ndnboost: Include boost::iostreams for internal use.
diff --git a/include/ndnboost/iostreams/filter/grep.hpp b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/filter/grep.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37a296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/filter/grep.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.(See accompanying 
+ * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.)
+ * 
+ * See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation.
+ * File:        ndnboost/iostreams/filter/grep.hpp
+ * Date:        Mon May 26 17:48:45 MDT 2008
+ * Copyright:   2008 CodeRage, LLC
+ * Author:      Jonathan Turkanis
+ * Contact:     turkanis at coderage dot com
+ *
+ * Defines the class template basic_grep_filter and its specializations
+ * grep_filter and wgrep_filter.
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma once
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>  // allocator.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/char_traits.hpp>   
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/filter/line.hpp>              
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/pipeline.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/regex.hpp>
+namespace ndnboost { namespace iostreams {
+namespace grep {
+const int invert      = 1;
+const int whole_line  = invert << 1;
+} // End namespace grep.
+template< typename Ch,
+          typename Tr = regex_traits<Ch>,
+          typename Alloc = std::allocator<Ch> >
+class basic_grep_filter : public basic_line_filter<Ch, Alloc> {
+    typedef basic_line_filter<Ch, Alloc>               base_type;
+    typedef typename base_type::char_type              char_type;
+    typedef typename base_type::category               category;
+    typedef char_traits<char_type>                     traits_type;
+    typedef typename base_type::string_type            string_type;
+    typedef basic_regex<Ch, Tr>                        regex_type;
+    typedef regex_constants::match_flag_type           match_flag_type;
+    basic_grep_filter( const regex_type& re,
+                       match_flag_type match_flags = 
+                           regex_constants::match_default,
+                       int options = 0 );
+    int count() const { return count_; }
+    template<typename Sink>
+    void close(Sink& snk, NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which)
+    {
+        base_type::close(snk, which);
+        options_ &= ~f_initialized;
+    }
+    virtual string_type do_filter(const string_type& line)
+    {
+        if ((options_ & f_initialized) == 0) {
+            options_ |= f_initialized;
+            count_ = 0;
+        }
+        bool matches = (options_ & grep::whole_line) ?
+            regex_match(line, re_, match_flags_) :
+            regex_search(line, re_, match_flags_);
+        if (options_ & grep::invert)
+            matches = !matches;
+        if (matches)
+            ++count_;
+        return matches ? line + traits_type::newline() : string_type();
+    }
+    // Private flags bitwise OR'd with constants from namespace grep
+    enum flags_ {
+        f_initialized = 65536
+    };
+    regex_type       re_;
+    match_flag_type  match_flags_;
+    int              options_;
+    int              count_;
+NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_PIPABLE(basic_grep_filter, 3)
+typedef basic_grep_filter<char>     grep_filter;
+typedef basic_grep_filter<wchar_t>  wgrep_filter;
+//------------------Implementation of basic_grep_filter-----------------------//
+template<typename Ch, typename Tr, typename Alloc>
+basic_grep_filter<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::basic_grep_filter
+    (const regex_type& re, match_flag_type match_flags, int options)
+    : base_type(true), re_(re), match_flags_(match_flags), 
+      options_(options), count_(0)
+    { }
+} } // End namespaces iostreams, boost.