add policy checker

Change-Id: I90c50d15b1d9d97832c66ce90e39524729f12a0f
diff --git a/tests/core/identity-fixture.hpp b/tests/core/identity-fixture.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea68f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core/identity-fixture.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014,  Regents of the University of California
+ *
+ * This file is part of NSL (NDN Signature Logger).
+ * See for complete list of NSL authors and contributors.
+ *
+ * NSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * NSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * NSL, e.g., in file.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of nsl authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "unit-test-time-fixture.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+namespace nsl {
+namespace tests {
+class IdentityFixture : public UnitTestTimeFixture
+  IdentityFixture()
+    : m_keyChainTmpPath(boost::filesystem::path(TEST_KEYCHAIN_PATH) / "IdentityFixture")
+    , m_keyChain(std::string("pib-sqlite3:").append(m_keyChainTmpPath.string()),
+                 std::string("tpm-file:").append(m_keyChainTmpPath.string()))
+  {
+  }
+  ~IdentityFixture()
+  {
+    for (const auto& identity : m_identities) {
+      m_keyChain.deleteIdentity(identity);
+    }
+    boost::filesystem::remove_all(m_keyChainTmpPath);
+  }
+  /// @brief add identity, return true if succeed.
+  bool
+  addIdentity(const Name& identity,
+              const ndn::KeyParams& params = ndn::KeyChain::DEFAULT_KEY_PARAMS)
+  {
+    try {
+      m_keyChain.createIdentity(identity, params);
+      m_identities.push_back(identity);
+      return true;
+    }
+    catch (std::runtime_error&) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  boost::filesystem::path m_keyChainTmpPath;
+  ndn::KeyChain m_keyChain;
+  std::vector<Name> m_identities;
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nsl
diff --git a/tests/core/policy-checker.t.cpp b/tests/core/policy-checker.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75c2ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core/policy-checker.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014,  Regents of the University of California
+ *
+ * This file is part of NSL (NDN Signature Logger).
+ * See for complete list of NSL authors and contributors.
+ *
+ * NSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * NSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * NSL, e.g., in file.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of nsl authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "policy-checker.hpp"
+#include "identity-fixture.hpp"
+#include <boost/property_tree/info_parser.hpp>
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+namespace nsl {
+namespace tests {
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(TestPolicyChecker, IdentityFixture)
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "rule                                               \n"
+    "{                                                  \n"
+    "  id \"Simple Rule\"                               \n"
+    "  for data                                         \n"
+    "  checker                                          \n"
+    "  {                                                \n"
+    "    type customized                                \n"
+    "    sig-type rsa-sha256                            \n"
+    "    key-locator                                    \n"
+    "    {                                              \n"
+    "      type name                                    \n"
+    "      hyper-relation                               \n"
+    "      {                                            \n"
+    "        k-regex ^([^<KEY>]*)<KEY>(<>*)<><ID-CERT>$ \n"
+    "        k-expand \\\\1\\\\2                        \n"
+    "        h-relation is-strict-prefix-of             \n"
+    "        p-regex ^(<>*)$                            \n"
+    "        p-expand \\\\1                             \n"
+    "      }                                            \n"
+    "    }                                              \n"
+    "  }                                                \n"
+    "}                                                  \n";
+  std::istringstream input(CONFIG);
+  conf::ConfigSection policy;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(boost::property_tree::read_info(input, policy));
+  PolicyChecker policyChecker;
+  policyChecker.loadPolicy(policy);
+  Name identity("/test/id");
+  addIdentity(identity);
+  Name selfSignedCertName = m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity);
+  auto selfSignedCert = m_keyChain.getCertificate(selfSignedCertName);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint notBefore = time::system_clock::now();
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint notAfter = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(10);
+  std::vector<ndn::CertificateSubjectDescription> subDesc;
+  auto unsignedCert =
+    m_keyChain.prepareUnsignedIdentityCertificate(selfSignedCert->getPublicKeyName(),
+                                                  selfSignedCert->getPublicKeyInfo(),
+                                                  identity,
+                                                  notBefore,
+                                                  notAfter,
+                                                  subDesc);
+  m_keyChain.sign(*unsignedCert, selfSignedCertName);
+  m_keyChain.addCertificate(*unsignedCert);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint dataTs1 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(5);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint dataTs2 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(1);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint dataTs3 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(15);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint dataTs4 = time::system_clock::now() - time::seconds(1);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint keyTs1 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(2);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint keyTs2 = time::system_clock::now() - time::seconds(2);
+  Timestamp dataTimestamp1 = time::toUnixTimestamp(dataTs1).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp dataTimestamp2 = time::toUnixTimestamp(dataTs2).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp dataTimestamp3 = time::toUnixTimestamp(dataTs3).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp dataTimestamp4 = time::toUnixTimestamp(dataTs4).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp keyTimestamp1 = time::toUnixTimestamp(keyTs1).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp keyTimestamp2 = time::toUnixTimestamp(keyTs2).count() / 1000;
+  Data data("/test/id/data");
+  m_keyChain.sign(data, unsignedCert->getName());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp1, data, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert), true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp2, data, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert), false);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp3, data, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert), false);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp4, data, keyTimestamp2, *unsignedCert), false);
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "rule                                               \n"
+    "{                                                  \n"
+    "  id \"Simple Rule\"                               \n"
+    "  for data                                         \n"
+    "  checker                                          \n"
+    "  {                                                \n"
+    "    type customized                                \n"
+    "    sig-type rsa-sha256                            \n"
+    "    key-locator                                    \n"
+    "    {                                              \n"
+    "      type name                                    \n"
+    "      hyper-relation                               \n"
+    "      {                                            \n"
+    "        k-regex ^([^<KEY>]*)<KEY>(<>*)<><ID-CERT>$ \n"
+    "        k-expand \\\\1\\\\2                        \n"
+    "        h-relation is-strict-prefix-of             \n"
+    "        p-regex ^(<>*)$                            \n"
+    "        p-expand \\\\1                             \n"
+    "      }                                            \n"
+    "    }                                              \n"
+    "  }                                                \n"
+    "}                                                  \n";
+  std::istringstream input(CONFIG);
+  conf::ConfigSection policy;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(boost::property_tree::read_info(input, policy));
+  PolicyChecker policyChecker;
+  policyChecker.loadPolicy(policy);
+  Name identity("/test/id");
+  addIdentity(identity);
+  Name selfSignedCertName = m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity);
+  auto selfSignedCert = m_keyChain.getCertificate(selfSignedCertName);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint notBefore = time::system_clock::now();
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint notAfter = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(10);
+  std::vector<ndn::CertificateSubjectDescription> subDesc;
+  auto unsignedCert =
+    m_keyChain.prepareUnsignedIdentityCertificate(selfSignedCert->getPublicKeyName(),
+                                                  selfSignedCert->getPublicKeyInfo(),
+                                                  identity,
+                                                  notBefore,
+                                                  notAfter,
+                                                  subDesc);
+  m_keyChain.sign(*unsignedCert, selfSignedCertName);
+  m_keyChain.addCertificate(*unsignedCert);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint dataTs1 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(5);
+  time::system_clock::TimePoint keyTs1 = time::system_clock::now() + time::seconds(2);
+  Timestamp dataTimestamp1 = time::toUnixTimestamp(dataTs1).count() / 1000;
+  Timestamp keyTimestamp1 = time::toUnixTimestamp(keyTs1).count() / 1000;
+  Data data1("/test/id/data");
+  m_keyChain.sign(data1, unsignedCert->getName());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp1, data1, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert),
+                    true);
+  Data data2("/test/id");
+  m_keyChain.sign(data2, unsignedCert->getName());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp1, data2, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert),
+                    false);
+  Data data3("/test/wrong");
+  m_keyChain.sign(data3, unsignedCert->getName());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp1, data3, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert),
+                    false);
+  Data data4("/test");
+  m_keyChain.sign(data4, unsignedCert->getName());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(policyChecker.check(dataTimestamp1, data4, keyTimestamp1, *unsignedCert),
+                    false);
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nsl
diff --git a/tests/core/unit-test-time-fixture.hpp b/tests/core/unit-test-time-fixture.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70d66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core/unit-test-time-fixture.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014,  Regents of the University of California
+ *
+ * This file is part of NSL (NDN Signature Logger).
+ * See for complete list of NSL authors and contributors.
+ *
+ * NSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+ * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * NSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+ * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * NSL, e.g., in file.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of nsl authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/time-unit-test-clock.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio.hpp>
+namespace nsl {
+namespace tests {
+class UnitTestTimeFixture
+  UnitTestTimeFixture()
+    : steadyClock(make_shared<ndn::time::UnitTestSteadyClock>())
+    , systemClock(make_shared<ndn::time::UnitTestSystemClock>())
+  {
+    time::setCustomClocks(steadyClock, systemClock);
+  }
+  ~UnitTestTimeFixture()
+  {
+    time::setCustomClocks(nullptr, nullptr);
+  }
+  void
+  advanceClocks(const time::nanoseconds& tick, size_t nTicks = 1)
+  {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nTicks; ++i) {
+      steadyClock->advance(tick);
+      systemClock->advance(tick);
+      if (io.stopped())
+        io.reset();
+      io.poll();
+    }
+  }
+  shared_ptr<ndn::time::UnitTestSteadyClock> steadyClock;
+  shared_ptr<ndn::time::UnitTestSystemClock> systemClock;
+  boost::asio::io_service io;
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nsl