Include bind in ndnboost.
diff --git a/ndnboost/test/impl/test_tools.ipp b/ndnboost/test/impl/test_tools.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47ef81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndnboost/test/impl/test_tools.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2005-2008.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for the library home page.
+// File : $RCSfile$
+// Version : $Revision: 54633 $
+// Description : supplies offline implementation for the Test Tools
+// ***************************************************************************
+// Boost.Test
+#include <ndnboost/test/test_tools.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/unit_test_log.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/framework.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/test/execution_monitor.hpp> // execution_aborted
+#include <ndnboost/test/unit_test_suite_impl.hpp>
+// Boost
+#include <ndnboost/config.hpp>
+// STL
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cwchar>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <ios>
+// !! should we use #include <cstdarg>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <ndnboost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp>
+namespace std { using ::strcmp; using ::strlen; using ::isprint; }
+#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CWCHAR )
+namespace std { using ::wcscmp; }
+# endif
+namespace ndnboost {
+namespace test_tools {
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** print_log_value ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+print_log_value<char>::operator()( std::ostream& ostr, char t )
+ if( (std::isprint)( static_cast<unsigned char>(t) ) )
+ ostr << '\'' << t << '\'';
+ else
+ ostr << std::hex
+ << std::showbase
+ << "0x"
+ << static_cast<int>(t);
+print_log_value<unsigned char>::operator()( std::ostream& ostr, unsigned char t )
+ ostr << std::hex
+ // showbase is only available for new style streams:
+ << std::showbase
+ << "0x"
+ << static_cast<int>(t);
+print_log_value<char const*>::operator()( std::ostream& ostr, char const* t )
+ ostr << ( t ? t : "null string" );
+print_log_value<wchar_t const*>::operator()( std::ostream& ostr, wchar_t const* t )
+ ostr << ( t ? t : L"null string" );
+namespace tt_detail {
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** TOOL BOX Implementation ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+using ::ndnboost::unit_test::lazy_ostream;
+check_impl( predicate_result const& pr, lazy_ostream const& check_descr,
+ const_string file_name, std::size_t line_num,
+ tool_level tl, check_type ct,
+ std::size_t num_of_args, ... )
+ using namespace unit_test;
+ if( !framework::is_initialized() )
+ throw std::runtime_error( "can't use testing tools before framework is initialized" );
+ if( !!pr )
+ tl = PASS;
+ log_level ll;
+ char const* prefix;
+ char const* suffix;
+ switch( tl ) {
+ case PASS:
+ ll = log_successful_tests;
+ prefix = "check ";
+ suffix = " passed";
+ break;
+ case WARN:
+ ll = log_warnings;
+ prefix = "condition ";
+ suffix = " is not satisfied";
+ break;
+ case CHECK:
+ ll = log_all_errors;
+ prefix = "check ";
+ suffix = " failed";
+ break;
+ case REQUIRE:
+ ll = log_fatal_errors;
+ prefix = "critical check ";
+ suffix = " failed";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch( ct ) {
+ case CHECK_PRED:
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num )
+ << ll << prefix << check_descr << suffix;
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ case CHECK_MSG:
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num ) << ll;
+ if( tl == PASS )
+ unit_test_log << prefix << "'" << check_descr << "'" << suffix;
+ else
+ unit_test_log << check_descr;
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ case CHECK_NE:
+ case CHECK_LT:
+ case CHECK_LE:
+ case CHECK_GT:
+ case CHECK_GE: {
+ static char const* check_str [] = { " == ", " != ", " < " , " <= ", " > " , " >= " };
+ static char const* rever_str [] = { " != ", " == ", " >= ", " > " , " <= ", " < " };
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ char const* arg1_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* arg1_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ char const* arg2_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* arg2_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num )
+ << ll << prefix << arg1_descr << check_str[ct-CHECK_EQUAL] << arg2_descr << suffix;
+ if( tl != PASS )
+ unit_test_log << " [" << *arg1_val << rever_str[ct-CHECK_EQUAL] << *arg2_val << "]" ;
+ va_end( args );
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ char const* arg1_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* arg1_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ char const* arg2_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* arg2_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ /* toler_descr = */ va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* toler_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num ) << ll;
+ unit_test_log << "difference{" << pr.message() << (ct == CHECK_CLOSE ? "%" : "")
+ << "} between " << arg1_descr << "{" << *arg1_val
+ << "} and " << arg2_descr << "{" << *arg2_val
+ << ( tl == PASS ? "} doesn't exceed " : "} exceeds " )
+ << *toler_val;
+ if( ct == CHECK_CLOSE )
+ unit_test_log << "%";
+ va_end( args );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHECK_SMALL: {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ char const* arg1_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* arg1_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ /* toler_descr = */ va_arg( args, char const* );
+ lazy_ostream const* toler_val = va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num ) << ll;
+ unit_test_log << "absolute value of " << arg1_descr << "{" << *arg1_val << "}"
+ << ( tl == PASS ? " doesn't exceed " : " exceeds " )
+ << *toler_val;
+ va_end( args );
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num )
+ << ll << prefix << check_descr;
+ // print predicate call description
+ {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ unit_test_log << "( ";
+ for( std::size_t i = 0; i < num_of_args; ++i ) {
+ unit_test_log << va_arg( args, char const* );
+ va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* ); // skip argument value;
+ if( i != num_of_args-1 )
+ unit_test_log << ", ";
+ }
+ unit_test_log << " )" << suffix;
+ va_end( args );
+ }
+ if( tl != PASS ) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ unit_test_log << " for ( ";
+ for( std::size_t i = 0; i < num_of_args; ++i ) {
+ va_arg( args, char const* ); // skip argument description;
+ unit_test_log << *va_arg( args, lazy_ostream const* );
+ if( i != num_of_args-1 )
+ unit_test_log << ", ";
+ }
+ unit_test_log << " )";
+ va_end( args );
+ }
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ char const* left_begin_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ char const* left_end_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ char const* right_begin_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ char const* right_end_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num )
+ << ll << prefix
+ << "{ " << left_begin_descr << ", " << left_end_descr << " } == { "
+ << right_begin_descr << ", " << right_end_descr << " }"
+ << suffix;
+ va_end( args );
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, num_of_args );
+ char const* left_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ char const* right_descr = va_arg( args, char const* );
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::begin( file_name, line_num )
+ << ll << prefix << left_descr << " =.= " << right_descr << suffix;
+ va_end( args );
+ if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
+ unit_test_log << ". " << pr.message();
+ unit_test_log << unit_test::log::end();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch( tl ) {
+ case PASS:
+ framework::assertion_result( true );
+ return true;
+ case WARN:
+ return false;
+ case CHECK:
+ framework::assertion_result( false );
+ return false;
+ case REQUIRE:
+ framework::assertion_result( false );
+ framework::test_unit_aborted( framework::current_test_case() );
+ throw execution_aborted();
+ }
+ return true;
+equal_impl( char const* left, char const* right )
+ return (left && right) ? std::strcmp( left, right ) == 0 : (left == right);
+#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CWCHAR )
+equal_impl( wchar_t const* left, wchar_t const* right )
+ return (left && right) ? std::wcscmp( left, right ) == 0 : (left == right);
+#endif // !defined( BOOST_NO_CWCHAR )
+is_defined_impl( const_string symbol_name, const_string symbol_value )
+ symbol_value.trim_left( 2 );
+ return symbol_name != symbol_value;
+} // namespace tt_detail
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** output_test_stream ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+struct output_test_stream::Impl
+ std::fstream m_pattern;
+ bool m_match_or_save;
+ bool m_text_or_binary;
+ std::string m_synced_string;
+ char get_char()
+ {
+ char res;
+ do {
+ m_pattern.get( res );
+ } while( m_text_or_binary && res == '\r' && ! && !m_pattern.eof() );
+ return res;
+ }
+ void check_and_fill( predicate_result& res )
+ {
+ if( !res.p_predicate_value )
+ res.message() << "Output content: \"" << m_synced_string << '\"';
+ }
+output_test_stream::output_test_stream( const_string pattern_file_name, bool match_or_save, bool text_or_binary )
+: m_pimpl( new Impl )
+ if( !pattern_file_name.is_empty() ) {
+ std::ios::openmode m = match_or_save ? std::ios::in : std::ios::out;
+ if( !text_or_binary )
+ m |= std::ios::binary;
+ m_pimpl-> pattern_file_name.begin(), m );
+ BOOST_WARN_MESSAGE( m_pimpl->m_pattern.is_open(),
+ "Can't open pattern file " << pattern_file_name
+ << " for " << (match_or_save ? "reading" : "writing") );
+ }
+ m_pimpl->m_match_or_save = match_or_save;
+ m_pimpl->m_text_or_binary = text_or_binary;
+ delete m_pimpl;
+output_test_stream::is_empty( bool flush_stream )
+ sync();
+ result_type res( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.empty() );
+ m_pimpl->check_and_fill( res );
+ if( flush_stream )
+ flush();
+ return res;
+output_test_stream::check_length( std::size_t length_, bool flush_stream )
+ sync();
+ result_type res( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length() == length_ );
+ m_pimpl->check_and_fill( res );
+ if( flush_stream )
+ flush();
+ return res;
+output_test_stream::is_equal( const_string arg, bool flush_stream )
+ sync();
+ result_type res( const_string( m_pimpl->m_synced_string ) == arg );
+ m_pimpl->check_and_fill( res );
+ if( flush_stream )
+ flush();
+ return res;
+output_test_stream::match_pattern( bool flush_stream )
+ sync();
+ result_type result( true );
+ if( !m_pimpl->m_pattern.is_open() ) {
+ result = false;
+ result.message() << "Pattern file can't be opened!";
+ }
+ else {
+ if( m_pimpl->m_match_or_save ) {
+ for ( std::string::size_type i = 0; i < m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length(); ++i ) {
+ char c = m_pimpl->get_char();
+ result = !m_pimpl-> &&
+ !m_pimpl->m_pattern.eof() &&
+ (m_pimpl->m_synced_string[i] == c);
+ if( !result ) {
+ std::string::size_type suffix_size = (std::min)( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length() - i,
+ static_cast<std::string::size_type>(5) );
+ // try to log area around the mismatch
+ result.message() << "Mismatch at position " << i << '\n'
+ << "..." << m_pimpl->m_synced_string.substr( i, suffix_size ) << "..." << '\n'
+ << "..." << c;
+ std::string::size_type counter = suffix_size;
+ while( --counter ) {
+ char c = m_pimpl->get_char();
+ if( m_pimpl-> || m_pimpl->m_pattern.eof() )
+ break;
+ result.message() << c;
+ }
+ result.message() << "...";
+ // skip rest of the bytes. May help for further matching
+ m_pimpl->m_pattern.ignore(
+ static_cast<std::streamsize>( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length() - i - suffix_size) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pimpl->m_pattern.write( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.c_str(),
+ static_cast<std::streamsize>( m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length() ) );
+ m_pimpl->m_pattern.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if( flush_stream )
+ flush();
+ return result;
+ m_pimpl->m_synced_string.erase();
+ str( std::string() );
+ seekp( 0, std::ios::beg );
+ sync();
+ return m_pimpl->m_synced_string.length();
+ m_pimpl->m_synced_string.assign( str(), pcount() );
+ freeze( false );
+ m_pimpl->m_synced_string = str();
+} // namespace test_tools
+} // namespace ndnboost
+#include <ndnboost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>