blob: 2770915675f6641f369e316b23c972bde6b3902a [file] [log] [blame]
ndn-cxx version 0.6.1
Release date: February 19, 2018
New features:
- (potentially breaking change) :ndn-cxx:`expressInterest` now by default loopbacks Interests to
producer callbacks on the same :ndn-cxx:`Face`. When undesired, use
``InterestFilter::allowLoopback(false)`` (:issue:`3979`)
- New signal in :ndn-cxx:`SegmentFetcher` to notify retrieval of Data segments
- Initial support for the Content Store management protocol
- Literal operators for ``time::duration`` types, such as ``1_s``, ``42_ms``, ``30_days``
- Support for BLAKE2 hash function (requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0)
- A ``escape()`` helper function complementing the existing ``unescape()`` (:issue:`4484`)
Improvements and bug fixes
- ``ndnsec key-gen`` command line now allows customization of key ID (:issue:`4294`)
- Fixed encoding of ``'~'`` and ``'+'`` in :ndn-cxx:`Component::toUri()`
- Fixed handling of large dates when converting to/from string
(:issue:`4478`, :issue:`3915`)
- Fixed error handling in :ndn-cxx:`KeyChain::importSafeBag()`
- Fixed parsing of IPv6 addresses with scope-id
- :ndn-cxx:`io::load()` now handles empty files properly
- Switched to using `boost::asio::basic_waitable_timer`
- Allow linking multiple :ndn-cxx:`DummyClientFace` instances together to emulate a broadcast medium
- Fixed build when ``std::to_string`` is not available
- Avoid undefined behavior when casting to :ndn-cxx:`tlv::SignatureTypeValue`
- Fixed compilation with Boost 1.66.0
- Various documentation updates
(:issue:`3918`, :issue: `4184`, :issue: `4275`)
- Removed obsolete TLV-TYPE constants
(:issue:`4055`, :issue:`3098`, :issue: `3755`)