In Interest.matches_name used to match interests in the PITTable, added a check for minSuffixComponents, maxSuffixComponents and exclude.
This helps to call the correct closure callback.
diff --git a/js/NDN.js b/js/NDN.js
index 9e76e4a..e6e1a37 100644
--- a/js/NDN.js
+++ b/js/NDN.js
@@ -86,10 +86,11 @@
 	this.timerID = -1;  // Timer ID
-// Return the longest entry from NDN.PITTable that matches name.
+ * Return the entry from NDN.PITTable where the name conforms to the interest selectors, and
+ * the interest name is the longest that matches name.
+ */
 NDN.getEntryForExpressedInterest = function(/*Name*/ name) {
-    // TODO: handle multiple matches?  Maybe not from registerPrefix because multiple ContentObject
-    //   could be sent for one Interest?
     var result = null;
 	for (var i = 0; i < NDN.PITTable.length; i++) {