Include bind in ndnboost.
diff --git a/ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/find_format.hpp b/ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/find_format.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395beaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/find_format.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+//  Boost string_algo library find_format.hpp header file  ---------------------------//
+//  Copyright Pavol Droba 2002-2003.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+//    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+//  See for updates, documentation, and revision history.
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/config.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/const_iterator.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/range/iterator.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/find_format_store.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/algorithm/string/detail/replace_storage.hpp>
+namespace ndnboost {
+    namespace algorithm {
+        namespace detail {
+// find_format_copy (iterator variant) implementation -------------------------------//
+           template< 
+                typename OutputIteratorT,
+                typename InputT,
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT,
+                typename FormatResultT >
+            inline OutputIteratorT find_format_copy_impl2(
+                OutputIteratorT Output,
+                const InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult,
+                const FormatResultT& FormatResult )
+            {       
+                typedef find_format_store<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<InputT>::type, 
+                        FormatterT,
+                        FormatResultT > store_type;
+                // Create store for the find result
+                store_type M( FindResult, FormatResult, Formatter );
+                if ( !M )
+                {
+                    // Match not found - return original sequence
+                    Output = std::copy( ::ndnboost::begin(Input), ::ndnboost::end(Input), Output );
+                    return Output;
+                }
+                // Copy the beginning of the sequence
+                Output = std::copy( ::ndnboost::begin(Input), ::ndnboost::begin(M), Output );
+                // Format find result
+                // Copy formatted result
+                Output = std::copy( ::ndnboost::begin(M.format_result()), ::ndnboost::end(M.format_result()), Output );
+                // Copy the rest of the sequence
+                Output = std::copy( M.end(), ::ndnboost::end(Input), Output );
+                return Output;
+            }
+            template< 
+                typename OutputIteratorT,
+                typename InputT,
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT >
+            inline OutputIteratorT find_format_copy_impl(
+                OutputIteratorT Output,
+                const InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult )
+            {   
+                if( ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::check_find_result(Input, FindResult) ) {
+                    return ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::find_format_copy_impl2( 
+                        Output,
+                        Input,
+                        Formatter,
+                        FindResult,
+                        Formatter(FindResult) );
+                } else {
+                    return std::copy( ::ndnboost::begin(Input), ::ndnboost::end(Input), Output );
+                }
+            }
+// find_format_copy implementation --------------------------------------------------//
+           template< 
+                typename InputT, 
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT,
+                typename FormatResultT >
+            inline InputT find_format_copy_impl2(
+                const InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult,
+                const FormatResultT& FormatResult)
+            {
+                typedef find_format_store<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_const_iterator<InputT>::type, 
+                        FormatterT,
+                        FormatResultT > store_type;
+                // Create store for the find result
+                store_type M( FindResult, FormatResult, Formatter );
+                if ( !M )
+                {
+                    // Match not found - return original sequence
+                    return InputT( Input );
+                }
+                InputT Output;
+                // Copy the beginning of the sequence
+                ndnboost::algorithm::detail::insert( Output, ::ndnboost::end(Output), ::ndnboost::begin(Input), M.begin() );
+                // Copy formatted result
+                ndnboost::algorithm::detail::insert( Output, ::ndnboost::end(Output), M.format_result() );
+                // Copy the rest of the sequence
+                ndnboost::algorithm::detail::insert( Output, ::ndnboost::end(Output), M.end(), ::ndnboost::end(Input) );
+                return Output;
+            }
+            template< 
+                typename InputT, 
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT >
+            inline InputT find_format_copy_impl(
+                const InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult)
+            {
+                if( ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::check_find_result(Input, FindResult) ) {
+                    return ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::find_format_copy_impl2(
+                        Input,
+                        Formatter,
+                        FindResult,
+                        Formatter(FindResult) );
+                } else {
+                    return Input;
+                }
+            }
+ // replace implementation ----------------------------------------------------//
+            template<
+                typename InputT,
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT,
+                typename FormatResultT >
+            inline void find_format_impl2( 
+                InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult,
+                const FormatResultT& FormatResult)
+            {
+                typedef find_format_store<
+                    BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
+                        range_iterator<InputT>::type, 
+                        FormatterT,
+                        FormatResultT > store_type;
+                // Create store for the find result
+                store_type M( FindResult, FormatResult, Formatter );
+                if ( !M )
+                {
+                    // Search not found - return original sequence
+                    return;
+                }
+                // Replace match
+                ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::replace( Input, M.begin(), M.end(), M.format_result() );
+            }
+            template<
+                typename InputT,
+                typename FormatterT,
+                typename FindResultT >
+            inline void find_format_impl( 
+                InputT& Input,
+                FormatterT Formatter,
+                const FindResultT& FindResult)
+            {
+                if( ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::check_find_result(Input, FindResult) ) {
+                    ::ndnboost::algorithm::detail::find_format_impl2(
+                        Input,
+                        Formatter,
+                        FindResult,
+                        Formatter(FindResult) );
+                }
+            }
+        } // namespace detail
+    } // namespace algorithm
+} // namespace ndnboost