ci: update Travis configuration

 * Add testing on arm64, ppc64le, and s390x with select compiler versions
 * Allow disabling the headers check by setting DISABLE_HEADERS_CHECK
 * Drop all versions of gcc < 7 and clang < 5
 * Add clang 11 (development branch)
 * Reenable ASan on Linux with gcc 9 and clang 7, the upstream
   bugs have been fixed; ASan on clang 8 remains disabled
 * Drop Xcode 9.2 (macOS 10.12 is no longer supported)
 * Upgrade Xcode 11 to 11.3
 * Remove USE_OPENSSL_1_1 and always build with openssl 1.1.1,
   since that's the only version available on Homebrew now
 * Workaround issue with missing /usr/local/opt/openssl on macOS
 * Various cleanups

Change-Id: I90e7d61d176b60c1e6b90d2374a7a51dd1deabb3
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 570bb0e..a240836 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,112 +1,111 @@
+version: ~> 1.0
 language: cpp
+os: linux
 dist: bionic
+  - amd64
+  - arm64
+  - ppc64le
+  - s390x
     - JOB_NAME=limited-build
     - WAF_JOBS=2
+  jobs:
+    - COMPILER=g++-7
+    - COMPILER=g++-9
+    - COMPILER=clang++-6.0
+    - COMPILER=clang++-9
-    # Linux/gcc
-    #
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=g++-5
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=g++-6
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=g++-7
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=g++-8
-    # disable AddressSanitizer with gcc 9 due to
-    #
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=g++-9 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+    # Linux
+    - env: COMPILER=g++-8
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-5.0
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-7
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-8
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-10
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-11
-    # Linux/clang
-    #
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.9
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-4.0
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-5.0
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-6.0
-    # disable AddressSanitizer with clang 7 and 8
-    # due to
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-7 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-8 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-9
-    - os: linux
-      env: COMPILER=clang++-10
-    # macOS/clang
-    #
-    - os: osx
-      osx_image: xcode9.2
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.12
+    # macOS
     - os: osx
       osx_image: xcode9.4
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.13
+      env: # default compiler
     - os: osx
       osx_image: xcode10.1
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.13
-    - os: osx
-      osx_image: xcode10.1
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.13 USE_OPENSSL_1_1=yes
+      env: # default compiler
     - os: osx
       osx_image: xcode10.3
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.14
+      env: # default compiler
     - os: osx
-      osx_image: xcode10.3
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.14 USE_OPENSSL_1_1=yes
-    - os: osx
-      osx_image: xcode11
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.14
-    - os: osx
-      osx_image: xcode11
-      env: OSX_VERSION=10.14 USE_OPENSSL_1_1=yes
+      osx_image: xcode11.3
+      env: # default compiler
-    - env: COMPILER=clang++-10
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-11
   fast_finish: true
-before_install: |
+  - |
+    : Adding apt repositories
     case ${COMPILER} in
-      g++-[567]|clang++-[3456].*)
-        ;;
-      g++-*)
+      g++-9)
+        #
         travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
         travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq update
-      clang++-*)
+      clang++-1?)
+        #
         travis_retry wget -nv -O - "" | sudo apt-key add -
-        travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb${TRAVIS_DIST}/ ${LLVM_REPO%-10} main"
+        travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb${TRAVIS_DIST}/ ${LLVM_REPO%-11} main"
         travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq update
-  - if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then travis_retry sudo apt-get -qy install "${COMPILER/clang++/clang}"; fi
+  - |
+    : Installing C++ compiler
+    if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then
+      travis_retry sudo apt-get -qy install ${COMPILER/clang++/clang}
+    fi
-  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == linux ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-18.04"; fi
-  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == osx ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="OSX OSX-${OSX_VERSION}"; fi
-  # do not waste time upgrading useless packages
-  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == osx ]]; then brew pin cgal gdal numpy postgis sfcgal || true; fi
-  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then brew update; fi
-  # workaround for
-  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then brew outdated python || brew upgrade python; fi
-  # workaround for
-  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then /usr/bin/yes | pip2 uninstall numpy || true; fi
-  - if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then export CXX=${COMPILER}; fi
+  - |
+    : Setting environment variables
+    case ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} in
+      linux)  export NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-18.04" ;;
+      osx)    export NODE_LABELS="OSX OSX-$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d . -f -2)" ;;
+    esac
+    if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then
+      export CXX=${COMPILER}
+    fi
+  - |
+    : Enabling workarounds
+    case "${TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH},${COMPILER}" in
+      arm64,g++*)
+        # Avoid exceeding the per-job time limit
+        export DISABLE_HEADERS_CHECK=yes
+        ;;
+      ppc64le,g++-7)
+        # AddressSanitizer does not seem to be working
+        export DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+        ;;
+      *,clang++-8)
+        #
+        export DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+        ;;
+    esac
+    if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == osx ]]; then
+      # Do not waste time upgrading useless packages
+      brew pin cgal gdal postgis sfcgal || true
+      # Ensure /usr/local/opt/openssl exists
+      brew reinstall openssl || true
+    fi
   - ${CXX:-c++} --version
-  - python --version
   - ./.jenkins