Include bind in ndnboost.
diff --git a/ndnboost/test/impl/xml_log_formatter.ipp b/ndnboost/test/impl/xml_log_formatter.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf6460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndnboost/test/impl/xml_log_formatter.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+//  (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2005-2008.
+//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+//  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 
+//  See for the library home page.
+//  File        : $RCSfile$
+//  Version     : $Revision: 57992 $
+//  Description : implements XML Log formatter
+// ***************************************************************************
+// Boost.Test
+#include <ndnboost/test/output/xml_log_formatter.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/unit_test_suite_impl.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/framework.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/utils/basic_cstring/io.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/utils/xml_printer.hpp>
+// Boost
+#include <ndnboost/version.hpp>
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <ndnboost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp>
+namespace ndnboost {
+namespace unit_test {
+namespace output {
+static const_string tu_type_name( test_unit const& tu )
+    return tu.p_type == tut_case ? "TestCase" : "TestSuite";
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// **************               xml_log_formatter              ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+xml_log_formatter::log_start( std::ostream& ostr, counter_t )
+    ostr  << "<TestLog>";
+xml_log_formatter::log_finish( std::ostream& ostr )
+    ostr  << "</TestLog>";
+xml_log_formatter::log_build_info( std::ostream& ostr )
+    ostr  << "<BuildInfo"
+            << " platform"  << attr_value() << BOOST_PLATFORM
+            << " compiler"  << attr_value() << BOOST_COMPILER
+            << " stl"       << attr_value() << BOOST_STDLIB
+            << " boost=\""  << BOOST_VERSION/100000     << "."
+                            << BOOST_VERSION/100 % 1000 << "."
+                            << BOOST_VERSION % 100      << '\"'
+            << "/>";
+xml_log_formatter::test_unit_start( std::ostream& ostr, test_unit const& tu )
+    ostr << "<" << tu_type_name( tu ) << " name" << attr_value() << tu.p_name.get() << ">";
+xml_log_formatter::test_unit_finish( std::ostream& ostr, test_unit const& tu, unsigned long elapsed )
+    if( tu.p_type == tut_case )
+        ostr << "<TestingTime>" << elapsed << "</TestingTime>";
+    ostr << "</" << tu_type_name( tu ) << ">";
+xml_log_formatter::test_unit_skipped( std::ostream& ostr, test_unit const& tu )
+    ostr << "<" << tu_type_name( tu )
+         << " name"    << attr_value() << tu.p_name.get()
+         << " skipped" << attr_value() << "yes"
+         << "/>";
+xml_log_formatter::log_exception( std::ostream& ostr, log_checkpoint_data const& checkpoint_data, execution_exception const& ex )
+    execution_exception::location const& loc = ex.where();
+    ostr << "<Exception file" << attr_value() << loc.m_file_name
+         << " line"           << attr_value() << loc.m_line_num;
+    if( !loc.m_function.is_empty() )
+        ostr << " function"   << attr_value() << loc.m_function;
+    ostr << ">" << cdata() << ex.what();
+    if( !checkpoint_data.m_file_name.is_empty() ) {
+        ostr << "<LastCheckpoint file" << attr_value() << checkpoint_data.m_file_name
+             << " line"                << attr_value() << checkpoint_data.m_line_num
+             << ">"
+             << cdata() << checkpoint_data.m_message
+             << "</LastCheckpoint>";
+    }
+    ostr << "</Exception>";
+xml_log_formatter::log_entry_start( std::ostream& ostr, log_entry_data const& entry_data, log_entry_types let )
+    static literal_string xml_tags[] = { "Info", "Message", "Warning", "Error", "FatalError" };
+    m_curr_tag = xml_tags[let];
+    ostr << '<' << m_curr_tag
+         << BOOST_TEST_L( " file" ) << attr_value() << entry_data.m_file_name
+         << BOOST_TEST_L( " line" ) << attr_value() << entry_data.m_line_num
+         << BOOST_TEST_L( "><![CDATA[" );
+xml_log_formatter::log_entry_value( std::ostream& ostr, const_string value )
+    ostr << value;
+xml_log_formatter::log_entry_finish( std::ostream& ostr )
+    ostr << BOOST_TEST_L( "]]></" ) << m_curr_tag << BOOST_TEST_L( ">" );
+    m_curr_tag.clear();
+} // namespace output
+} // namespace unit_test
+} // namespace ndnboost
+#include <ndnboost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>