Changes since version 0.2.0

Release date: February 2, 2015

New features:

-   Build
    -   The code now requires C++11. The minimum supported gcc version
        is 4.6, as earlier versions do not have proper support for C++11
-   Base
    -   Enable detailed version information when built from shallow
        clone or tarball (Issue 1915)
    -   Make default transport configurable (Issue 2189)
    -   Add ability to do partial Name comparison (Issue 2090)
-   Security
    -   Add support for KeyDigest key locator (Issue 1426)
    -   Add a method to get KeyDigest from a PublicKey instance (Issue 1964)
    -   Add support for KeyChain to sign Interest using SHA256 digest
        (Issue 2218)
    -   Add ndnsec-dsk-gen tool to generate a pair of Data-Signing-Key
        (DSK) for the specified identity (Issue 2246)
    -   Pair-up PIB and TPM in KeyChain: PIB remembers the last used TPM
        type/location, which is used during KeyChain construction
        (unless overriden) (Issue 2242)
-   Wire encoding
    -   Add support for application-defined meta information blocks
        (Issue 2021)
    -   Introduce new name::Component::is* methods to allow checking if
        the name component follows the specific naming convention
        without relying on the exception handling (Issue 2088)
    -   Add definition of producer-generated NACK (Issue 2111)
    -   Add std::hash<Name> specialization to support unordered_map
        container (Issue 2147)
    -   Add support for ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (Issue 1640)
    -   Allow tagging Interest and Data packets with arbitrary
        information (Issue 2336)
-   Management
    -   Support NFD face query operation (Issue 2085)
-   Miscellaneous tools
    -   Add a new helper to calculate digests over dynamic inputs (Issue 1934)
    -   Add DNS resolver helper (Issue 1918)
    -   Import and re-license Ethernet and FaceUri classes from NFD
        codebase, add FaceUri canonization support for udp, tcp, and
        ether schemas (Issue 1994)
    -   Add per-application in-memory storage with LRU, LFU, and FIFO
        replacement policies (Issue 1940)
    -   Add ability to specialize system and steady clocks (e.g., for
        unit tests and simulation purposes) (Issue 2158)
    -   Expose DummyClientFace as public API
    -   New IndentedStream helper class to simplify writing to streams
        with the specified indents or prefixes (Issue 2238)
    -   New Signal class template as an enhanced version of the
        deprecated EventEmitter (Issue 2279)
    -   New scheduler::ScopedEventId helper to automatically cancel
        scheduled events upon destruction (Issue 2442)
    -   New NetworkMonitor helper to detect network state changes (Issue 2443)

Updates and bug fixes:

-   Base
    -   Prevent flags being set for rib/unregister command (Issue 1945)
    -   Fix segfault caused by Face::unregisterPrefix when
        registeredPrefixId does not exist
    -   Add explicit internal KeyChain to Face class. KeyChain
        previously existed in the Face as part of NFD controller class.
        (Issue 2039)
    -   Properly disable assertions in release builds (Issue 2135)
    -   Connect to Transport during construction of Face instance (Issue 2318)
-   Wire encoding
    -   Fix segfault when decoding empty Exclude element (Issue 1970)
    -   Provide EqualityComparable concept for Exclude element
    -   Correct Marker in Name::appendVersion() (Issue 2086)
    -   Ensure that wire-encoding errors are inherited from tlv::Error
        (Issue 1983)
-   Management
    -   Replace FaceFlags with individual fields in face management data
        structures (Issue 1992)
    -   ndn::nfd::Controller extended to allow generating ControlCommand
        for remote prefix registration (Issue 2039)
    -   Change ForwarderStatus.NfdVersion to string (Issue 2003)
-   Security
    -   Fix ndnsec-cert-gen to correctly infer prefix before KEY
        component (Issue 2052)
    -   Help message corrections in ndnsec-cert-dump, ndnsec-cert-gen,
        and ndnsec-key-gen (Issue 2052)
    -   Accept --sign-id and --cert-prefix in ndnsec-cert-revoke (Issue 2058)
    -   Changes output format of ndnsec-cert-revoke to base64 encoding
        (Issue 2059)
    -   Add a new (safer) option to ndnsec-cert-gen allowing inclusion
        of additional information blocks into the certificate. The new
        --signed-info parameter makes minimum assumptions, treating text
        before first space as OID and the rest as the associated string
        with this OID.
    -   Make Face optional in Validator class (Issue 2124)
    -   Display signature information when printing a certificate (Issue 2196)
    -   Handle certificate decoding error in validation process (Issue 2212)
    -   Fix segmentation fault in ndnsec-sign-req (Issue 2211)
    -   Allow verbose option in ndnsec-list (Issue 2197)
    -   Allow generation of DSK using ndnsec-key-gen (Issue 2247)
    -   Allow ndnsec-key-gen to generate ECDSA keys (Issue 2248)
    -   Fix memory leak in SecPublicInfoSqlite3 (Issue 2253)
    -   Properly report status of ndnsec-delete execution (Issue 2275)
-   Miscellaneous tools
    -   Fix incorrect tag map in tlvdump tool
    -   Change to default resolver behavior in util::dns::Resolver
        (Issue 2415)
-   Documentation
    -   Update of tutorials and installation instructions
    -   Rename manpage of client.conf to ndn-client.conf (Issue 1967)
    -   Updated and extended ndn-cxx code style:
        -   add rules for some C++11 constructs
        -   prefer BOOST_ASSERT and static_assert
    -   Improve example applications (Issue 1976)
-   Tests
    -   Improve security unit test cases (Issue 1683)
    -   Embedding CI build and test running scripts into the repository
    -   Partial unit test coverage for Face class (previously covered
        only by integration tests) (Issue 1947)
    -   Improve stability of unit tests by using UnitTestTime (wall
        clock independent time) (Issue 2152)
-   Build
    -   Redesign the way default compiler flags are determined (Issue 2209)
    -   Support tools and examples with multiple translation units
        (Issue 2344)
    -   Disable installation of internal headers and headers of the
        disabled components (2266, and 2269)
    -   Enable conditional compilation based on presence of getpass()
-   Other minor fixes and corrections


-   ndn::ptr_lib and ndn::func_lib namespace aliases
-   The following nfd::Controller methods:
    -   Controller::start overloads, except the overload taking
    -   Controller::Sign typedef
    -   Controller::getDefaultCommandTimeout
    -   ControlCommand::getPrefix
    -   ControlCommand::getRequestName(ControlParameters)
    -   Controller::Controller(Face&)
-   MetaInfo::TYPE_* constants
-   EventEmitter is deprecated in favor of Signal


-   FaceFlags APIs (Issue 1992)
-   ControlCommand::makeCommandInterest (Issue 2008)
-   namespace ndn::Tlv (Issue 2079)
-   shared_ptr<io_service> constructor and getter in Face class
-   tlv::ConentType (typo in the name)
-   Selectors::Selectors(int, int, Exclude, int, bool) constructor
-   Interest::Interest(Name, int, int, Exclude, int, bool, int, time::milliseconds, uint32_t)
-   signature-sha256.hpp file
-   unused encryption-manager.hpp file
-   unused openssl dependency
  1. 20a0696 security: Fix bug of checking signed interest in ValidatorConfig by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  2. 4b8c6a2 src: Correcting coding style of security related code. by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  3. 05842f2 tools: Adjust ndnsec-cert-gen behaivor by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  4. fdbfc6d src: Improving consistency and correcting code style by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  5. 3cca4ab security: Fix Validator::verifySignature bug by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  6. 53af7a1 util: Implementing conversion to/from system_clock::TimePoint with customized format by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  7. 1160baa build: Reorganizing wscript into a set smaller function-specific scripts by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  8. 07ffe0d encoding: silence gcc-4.8 overflow warnings. by Davide Pesavento · 10 years ago
  9. b78bc4d build: add -std=c++03 (in non C++11 mode) and -pedantic to the default CXXFLAGS by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  10. d1b5c41 management: Removing deprecated NFD management elements by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  11. fcb4f6d build: Suppressing openssl deprecation flags on OSX by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  12. dfa9d73 security: Enable load of ValidatorConf from a boost::property_tree section by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  13. 59d67a5 build: Correction of OSX Security Framework detection by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  14. ff2d08f data+interest+selectors+meta-info+signature: Implementing EqualityComparable concept by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  15. b1db7c6 build: Warnings correction for gcc 4.2 by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  16. 3024278 management: delete deprecated methods in nfd::FaceStatus and nfd::FaceEventNotification by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  17. af8eeea interest: Interest::matchesData function by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  18. 449e114 security: fix CommandInterestValidator bug (no check on signature type) by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  19. 48e8c0c security: Add configuration based validator by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  20. b332e78 interest: add PublisherPublicKeyLocator selector by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  21. 482ccc5 build: suppress CryptoPP warnings by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  22. 6888bc1 management: nfd::FaceLocalControlCommand validates LocalControlFeature value by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  23. 7b1ba1a management: add LocalUri field to nfd::FaceStatus and nfd::FaceEventNotification by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  24. 5109dee management: nfd::ForwarderStatus by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  25. 7b6b79d management: convert nfd::Controller to use ControlCommand by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  26. 5ec8022 management: nfd::ControlCommand by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  27. 60bd708 security: Fix default identity bug by Yingdi Yu · 10 years ago
  28. 4e50b97 face: Fixing bug with incorrect pausing of Face by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  29. 21ef239 encoding: fix strict-aliasing warning and extending TLV test cases by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  30. 37e317f security: Move security-related files from ~/.ndnx to ~/.ndn by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  31. 1dd95c5 src: Enabling -Werror in debug mode and some style updates by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  32. 4b98e8c name: Implementing appendNumber/toNumber to use nonNegativeInteger by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  33. a465e97 src: Code style corrections in Block and Buffer by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  34. acab880 face: fix controller creation bug that dismisses nrd-0.1 as unsupported by Steve DiBenedetto · 10 years ago
  35. bc19b37 management: nfd::ControlParameters by Junxiao Shi · 10 years ago
  36. c07b3a2 util, transport: add configuration file support and make default unix socket configurable by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  37. 1c5a1a9 management: nfd::FibEntry encoding corrections by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  38. 937aa78 decoding+transport: Exception-safe Block parsing by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  39. 0df2836 name: Implementing ``operator>>`` method to constuct Name from standard input by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  40. 2c75331 management: Adding FaceFlags into nfd::FaceEventNotification by Alexander Afanasyev · 10 years ago
  41. 5ce55ae management: add missing inline to wireEncode by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  42. 26c24d2 management: Fixing header guards by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  43. 63ab084 encoding: Fixing bug in one of the Block constructors by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  44. 04fa37a management: Adding nfd::FaceStatus data structure by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  45. 7dced46 face: making Face::shutdown call asynchronous by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  46. 44b438a management: Adding nfd::FaceEventNotification data structure by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  47. aa0e7da all: Refactoring work with time using boost::chrono by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  48. 6e0c5a5 transport: Fixing bug with pausing transport by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  49. 6d792d7 management: add objects for encoding/decoding NFD FIB enumeration protocol units by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  50. 28908b7 management: NFD Status by Junxiao Shi · 11 years ago
  51. f8cf188 tlv: added FIB enumeration protocol TLVs by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  52. 7d160f2 nfdc: strategy-choice, Adding StrategyChoiceManagementOptions by hilata · 11 years ago
  53. c145d49 tlv, name: add missing FaceEventKind TLV, deprecate Name::appendVersion/Segment by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  54. 6e7f5f1 management: adding all high-level methods in nrd::Controller by Obaid · 11 years ago
  55. 884280c management: Updating nfd::Controller for latest changes in protocol by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  56. 7dedbf4 tlv: added FaceStatus event TLV types by Steve DiBenedetto · 11 years ago
  57. 52afb3f face: When there are no more events to process, pausing transport instead of closing it by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  58. 110881d security: Change SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH to SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  59. c234429 name: Make 'at' method to check if requested components is in bounds by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  60. 2115716 security: Add SignatureSha256 by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  61. 64c3fb4 security: Add a wrapper for export/import information. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  62. c55680b security: Add prepareUnsignedIdentityCertificate method in KeyChain by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  63. f50098d util: Add helper method to load/save object from/to file. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  64. c4f6fd7 util: Merge helpers folder into util. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  65. 42c8185 face: Multiple matching for setInterestFilter and expressInterest callbacks by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  66. 87a7f5f management: Correct type for setFaceId/getFaceId (int -> uint64_t) by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  67. f8fc8de security: Bug fixing by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  68. c5ad119 management: Implementing encoding/decoding Strategy in nfd::FibManagementOptions by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  69. 505646e face: Updating the way to select Controller by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  70. 2d0b457 encoding: Ensuring minimal-length encoding for nonNegativeInteger by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  71. 40587c0 security: Add failureInfo in ValidationFailed callback by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  72. 2e57a58 security: Consistent exception handling. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  73. 7682ccb face: Allow specifying specific Controller in constructor by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  74. 60c8681 name+security: Fixing bugs with empty name component comparison and failure handing in OSX tpm implementation by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  75. 37bb190 management: Add optional filter during the decoding of LocalControlHeader by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  76. efe3ab2 management: Implementing nrd::Controller and introducing new secret by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  77. 9cae668 build: Fixing gcc 4.8.1 warnings from KeyLocator by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  78. be4150e security: Adjust unlocking TPM process. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  79. fc40d87 security: Add doxygen comments by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  80. 8dceb1d security: Export/Import Identity from/into KeyChain by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  81. 4b75275 security: Generate random block in Tpm. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  82. 21abc10 management: Correcting self-registration using raw NFD FIB Management protocol by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  83. 8301835 face+management: Fixing incorrect condition for adding LocalControlHeader in Face::put by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  84. a99e37e management: nfdc support and link error fix by hilata · 11 years ago
  85. 5964fb7 management: Making LocalControlHeader encoding independent of Interest/Data wire by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  86. 0553cd5 management: Implementing nrd::PrefixRegOptions for NRD Face management protocol by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  87. 6d48bc1 management: Finalizing LocalControlHeader implementation by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  88. f9fa52f management: Add support to local control header. by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago
  89. f39c537 face: Making class variables names more consistent by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  90. 36b84cf util+build: Build optimization with regex util by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  91. 9cbf70a helpers: Several optimizations with command interest helpers by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  92. 809805d encoding: Optimized Data packet encoding, preparation for memory-efficient signing operation by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  93. c348f83 encoding: Optimized encoding of Interest and related data structures by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  94. 1515131 encoding: Extending Block and EncodingBuffer interfaces by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  95. 233750e encoding: Fixing bugs in EncodingBlock and Block by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  96. 8460afb face: Mark Face class as noncopyable by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  97. f7ca320 face: Making environment-based selection of the daemon (ndnd-tlv vs. nfd) by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  98. 4b45628 tlv: Another set of changes to update TLV type re-assignment by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  99. 95b0e34 data: Implementing FinalBlockId in Data packet's MetaInfo section by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago
  100. 71b6768 security: Fix a bug in CommandInterestGenerator by Yingdi Yu · 11 years ago