security: CommandInterestValidator

refs #2376

Change-Id: Ia1d2231a4fb7ad130e11dd0d0dd52d8007149470
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/security/command-interest-validator.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/security/command-interest-validator.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6173274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/security/command-interest-validator.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "security/command-interest-validator.hpp"
+#include "security/signing-helpers.hpp"
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include "../../dummy-validator.hpp"
+#include "../identity-management-time-fixture.hpp"
+#include "../make-interest-data.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace security {
+namespace tests {
+using namespace ndn::tests;
+class CommandInterestValidatorFixture : public IdentityManagementTimeFixture
+  CommandInterestValidatorFixture()
+  {
+    this->initialize(CommandInterestValidator::Options{});
+  }
+  void
+  initialize(const CommandInterestValidator::Options& options)
+  {
+    auto inner = make_unique<DummyValidator>();
+    this->inner = inner.get();
+    this->validator = make_unique<CommandInterestValidator>(std::move(inner), options);
+  }
+  Name
+  makeIdentity(int identity)
+  {
+    Name name("/localhost/CommandInterestValidatorIdentity");
+    name.appendSequenceNumber(identity);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(m_keyChain.doesIdentityExist(name) || this->addIdentity(name));
+    return name;
+  }
+  shared_ptr<Interest>
+  makeCommandInterest(int identity = 0)
+  {
+    auto interest = makeInterest("/CommandInterestPrefix");
+    m_keyChain.sign(*interest, signingByIdentity(makeIdentity(identity)));
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("makeCommandInterest " << interest->getName());
+    return interest;
+  }
+  /** \brief check that validator accepts interest
+   *  \param interest to be validated
+   */
+  void
+  assertAccept(const Interest& interest)
+  {
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("assertAccept " << interest.getName());
+    int nAccepts = 0;
+    validator->validate(interest,
+      [&nAccepts] (const shared_ptr<const Interest>&) { ++nAccepts; },
+      [] (const shared_ptr<const Interest>&, const std::string& msg) {
+        BOOST_ERROR("validation request should succeed but fails with: " << msg);
+      });
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nAccepts, 1);
+  }
+  /** \brief check that validator rejects interest
+   *  \param interest to be validated
+   *  \param error if not NONE, further check the error code matches \p error
+   *               if NONE, error code is not checked
+   */
+  void
+  assertReject(const Interest& interest, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode error)
+  {
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("assertReject " << interest.getName());
+    int nRejects = 0;
+    validator->validate(interest,
+      [] (const shared_ptr<const Interest>&) {
+        BOOST_ERROR("validation request should fail but succeeds");
+      },
+      [&nRejects, error] (const shared_ptr<const Interest>&, const std::string& msg) {
+        ++nRejects;
+        if (error != CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::NONE) {
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(msg, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(error));
+        }
+      });
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nRejects, 1);
+  }
+  DummyValidator* inner;
+  unique_ptr<CommandInterestValidator> validator;
+setNameComponent(Name& name, ssize_t index, const A& ...a)
+  Name name2 = name.getPrefix(index);
+  name2.append(name::Component(a...));
+  name2.append(name.getSubName(index + 1));
+  name = name2;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(TestCommandInterestValidator, CommandInterestValidatorFixture)
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  assertAccept(*i1);
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(5));
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest();
+  assertAccept(*i2);
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(2));
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest();
+  assertAccept(*i3);
+  auto d1 = makeData("/data");
+  int nAccepts = 0;
+  validator->validate(*d1,
+    [&nAccepts] (const shared_ptr<const Data>&) { ++nAccepts; },
+    [] (const shared_ptr<const Data>&, const std::string& msg) {
+      BOOST_ERROR("validation request should succeed but fails with " << msg);
+    });
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nAccepts, 1);
+  auto i1 = makeInterest("/name/too/short");
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::NAME_TOO_SHORT);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  setNameComponent(n1, signed_interest::POS_TIMESTAMP, "not-timestamp");
+  i1->setName(n1);
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::BAD_TIMESTAMP);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  setNameComponent(n1, signed_interest::POS_SIG_INFO, "not-SignatureInfo");
+  i1->setName(n1);
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::BAD_SIG_INFO);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  SignatureInfo sigInfo;
+  setNameComponent(n1, signed_interest::POS_SIG_INFO,
+                   sigInfo.wireEncode().begin(), sigInfo.wireEncode().end());
+  i1->setName(n1);
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::MISSING_KEY_LOCATOR);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  KeyLocator kl;
+  kl.setKeyDigest(makeBinaryBlock(tlv::KeyDigest, "\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD", 8));
+  SignatureInfo sigInfo;
+  sigInfo.setKeyLocator(kl);
+  setNameComponent(n1, signed_interest::POS_SIG_INFO,
+                   sigInfo.wireEncode().begin(), sigInfo.wireEncode().end());
+  i1->setName(n1);
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::BAD_KEY_LOCATOR_TYPE);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  KeyLocator kl;
+  kl.setName("/bad/cert/name");
+  SignatureInfo sigInfo;
+  sigInfo.setKeyLocator(kl);
+  setNameComponent(n1, signed_interest::POS_SIG_INFO,
+                   sigInfo.wireEncode().begin(), sigInfo.wireEncode().end());
+  i1->setName(n1);
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::BAD_CERT_NAME);
+  inner->setResult(false);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest();
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::NONE);
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(16)); // verifying at +16s
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_GRACE);
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +16s
+  assertAccept(*i2); // verifying at +16s
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +1s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +2s
+  systemClock->advance(time::seconds(-18)); // verifying at -16s
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_GRACE);
+  // CommandInterestValidator should not remember i1's timestamp
+  assertReject(*i2, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_GRACE);
+  // CommandInterestValidator should not remember i2's timestamp, and should treat i3 as initial
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(18)); // verifying at +2s
+  assertAccept(*i3);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  assertAccept(*i1);
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest();
+  Name n1 = i1->getName();
+  Name n2 = i2->getName();
+  setNameComponent(n2, signed_interest::POS_TIMESTAMP,
+                   n1[signed_interest::POS_TIMESTAMP]);
+  i2->setName(n2); // signed at 0s
+  assertReject(*i2, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_REORDER);
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(2));
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +2s
+  assertAccept(*i3);
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0ms
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(200));
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +200ms
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(900));
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +1100ms
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(300));
+  auto i4 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +1400ms
+  systemClock->advance(time::milliseconds(-300)); // verifying at +1100ms
+  assertAccept(*i1);
+  systemClock->advance(time::milliseconds(-1100)); // verifying at 0ms
+  assertReject(*i2, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_REORDER);
+  // CommandInterestValidator should not remember i2's timestamp
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(200)); // verifying at +200ms
+  assertReject(*i3, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_REORDER);
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(1200)); // verifying at 1400ms
+  assertAccept(*i4);
+typedef boost::mpl::vector<
+  boost::mpl::int_<0>,
+  boost::mpl::int_<-1>
+> GraceNonPositiveValues;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(GraceNonPositive, VALUE, GraceNonPositiveValues)
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(VALUE::value);
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(1); // signed at 0ms
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(2); // signed at 0ms
+  for (auto interest : {i1, i2}) {
+    Name name = interest->getName();
+    setNameComponent(name, signed_interest::POS_TIMESTAMP,
+                     name::Component::fromNumber(time::toUnixTimestamp(time::system_clock::now()).count()));
+    interest->setName(name);
+  } // ensure timestamps are exactly 0ms
+  assertAccept(*i1); // verifying at 0ms
+  advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(1));
+  assertReject(*i2, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_GRACE); // verifying at 1ms
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  options.maxTimestamps = 3;
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(1);
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(2);
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest(3);
+  auto i00 = makeCommandInterest(0); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i01 = makeCommandInterest(0); // signed at 1s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i02 = makeCommandInterest(0); // signed at 2s
+  assertAccept(*i00);
+  assertAccept(*i02);
+  assertAccept(*i1);
+  assertAccept(*i2);
+  assertAccept(*i3); // forgets identity 0
+  assertAccept(*i01); // accepted despite timestamp is reordered, because record has been evicted
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  options.maxTimestamps = -1;
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(0); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  for (int identity = 0; identity < 20; ++identity) {
+    auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(identity); // signed at +1s
+    assertAccept(*i2);
+  }
+  assertReject(*i1, CommandInterestValidator::ErrorCode::TIMESTAMP_REORDER);
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  options.maxTimestamps = 0;
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +1s
+  assertAccept(*i2);
+  assertAccept(*i1); // accepted despite timestamp is reordered, because record isn't kept
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(120);
+  options.timestampTtl = time::seconds(300);
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(240));
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +240s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(120));
+  auto i3 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +360s
+  systemClock->advance(time::seconds(-360)); // rewind system clock to 0s
+  assertAccept(*i1);
+  assertAccept(*i3);
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(30), time::seconds(301)); // advance steady clock by 301s, and system clock to +301s
+  assertAccept(*i2); // accepted despite timestamp is reordered, because record has been expired
+  CommandInterestValidator::Options options;
+  options.gracePeriod = time::seconds(15);
+  options.timestampTtl = time::seconds::zero();
+  initialize(options);
+  auto i1 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at 0s
+  advanceClocks(time::seconds(1));
+  auto i2 = makeCommandInterest(); // signed at +1s
+  assertAccept(*i2);
+  assertAccept(*i1); // accepted despite timestamp is reordered, because record has been expired
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() // TestCommandInterestValidator
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace security
+} // namespace ndn