x80)) { // finished
if (s == undefined)
s = parseInt(n / 40) + "." + (n % 40);
s += "." + ((bits >= 31) ? "bigint" : n);
n = bits = 0;
s += String.fromCharCode();
return s;
function parseInteger(bytes, start, end) {
var n = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i)
n = (n << 8) | bytes[i];
return n;
Witness.prototype.decode = function(/* Uint8Array */ witness) {
/* The asn1.js decoder has some bug and
* cannot decode certain kind of witness.
* So we use an alternative (and dirty) hack
* to read witness from byte streams
* ------Wentao
var wit = DataUtils.toHex(witness).toLowerCase();
try {
var der = Hex.decode(wit);
var asn1 = ASN1.decode(der);
catch (e) {
this.oid = asn1.sub[0].sub[0].content(); // OID
this.path.index = asn1.sub[1].sub[0].sub[0].content(); // index
for (i = 0; i < asn1.sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].sub.length; i++) {
pos = asn1.sub[1].sub[0].sub[1].sub[i].stream.pos;
str = wit.substring(2 * pos + 4, 2 * pos + 68);
this.path.digestList.push(str); // digest hex string
// FIXME: Need to be fixed to support arbitrary ASN1 encoding,
// But do we really nned that???? -------Wentao
// The structure of Witness is fixed as follows:
// SEQUENCE (2 elem)
// SEQUENCE (1 elem)
// OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113550.
// OCTET STRING (1 elem)
// SEQUENCE (2 elem)
// INTEGER index
// SEQUENCE (n elem)
// OCTET STRING(32 byte) 345FB4B5E9A1D2FF450ECA87EB87601683027A1A...
// OCTET STRING(32 byte) DBCEE5B7A6C2B851B029324197DDBD9A655723DC...
// OCTET STRING(32 byte) 4C79B2D256E4CD657A27F01DCB51AC3C56A24E71...
// OCTET STRING(32 byte) 7F7FB169604A87EAC94378F0BDB4FC5D5899AB88...
// ......
// Hence we can follow this structure to extract witness fields at fixed level
// Tag numbers for ASN1:
// SEQUENCE 0x10
// OCT STRING 0x04
// INTEGER 0x02
var i = 0;
var step = 0; // count of sequence tag
while (i < witness.length) {
var len = 0;
if (witness[i] == 0x30) {
// Sequence (constructed)
// There is no primitive sequence in Witness
if ((witness[i + 1] & 0x80) != 0) {
len = witness[i+1] & 0x7F;
} else if (witness[i] == 0x06) {
// Decode OID
len = witness[i+1]; // XXX: OID will not be longer than 127 bytes
this.oid = parseOID(witness, i + 2, i + 2 + len);
} else if (witness[i] == 0x02) {
// Decode node index
len = witness[i+1]; // XXX: index will not be longer than 127 bytes
this.path.index = parseInteger(witness, i + 2, i + 2 + len);
} else if (witness[i] == 0x04) {
if ((witness[i + 1] & 0x80) != 0) {
len = witness[i+1] & 0x7F;
if (step == 4) {
// Start to decode digest hex string
len = witness[i+1]; // XXX: digest hex should always be 32 bytes
var str = DataUtils.toHex(witness.subarray(i + 2, i + 2 + len));
this.path.digestList.push(str); // digest hex string
i = i + 2 + len;