docs: RELEASE NOTES for version 0.1.0 and update README

Change-Id: Ib9c7b14b5c7b4936a012345f36473971b581eb34
diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.rst b/docs/INSTALL.rst
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+++ b/docs/INSTALL.rst
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+Getting started with ndn-cxx
+Supported platforms
+ndn-cxx uses continuous integration and has been tested on the following
+-  Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit and 32-bit)
+-  Ubuntu 13.10 (64-bit and 32-bit)
+-  OS X 10.8
+-  OS X 10.9
+ndn-cxx is known to work on the following platforms, although they are not officially
+-  Ubuntu 14.04
+-  Fedora >= 20
+-  FreeBSD >= 10.0
+-  Raspberry Pi
+-  ``python`` >= 2.6
+-  ``libcrypto``
+-  ``libsqlite3``
+-  ``libcrypto++``
+-  ``pkg-config``
+-  Boost libraries >= 1.48
+-  OSX Security framework (on OSX platform only)
+Following are the detailed steps for each platform to install the compiler, all necessary
+development tools and libraries, and ndn-cxx prerequisites.
+-  OS X
+   Install Xcode. In Xcode Preferences > Downloads, install "Command
+   Line Tools".
+   If using MacPorts, dependencies can be installed using the following
+   commands::
+       sudo port install pkgconfig boost sqlite3 libcryptopp
+-  Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 13.10
+   In a terminal, enter::
+       sudo apt-get install build-essential
+       sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libcrypto++-dev
+       # For Ubuntu 12.04
+       sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
+       # For Ubuntu 13.10
+       sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
+- Fedora >=20
+   In a terminal, enter::
+       sudo yum install gcc-g++ git
+       sudo yum install openssl-devel sqlite-devel cryptopp-devel boost-devel
+To build tutorials, manpages, and API documentation the following
+dependencies need to be installed:
+-  ``doxygen``
+-  ``graphviz``
+-  ``python-sphinx``
+The following lists steps for common platforms to install these
+-  On OS X 10.8 and 10.9 with MacPorts::
+       sudo port install doxygen graphviz py27-sphinx sphinx_select
+       sudo port select sphinx py27-sphinx
+-  On Ubuntu >= 12.04::
+       sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz python-sphinx
+-  On Fedora >= 20::
+       sudp yum install doxygen graphviz python-sphinx
+(These are instructions to build ndn-cxx. To do development of ndn-cxx
+code and update the build system, see Development.)
+To build in a terminal, change directory to the ndn-cxx root. Enter:
+    ./waf configure
+    ./waf
+    sudo ./waf install
+This builds and installs the following items:
+-  ``<LIBPATH>/libndn-cxx.a``: static NDN C++ library
+-  ``<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig/libndn-cxx.pc``: pkgconfig file storing all
+   neccessary flags to build against the library. For example, if
+   pkgconfig or pkgconf package is installed and ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` is
+   configured properly (or ``<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig`` is a default path),
+   ``pkgconfig --libs --clflags libndn-cxx`` will return all necessary
+   compile and link flags for the library.
+-  ``<BINPATH>/tlvdump``: a simple tool to dump contents of
+   TLV-formatted data
+-  ``<BINPATH>/ndncatchunks3``: a simplified equivalent to ndncatchunks2
+   in NDNx package
+-  ``<BINPATH>/ndnputchunks3``: a simplified equivalent to ndnputchunks2
+   in NDNx package
+-  ``<BINPATH>/ndnsec``: tool to manage NDN keys and certificates
+-  ``<BINPATH>/ndnsec-*``: convenience scripts for ``ndnsec`` tools
+If configured with tests: ``./waf configure --with-tests``), the above
+commands will also produce:
+-  ``build/unit-tests``: A unit test binary for the library
+ndn-cxx tutorials and API documentation can be built using the following
+    # Full set of documentation (tutorials + API) in build/docs
+    ./waf docs
+    # Only tutorials in `build/docs`
+    ./waf sphinx
+    # Only API docs in `build/docs/doxygen`
+    ./waf doxgyen
+Manpages are automatically created and installed during the normal build
+process (e.g., during ``./waf`` and ``./waf install``), if
+``python-sphinx`` module is detected during ``./waf configure`` stage.
+By default, manpages are installed into ``${PREFIX}/share/man`` (where
+default value for ``PREFIX`` is ``/usr/local``). This location can be
+changed during ``./waf configure`` stage using ``--prefix``,
+``--datarootdir``, or ``--mandir`` options.
+For more details, refer to ``./waf --help``.
+Development Build
+The following is the suggested configure commands for development build.
+    ./waf configure --debug --with-tests
+    ./waf
+    sudo ./waf install
+In the development build all compiler optimizations are disabled by
+default and all warnings are treated as error. The default behavior can
+be overridden by setting ``CXXFLAGS`` environment variable before
+running ``./waf configure``:
+    CXXFLAGS="-O1 -g3" ./waf configure --debug --with-tests
+    ...