Include bind in ndnboost.
diff --git a/ndnboost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp b/ndnboost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420e015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndnboost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+//  Boost string_algo library finder.hpp header file  ---------------------------//
+//  Copyright Pavol Droba 2002-2006.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+//    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+//  See for updates, documentation, and revision history.
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/config.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/end.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/iterator.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/const_iterator.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/constants.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/finder.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/compare.hpp>
+/*! \file
+    Defines Finder generators. Finder object is a functor which is able to 
+    find a substring matching a specific criteria in the input.
+    Finders are used as a pluggable components for replace, find 
+    and split facilities. This header contains generator functions 
+    for finders provided in this library.
+namespace ndnboost {
+    namespace algorithm {
+//  Finder generators ------------------------------------------//
+        //! "First" finder 
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c first_finder. The finder searches for the first
+            occurrence of the string in a given input.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param Search A substring to be searched for.
+            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
+            \return An instance of the \c first_finder object
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT>
+        inline detail::first_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            is_equal>
+        first_finder( const RangeT& Search )
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::first_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                        is_equal>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), is_equal() ) ;
+        }
+        //! "First" finder
+        /*!
+            \overload
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT,typename PredicateT>
+        inline detail::first_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            PredicateT>
+        first_finder( 
+            const RangeT& Search, PredicateT Comp )
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::first_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                    PredicateT>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), Comp );
+        }
+        //! "Last" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c last_finder. The finder searches for the last
+            occurrence of the string in a given input.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param Search A substring to be searched for.
+            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
+            \return An instance of the \c last_finder object
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT>
+        inline detail::last_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            is_equal>
+        last_finder( const RangeT& Search )
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::last_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                    is_equal>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), is_equal() );
+        }
+        //! "Last" finder
+        /*!
+            \overload
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT, typename PredicateT>
+        inline detail::last_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            PredicateT>
+        last_finder( const RangeT& Search, PredicateT Comp )
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::last_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                    PredicateT>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), Comp ) ;
+        }
+        //! "Nth" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c nth_finder. The finder searches for the n-th (zero-indexed)
+            occurrence of the string in a given input.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param Search A substring to be searched for.
+            \param Nth An index of the match to be find
+            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
+            \return An instance of the \c nth_finder object
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT>
+        inline detail::nth_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            is_equal>
+        nth_finder( 
+            const RangeT& Search, 
+            int Nth)
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::nth_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                    is_equal>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), Nth, is_equal() ) ;
+        }
+        //! "Nth" finder
+        /*!
+            \overload
+        */
+        template<typename RangeT, typename PredicateT>
+        inline detail::nth_finderF<
+            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+            PredicateT>
+        nth_finder( 
+            const RangeT& Search, 
+            int Nth, 
+            PredicateT Comp )
+        {
+            return 
+                detail::nth_finderF<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type,
+                    PredicateT>( ::ndnboost::as_literal(Search), Nth, Comp );
+        }
+        //! "Head" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c head_finder. The finder returns a head of a given
+            input. The head is a prefix of a string up to n elements in
+            size. If an input has less then n elements, whole input is 
+            considered a head.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param N The size of the head
+            \return An instance of the \c head_finder object
+        */
+        inline detail::head_finderF
+        head_finder( int N )
+        {
+            return detail::head_finderF(N);
+        }
+        //! "Tail" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c tail_finder. The finder returns a tail of a given
+            input. The tail is a suffix of a string up to n elements in
+            size. If an input has less then n elements, whole input is 
+            considered a head.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param N The size of the head
+            \return An instance of the \c tail_finder object
+        */
+        inline detail::tail_finderF
+        tail_finder( int N )
+        {
+            return detail::tail_finderF(N);
+        }
+        //! "Token" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c token_finder. The finder searches for a token 
+            specified by a predicate. It is similar to std::find_if 
+            algorithm, with an exception that it return a range of
+            instead of a single iterator.
+            If "compress token mode" is enabled, adjacent matching tokens are 
+            concatenated into one match. Thus the finder can be used to 
+            search for continuous segments of characters satisfying the 
+            given predicate.
+            The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
+            \param Pred An element selection predicate
+            \param eCompress Compress flag
+            \return An instance of the \c token_finder object
+        */
+        template< typename PredicateT >
+        inline detail::token_finderF<PredicateT>
+        token_finder( 
+            PredicateT Pred, 
+            token_compress_mode_type eCompress=token_compress_off )
+        {
+            return detail::token_finderF<PredicateT>( Pred, eCompress );
+        }
+        //! "Range" finder
+        /*!
+            Construct the \c range_finder. The finder does not perform 
+            any operation. It simply returns the given range for 
+            any input. 
+            \param Begin Beginning of the range
+            \param End End of the range
+            \param Range The range.
+            \return An instance of the \c range_finger object
+        */
+        template< typename ForwardIteratorT >
+        inline detail::range_finderF<ForwardIteratorT>
+        range_finder(
+            ForwardIteratorT Begin,
+            ForwardIteratorT End )
+        {
+            return detail::range_finderF<ForwardIteratorT>( Begin, End );
+        }
+        //! "Range" finder
+        /*!       
+            \overload
+        */
+        template< typename ForwardIteratorT >
+        inline detail::range_finderF<ForwardIteratorT>
+        range_finder( iterator_range<ForwardIteratorT> Range )
+        {
+            return detail::range_finderF<ForwardIteratorT>( Range );
+        }
+    } // namespace algorithm
+    // pull the names to the boost namespace
+    using algorithm::first_finder;
+    using algorithm::last_finder;
+    using algorithm::nth_finder;
+    using algorithm::head_finder;
+    using algorithm::tail_finder;
+    using algorithm::token_finder;
+    using algorithm::range_finder;
+} // namespace ndnboost