Prepare release 0.8.1

Refs: #5250
Change-Id: I99931c1300cd752554aea764e9688d027b5de29e
diff --git a/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.0.rst b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.0.rst
index 752fa91..1cd0260 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.0.rst
+++ b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.0.rst
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 - Flip default value of ``CanBePrefix`` to **false** (:issue:`4582`). This means that
-  Interests created without explicitly specifying ``CanBePrefix`` option, will be treaded
+  Interests created without explicitly specifying ``CanBePrefix`` option will be treated
   as Interests for exact Data name.
-- Change default name component encoding convention to typed (:issue:`5044`)
+- Change default name component encoding convention to ``TYPED`` (:issue:`5044`)
 - Update TLV-TYPE numbers to revision 3 of the `naming conventions`_
diff --git a/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.rst b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccba1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ndn-cxx version 0.8.1
+Release date: December 31, 2022
+.. note::
+   This is the last release of ndn-cxx to support the C++14 standard.
+   Future versions will require C++17 to build.
+Important changes and new features
+- The minimum build requirements have been increased as follows:
+  - Either GCC >= 7.4.0 or Clang >= 6.0 is required on Linux
+  - On macOS, Xcode 11.3 or later is recommended; older versions may still work but are not
+    officially supported
+  - Boost >= 1.65.1 and OpenSSL >= 1.1.1 are required on all platforms
+  - Sphinx 4.0 or later is required to build the documentation
+- CentOS Stream 9 is now officially supported; CentOS 8 has been dropped (:issue:`5181`)
+- macOS 12 (Monterey) and 13 (Ventura) running on arm64 are now officially supported
+  (:issue:`5135`)
+- Add the initial version of a :ndn-cxx:`Segmenter` API that applications can use to simplify
+  the process of chunking a large object into multiple signed Data packets (:issue:`5247`)
+- Add ``KeyChain::makeCertificate()`` to simplify the creation of certificates
+- Put the full certificate name in the ``KeyLocator`` field, instead of just the key name
+  (:issue:`5112`)
+- NFD management commands sent by :ndn-cxx:`nfd::Controller` now use the `new signed Interest
+  format <>`__ (:issue:`4804`)
+Improvements and bug fixes
+- Several enhancements and cleanups in :ndn-cxx:`Name` and :ndn-cxx:`Component` to make
+  the API more consistent and simpler to use (:issue:`5186`)
+- Various improvements in the validation framework and policies
+  - Avoid redundant TLV decoding during Interest validation
+  - Fix validation of signed Interests with malformed ``InterestSignatureInfo``
+  - More accurate validation error codes are returned in several cases
+  - Rename ``ValidationError::NO_SIGNATURE`` to ``MALFORMED_SIGNATURE``
+- Optimize parsing of PIB and TPM locators in :ndn-cxx:`KeyChain`
+- Major cleanup and modernization of PIB implementation
+- Gracefully handle invalid or unsupported public keys stored in the PIB
+- Fix OpenSSL 3.0 deprecation warnings in private key generation routines (:issue:`5154`)
+- Change ``Certificate::getPublicKey()`` to return a ``span``
+- Make :ndn-cxx:`Block` convertible to ``span<const uint8_t>``
+- Avoid assertion failure in :ndn-cxx:`OBufferStream` under certain conditions (:issue:`5240`)
+- Allow customizing the FaceId in :ndn-cxx:`DummyClientFace` (:issue:`5011`)
+- Improve pretty-printing of certificates, e.g., in ``ndnsec list`` and ``ndnsec cert-dump``
+- Relax restrictions on KeyId component type in ``ndnsec key-gen``
+- Fix handling of ``--without-osx-keychain`` configure option (:issue:`3338`)
+- Stop using the ``gold`` linker on Linux; prefer instead linking with ``lld`` if installed
+- Update waf build system to version 2.0.24
+- Various documentation improvements
+- ``Name::append()`` overloads and :ndn-cxx:`Component` constructors that take a
+  ``const uint8_t*``. Use the ``span``-based overloads instead.
+- ``Component::fromImplicitSha256Digest()`` and ``Component::fromParametersSha256Digest()``.
+  Use one of the constructors directly instead.
+- Obsolete TLV-TYPE definitions
+- Many previously deprecated functions that take raw byte buffers as ``uint8_t*`` + ``size_t``,
+  replaced by equivalent functions that take a ``span``. These include ``Data::setContent()``,
+  ``Interest::setApplicationParameters()``, ``Block::fromBuffer()``, ``verifySignature()``,
+  ``PublicKey::loadPkcs8()``, ``transform::bufferSource()``, ``random::generateSecureBytes()``,
+  ``printHex()``, ``toHex()``, and so on.
+- Previously deprecated ``Name::append(Block)`` overload
+- Previously deprecated ``Interest::setDefaultCanBePrefix()``
+- ``ndn::any`` and related functionality