blob: 0bfbdba15047bb795cbe2bb91b9d3768f8b19880 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Jeff Thompson <>
* @author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
* @author: Zhenkai Zhu <>
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#ifndef NDN_NAME_HPP
#define NDN_NAME_HPP
#include "common.hpp"
#include "name-component.hpp"
#include "encoding/block.hpp"
#include "encoding/encoding-buffer.hpp"
#include <boost/iterator/reverse_iterator.hpp>
namespace ndn {
* A Name holds an array of Name::Component and represents an NDN name.
class Name : public ptr_lib::enable_shared_from_this<Name> {
/// @brief Error that can be thrown from the block
struct Error : public name::Component::Error { Error(const std::string &what) : name::Component::Error(what) {} };
typedef name::Component Component;
typedef std::vector<Component> component_container;
typedef Component value_type;
typedef void allocator_type;
typedef Component& reference;
typedef const Component const_reference;
typedef Component* pointer;
typedef const Component* const_pointer;
typedef Component* iterator;
typedef const Component* const_iterator;
typedef boost::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef boost::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef component_container::difference_type difference_type;
typedef component_container::size_type size_type;
* Create a new Name with no components.
: m_nameBlock(Tlv::Name)
* @brief Create Name object from wire block
* This is a more efficient equivalent for
* @code
* Name name;
* name.wireDecode(wire);
* @endcode
Name(const Block &wire)
m_nameBlock = wire;
* Parse the uri according to the NDN URI Scheme and create the name with the components.
* @param uri The URI string.
Name(const char* uri)
* Parse the uri according to the NDN URI Scheme and create the name with the components.
* @param uri The URI string.
Name(const std::string& uri)
* @brief Fast encoding or block size estimation
template<bool T>
wireEncode(EncodingImpl<T> &block) const;
const Block &
wireEncode() const;
wireDecode(const Block &wire);
* Parse the uri according to the NDN URI Scheme and set the name with the components.
* @param uri The null-terminated URI string.
set(const char *uri);
* Parse the uri according to the NDN URI Scheme and set the name with the components.
* @param uri The URI string.
set(const std::string& uri)
* Append a new component, copying from value of length valueLength.
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
append(const uint8_t *value, size_t valueLength)
m_nameBlock.push_back(Component(value, valueLength));
return *this;
* Append a new component, copying from value of length valueLength.
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
template<class InputIterator>
append(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
m_nameBlock.push_back(Component(begin, end));
return *this;
// /**
// * Append a new component, copying from value.
// * @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
// */
// Name&
// append(const Buffer& value)
// {
// m_nameBlock.push_back(value);
// return *this;
// }
append(const ConstBufferPtr &value)
return *this;
append(const Component &value)
return *this;
* @brief Append name component that represented as a string
* Note that this method is necessary to ensure correctness and unambiguity of
* ``append("string")`` operations (both Component and Name can be implicitly
* converted from string, each having different outcomes
append(const char *value)
return *this;
append(const Block &value)
if (value.type() == Tlv::NameComponent)
m_nameBlock.push_back(Block(Tlv::NameComponent, value));
return *this;
* Append the components of the given name to this name.
* @param name The Name with components to append.
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
append(const Name& name);
* Clear all the components.
m_nameBlock = Block(Tlv::Name);
* Get a new name, constructed as a subset of components.
* @param iStartComponent The index if the first component to get.
* @param nComponents The number of components starting at iStartComponent.
* @return A new name.
getSubName(size_t iStartComponent, size_t nComponents) const;
* Get a new name, constructed as a subset of components starting at iStartComponent until the end of the name.
* @param iStartComponent The index if the first component to get.
* @return A new name.
getSubName(size_t iStartComponent) const;
* Return a new Name with the first nComponents components of this Name.
* @param nComponents The number of prefix components. If nComponents is -N then return the prefix up
* to name.size() - N. For example getPrefix(-1) returns the name without the final component.
* @return A new Name.
getPrefix(int nComponents) const
if (nComponents < 0)
return getSubName(0, m_nameBlock.elements_size() + nComponents);
return getSubName(0, nComponents);
* Encode this name as a URI.
* @return The encoded URI.
toUri() const;
* Append a component with the encoded segment number.
* @param segment The segment number.
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
appendSegment(uint64_t segment)
m_nameBlock.push_back(Component::fromNumberWithMarker(segment, 0x00));
return *this;
* Append a component with the encoded version number.
* Note that this encodes the exact value of version without converting from a time representation.
* @param version The version number.
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
appendVersion(uint64_t version)
m_nameBlock.push_back(Component::fromNumberWithMarker(version, 0xFD));
return *this;
* @brief Append a component with the encoded version number.
* This version of the method creates version number based on the current timestamp
* @return This name so that you can chain calls to append.
* Check if this name has the same component count and components as the given name.
* @param name The Name to check.
* @return true if the names are equal, otherwise false.
equals(const Name& name) const;
* Check if the N components of this name are the same as the first N components of the given name.
* @param name The Name to check.
* @return true if this matches the given name, otherwise false. This always returns true if this name is empty.
isPrefixOf(const Name& name) const;
match(const Name& name) const
return isPrefixOf(name);
// vector equivalent interface.
* @brief Check if name is emtpy
empty() const { return m_nameBlock.elements().empty(); }
* Get the number of components.
* @return The number of components.
size() const { return m_nameBlock.elements_size(); }
* Get the component at the given index.
* @param i The index of the component, starting from 0.
* @return The name component at the index.
const Component&
get(ssize_t i) const
if (i >= 0)
return reinterpret_cast<const Component&>(m_nameBlock.elements()[i]);
return reinterpret_cast<const Component&>(m_nameBlock.elements()[size() + i]);
const Component&
operator [] (ssize_t i) const
return get(i);
const Component&
at(ssize_t i) const
return get(i);
* Compare this to the other Name using NDN canonical ordering. If the first components of each name are not equal,
* this returns -1 if the first comes before the second using the NDN canonical ordering for name components, or 1 if it comes after.
* If they are equal, this compares the second components of each name, etc. If both names are the same up to
* the size of the shorter name, this returns -1 if the first name is shorter than the second or 1 if it is longer.
* For example, if you std::sort gives: /a/b/d /a/b/cc /c /c/a /bb . This is intuitive because all names
* with the prefix /a are next to each other. But it may be also be counter-intuitive because /c comes before /bb
* according to NDN canonical ordering since it is shorter.
* @param other The other Name to compare with.
* @return 0 If they compare equal, -1 if *this comes before other in the canonical ordering, or
* 1 if *this comes after other in the canonical ordering.
* @see
compare(const Name& other) const;
* Append the component
* @param component The component of type T.
template<class T> void
push_back(const T &component)
* Check if this name has the same component count and components as the given name.
* @param name The Name to check.
* @return true if the names are equal, otherwise false.
operator == (const Name &name) const { return equals(name); }
* Check if this name has the same component count and components as the given name.
* @param name The Name to check.
* @return true if the names are not equal, otherwise false.
operator != (const Name &name) const { return !equals(name); }
* Return true if this is less than or equal to the other Name in the NDN canonical ordering.
* @param other The other Name to compare with.
* @see
operator <= (const Name& other) const { return compare(other) <= 0; }
* Return true if this is less than the other Name in the NDN canonical ordering.
* @param other The other Name to compare with.
* @see
operator < (const Name& other) const { return compare(other) < 0; }
* Return true if this is less than or equal to the other Name in the NDN canonical ordering.
* @param other The other Name to compare with.
* @see
operator >= (const Name& other) const { return compare(other) >= 0; }
* Return true if this is greater than the other Name in the NDN canonical ordering.
* @param other The other Name to compare with.
* @see
operator > (const Name& other) const { return compare(other) > 0; }
// Iterator interface to name components.
* Begin iterator (const).
begin() const
return reinterpret_cast<const_iterator>(&*m_nameBlock.elements().begin());
* End iterator (const).
* @todo Check if this crash when there are no elements in the buffer
end() const
return reinterpret_cast<const_iterator>(&*m_nameBlock.elements().end());
* Reverse begin iterator (const).
rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
* Reverse end iterator (const).
rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
mutable Block m_nameBlock;
std::ostream &
operator << (std::ostream &os, const Name &name);
inline std::string
Name::toUri() const
std::ostringstream os;
os << *this;
return os.str();
inline const Block &
Name::wireEncode() const
if (m_nameBlock.hasWire())
return m_nameBlock;
EncodingEstimator estimator;
size_t estimatedSize = wireEncode(estimator);
EncodingBuffer buffer(estimatedSize, 0);
m_nameBlock = buffer.block();
return m_nameBlock;
inline void
Name::wireDecode(const Block &wire)
m_nameBlock = wire;
template<bool T>
inline size_t
Name::wireEncode(EncodingImpl<T>& blk) const
size_t total_len = 0;
for (const_reverse_iterator i = rbegin ();
i != rend ();
total_len += i->wireEncode (blk);
total_len += blk.prependVarNumber (total_len);
total_len += blk.prependVarNumber (Tlv::Name);
return total_len;
Name::wireEncode<true>(EncodingBuffer& block) const;
Name::wireEncode<false>(EncodingEstimator& block) const;
} // namespace ndn