docs: Updated installation instructions, AUTHORs, and other small updates

Change-Id: Ide2046742254255322e8cb84279ffd6a4ecb9b4b
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
index a05326b..ab3f7f7 100644
--- a/.waf-tools/
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
-	def options(opt):
-	        opt.tool_options('cryptopp', tooldir=["waf-tools"])
+    def options(opt):
+        opt.tool_options('cryptopp', tooldir=["waf-tools"])
-	def configure(conf):
-		conf.load('compiler_cxx cryptopp')
+    def configure(conf):
+        conf.load('compiler_cxx cryptopp')
-	def build(bld):
-		bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='CRYPTOPP')
+    def build(bld):
+        bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='CRYPTOPP')
 Options are generated, in order to specify the location of cryptopp includes/libraries.
@@ -22,56 +22,64 @@
 import re
 from waflib import Utils,Logs,Errors
 from waflib.Configure import conf
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cryptopp/config.h>
-int main() { std::cout << CRYPTOPP_VERSION; }
+CRYPTOPP_DIR = ['/usr', '/usr/local', '/opt/local', '/sw']
 def options(opt):
-	opt.add_option('--cryptopp',type='string',default='',dest='cryptopp_dir',help='''path to where cryptopp is installed, e.g. /opt/local''')
-def __cryptopp_get_version_file(self,dir):
-	try:
-		return self.root.find_dir(dir).find_node('%s/%s' % ('include/cryptopp', CRYPTOPP_VERSION_FILE))
-	except:
-		return None
-def cryptopp_get_version(self,dir):
-	val=self.check_cxx(fragment=CRYPTOPP_VERSION_CODE,includes=['%s/%s' % (dir, 'include')], execute=True, define_ret = True, mandatory=True)
-	return val
-def cryptopp_get_root(self,*k,**kw):
-	root=k and k[0]or kw.get('path',None)
-	# Logs.pprint ('RED', '   %s' %root)
-	if root and self.__cryptopp_get_version_file(root):
-		return root
-	for dir in CRYPTOPP_DIR:
-		if self.__cryptopp_get_version_file(dir):
-			return dir
-	if root:
-		self.fatal('CryptoPP not found in %s'%root)
-	else:
-		self.fatal('CryptoPP not found, please provide a --cryptopp argument (see help)')
-def check_cryptopp(self,*k,**kw):
-	if not self.env['CXX']:
-		self.fatal('load a c++ compiler first, conf.load("compiler_cxx")')
+    opt.add_option('--cryptopp', type='string', default='', dest='cryptopp_dir',
+                   help='''Path to where CryptoPP is installed, e.g. /opt/local''')
-	var=kw.get('uselib_store','CRYPTOPP')
-	self.start_msg('Checking Crypto++ lib')
-	root = self.cryptopp_get_root(*k,**kw)
-	self.env.CRYPTOPP_VERSION=self.cryptopp_get_version(root)
+def __cryptopp_get_version_file(self, dir):
+    try:
+        return self.root.find_dir(dir).find_node('%s/%s' % ('include/cryptopp',
+                                                            CRYPTOPP_VERSION_FILE))
+    except:
+        return None
-	self.env['INCLUDES_%s'%var]= '%s/%s' % (root, "include")
-	self.env['LIB_%s'%var] = "cryptopp"
-	self.env['LIBPATH_%s'%var] = '%s/%s' % (root, "lib")
+def __cryptopp_find_root_and_version_file(self, *k, **kw):
+    root = k and k[0]or kw.get('path', None)
-	self.end_msg(self.env.CRYPTOPP_VERSION)
-	if Logs.verbose:
-		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	CRYPTOPP include : %s'%self.env['INCLUDES_%s'%var])
-		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	CRYPTOPP lib     : %s'%self.env['LIB_%s'%var])
-		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	CRYPTOPP libpath : %s'%self.env['LIBPATH_%s'%var])
+    file = self.__cryptopp_get_version_file(root)
+    if root and file:
+        return (root, file)
+    for dir in CRYPTOPP_DIR:
+        file = self.__cryptopp_get_version_file(dir)
+        if file:
+            return (dir, file)
+    if root:
+        self.fatal('CryptoPP not found in %s' % root)
+    else:
+        self.fatal('CryptoPP not found, please provide a --cryptopp argument (see help)')
+def check_cryptopp(self, *k, **kw):
+    if not self.env['CXX']:
+        self.fatal('Load a c++ compiler first, e.g., conf.load("compiler_cxx")')
+    var = kw.get('uselib_store','CRYPTOPP')
+    self.start_msg('Checking Crypto++ lib')
+    (root, file) = self.__cryptopp_find_root_and_version_file(*k, **kw)
+    try:
+        txt =
+        re_version = re.compile('^#define\\s+CRYPTOPP_VERSION\\s+(.*)', re.M)
+        match =
+        if match:
+            self.env.CRYPTOPP_VERSION =
+            self.end_msg(self.env.CRYPTOPP_VERSION)
+        else:
+            self.fatal('CryptoPP files are present, but are not recognizable')
+    except:
+        self.fatal('CryptoPP not found or is not usable')
+    val = self.check_cxx(msg='Checking if CryptoPP library works',
+                         header_name='cryptopp/config.h',
+                         lib='cryptopp',
+                         cxxflags="-I%s/include" % root,
+                         linkflags="-L%s/lib" % root,
+                         mandatory=True,
+                         uselib_store=var)
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f0482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Regents of the University of California
+# GPL 3.0 license, see the file for more information
+from waflib import Logs, Configure
+def options(opt):
+    opt.add_option('--debug', '--with-debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug',
+                   help='''Compile in debugging mode without all optimizations (-O0)''')
+def configure(conf):
+    areCustomCxxflagsPresent = (len(conf.env.CXXFLAGS) > 0)
+    if conf.options.debug:
+        conf.define('_DEBUG', 1)
+        defaultFlags = ['-O0', '-g3',
+                        '-Werror',
+                        '-Wall',
+                        '-fcolor-diagnostics', # only clang supports
+                        # to disable known warnings
+                        '-Wno-unused-variable', # cryptopp
+                        '-Wno-unused-function',
+                        '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
+                        ]
+        if areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
+            missingFlags = [x for x in defaultFlags if x not in conf.env.CXXFLAGS]
+            if len(missingFlags) > 0:
+                Logs.warn("Selected debug mode, but CXXFLAGS is set to a custom value '%s'"
+                           % " ".join(conf.env.CXXFLAGS))
+                Logs.warn("Default flags '%s' are not activated" % " ".join(missingFlags))
+        else:
+            conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags = defaultFlags)
+    else:
+        defaultFlags = ['-O2', '-g', '-Wall',
+                        # to disable known warnings
+                        '-Wno-unused-variable', # cryptopp
+                        '-Wno-unused-function',
+                        '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
+                        ]
+        if not areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
+            conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags = defaultFlags)
+def add_supported_cxxflags(self, cxxflags):
+    """
+    Check which cxxflags are supported by compiler and add them to env.CXXFLAGS variable
+    """
+    self.start_msg('Checking allowed flags for c++ compiler')
+    supportedFlags = []
+    for flag in cxxflags:
+        if self.check_cxx(cxxflags=[flag], mandatory=False):
+            supportedFlags += [flag]
+    self.end_msg(' '.join (supportedFlags))
+    self.env.CXXFLAGS = supportedFlags + self.env.CXXFLAGS
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
index 07014ee..ac8c70b 100644
--- a/.waf-tools/
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -9,15 +9,30 @@
 Variables passed to bld():
 * doxyfile -- the Doxyfile to use
-ported from waf 1.5 (incomplete)
+When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
+	def options(opt):
+		opt.load('doxygen')
+	def configure(conf):
+		conf.load('doxygen')
+		# check conf.env.DOXYGEN, if it is mandatory
+	def build(bld):
+		if bld.env.DOXYGEN:
+			bld(features="doxygen", doxyfile='Doxyfile', ...)
+        def doxygen(bld):
+		if bld.env.DOXYGEN:
+			bld(features="doxygen", doxyfile='Doxyfile', ...)
 from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
 import os, os.path, re, stat
-from waflib import Task, Utils, Node, Logs
+from waflib import Task, Utils, Node, Logs, Errors, Build
 from waflib.TaskGen import feature
+DOXY_STR = '"${DOXYGEN}" - '
 DOXY_FMTS = 'html latex man rft xml'.split()
 DOXY_FILE_PATTERNS = '*.' + ' *.'.join('''
 c cc cxx cpp c++ java ii ixx ipp i++ inl h hh hxx hpp h++ idl odl cs php php3
@@ -68,6 +83,11 @@
 			if not'OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'):['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] = self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
+			# Override with any parameters passed to the task generator
+			if getattr(self.generator, 'pars', None):
+				for k, v in
+[k] = v
 			self.doxy_inputs = getattr(self, 'doxy_inputs', [])
 			if not'INPUT'):
@@ -92,19 +112,17 @@
 		return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
 	def scan(self):
-		if'RECURSIVE') == 'YES':
-			Logs.warn("Doxygen RECURSIVE dependencies are not supported")
-		exclude_patterns ='EXCLUDE_PATTERNS', '').split()
-		file_patterns ='FILE_PATTERNS', '').split()
+		exclude_patterns ='EXCLUDE_PATTERNS','').split()
+		file_patterns ='FILE_PATTERNS','').split()
 		if not file_patterns:
 			file_patterns = DOXY_FILE_PATTERNS
+		if'RECURSIVE') == 'YES':
+			file_patterns = ["**/%s" % pattern for pattern in file_patterns]
 		nodes = []
 		names = []
 		for node in self.doxy_inputs:
 			if os.path.isdir(node.abspath()):
-				for m in node.ant_glob(file_patterns):
+				for m in node.ant_glob(incl=file_patterns, excl=exclude_patterns):
@@ -112,8 +130,7 @@
 	def run(self):
 		dct =
-		# TODO will break if paths have spaces
-		dct['INPUT'] = ' '.join([x.abspath() for x in self.doxy_inputs])
+		dct['INPUT'] = ' '.join(['"%s"' % x.abspath() for x in self.doxy_inputs])
 		code = '\n'.join(['%s = %s' % (x, dct[x]) for x in])
 		code = code.encode() # for python 3
 		#fmt = DOXY_STR % (self.inputs[0].parent.abspath())
@@ -179,6 +196,19 @@
 			tsk.env['TAROPTS'] = ['cf']
 def configure(conf):
-	conf.find_program('doxygen', var='DOXYGEN')
-	conf.find_program('tar', var='TAR')
+	'''
+	Check if doxygen and tar commands are present in the system
+	If the commands are present, then conf.env.DOXYGEN and conf.env.TAR
+	variables will be set. Detection can be controlled by setting DOXYGEN and
+	TAR environmental variables.
+	'''
+	conf.find_program('doxygen', var='DOXYGEN', mandatory=False)
+	conf.find_program('tar', var='TAR', mandatory=False)
+# doxygen docs
+from waflib.Build import BuildContext
+class doxy(BuildContext):
+    cmd = "doxygen"
+    fun = "doxygen"
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
index 7f599a9..4a5c01f 100644
--- a/.waf-tools/
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
-	def options(opt):
-	        opt.tool_options('openssl')
+    def options(opt):
+        opt.tool_options('openssl')
-	def configure(conf):
-		conf.load('compiler_c openssl')
+    def configure(conf):
+        conf.load('compiler_c openssl')
-                conf.check_openssl()
+        conf.check_openssl()
-	def build(bld):
-		bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='OPENSSL')
+    def build(bld):
+        bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='OPENSSL')
@@ -23,37 +23,38 @@
 def check_openssl(self,*k,**kw):
-        root = k and k[0] or kw.get('path',None) or Options.options.with_openssl
-        mandatory = kw.get('mandatory', True)
-        var = kw.get('var', 'OPENSSL')
+    root = k and k[0] or kw.get('path',None) or Options.options.with_openssl
+    mandatory = kw.get('mandatory', True)
+    var = kw.get('var', 'OPENSSL')
-        CODE = """
+    CODE = """
 #include <openssl/crypto.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-	(void)argc;
-        printf ("%s", argv[0]);
+    (void)argc;
+    printf("%s", argv[0]);
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
-        if root:
-                libcrypto = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
-                                           header_name='openssl/crypto.h',
-                                           define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
-                                           uselib_store=var,
-                                           mandatory = mandatory,
-                                           cflags="-I%s/include" % root,
-                                           linkflags="-L%s/lib" % root,
-                                           execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
-        else:
-                libcrypto = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
-                                           header_name='openssl/crypto.h',
-                                           define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
-                                           uselib_store=var,
-                                           mandatory = mandatory,
-                                           execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
+    if root:
+        libcrypto = self.check_cxx(lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
+                       msg='Checking for OpenSSL library',
+                       define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+                       uselib_store=var,
+                       mandatory=mandatory,
+                       cflags="-I%s/include" % root,
+                       linkflags="-L%s/lib" % root,
+                       fragment=CODE)
+    else:
+        libcrypto = self.check_cxx(lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
+                       msg='Checking for OpenSSL library',
+                       define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+                       uselib_store=var,
+                       mandatory=mandatory,
+                       fragment=CODE)
 def options(opt):
-        opt.add_option('--with-openssl',type='string',default='',dest='with_openssl',help='''Path to OpenSSL''')
+    opt.add_option('--with-openssl', type='string', default='',
+                   dest='with_openssl', help='''Path to OpenSSL''')
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
index e1155d1..53cc431 100644
--- a/.waf-tools/
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -10,8 +10,13 @@
 Usage for getting both html and pdf docs:
-    ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/')
-    ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/', buildername='latex')
+    def build(ctx):
+        ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/')
+        ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/', buildername='latex')
+    def sphinx(ctx):
+        ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/')
+        ctx(features='sphinx', source='docs/', buildername='latex')
 Optional parameters and their defaults:
@@ -25,7 +30,7 @@
 import os
-from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Errors, Logs
+from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Errors, Logs, Build
 class RunSphinxBuild(Task.Task):
 	def scan(self):
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@
 	buildername = getattr(tg, "buildername", "html")
 	srcdir = getattr(tg, "srcdir", confdir)
 	outdir = tg.path.find_or_declare (getattr(tg, "outdir", os.path.join(conf.parent.get_bld().abspath(), buildername))).abspath ()
 	doctreedir = getattr(tg, "doctreedir", os.path.join(outdir, ".doctrees"))
 	# Set up the Sphinx instance.
@@ -93,7 +98,7 @@
 	# Get the main targets of the Sphinx build.
 	tgt_nodes = _get_main_targets(tg, s)
-	# Create the task and set the required attributes.  
+	# Create the task and set the required attributes.
 	task = tg.create_task("RunSphinxBuild", src=conf, tgt=tgt_nodes)
 	task.srcdir = tg.bld.root.find_node(s.srcdir)
 	task.outdir = tg.bld.root.find_node(s.outdir)
@@ -106,3 +111,9 @@
 	# Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list
 	tg.source = []
+# sphinx docs
+from waflib.Build import BuildContext
+class sphinx (BuildContext):
+    cmd = "sphinx"
+    fun = "sphinx"
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fcb1f9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Jeff Thompson <>
-Alexander Afanasyev (
-Yingdi Yu (
-Wentao Shang (
-Junxiao Shi (
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9409a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ndn-cpp-dev authors
+## The primary authors are (and/or have been):
+* Jeff Thompson         <>
+* Alexander Afanasyev   <>
+* Yingdi Yu             <>
+## All project authors and contributors
+The following is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS,
+people who have reported bugs, submitted patches, and implemented new features
+in the library:
+* Wentao Shang          <>
+* Junxiao Shi           <>
+* Steve DiBenedetto     <>
+* Syed Obaid Amin       <>
+* Shuo Chen             <>
+* Hila Ben Abraham      <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 04d7c3b..9b0e57c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
 ndn-cpp-dev:  A dev version of Named Data Networking client library for C++
+Supported platforms
+ndn-cpp-dev is tested on the following platforms:
+* Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit and 32 bit)
+* Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit and 32 bit)
+* Mac OS X 10.8
+* Mac OS X 10.9
@@ -9,42 +20,37 @@
-* libcrypto
-* libsqlite3
-* libcrypto++
-* boost libraries (>= 1.48)
+* `python` >= 2.6
+* `libcrypto`
+* `libsqlite3`
+* `libcrypto++`
+* `pkg-config`
+* Boost libraries >= 1.48
 * OSX Security framework (on OSX platform only)
 Following are the detailed steps for each platform to install the prerequisites.
-* Mac OS X 10.7.3, Mac OS X 10.8.4
+* Mac OS X
     Install Xcode.
     In Xcode Preferences > Downloads, install "Command Line Tools".
-* Mac OS X 10.9
-    Install Xcode.  (Xcode on OS X 10.9 seems to already have the Command Line Tools.)
     If using macports, dependencies can be installed using the following commands:
-        sudo port install boost sqlite3 libcryptopp
+        sudo port install pkgconfig boost sqlite3 libcryptopp
 * Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 13.10
     In a terminal, enter:
         sudo apt-get install build-essential
-        # For Ubuntu 12.04
-        sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
-        # For Ubuntu 13.10
-        sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
         sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libcrypto++-dev
-* Windows Cygwin
+        # For Ubuntu 12.04
+        sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
-    Cygwin is tested on Windows 7 64-bit with the "Devel" packages selected to install at the top level of the
-    cygwin installer.  This includes libcrypto and libsqlite3.
+        # For Ubuntu 13.10
+        sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
@@ -58,22 +64,24 @@
     sudo ./waf install
-This makes and installs the following items:
+This builds and installs the following items:
-* ``<LIBPATH>/libndn-cpp-dev.*``: static and dynamic NDN C++ libraries
-* ``<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig/libndn-cpp-dev.pc``: pkgconfig file storing all neccessary flags
+* `<LIBPATH>/libndn-cpp-dev.a`: static NDN C++ library
+* `<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig/libndn-cpp-dev.pc`: pkgconfig file storing all neccessary flags
   to build against the library.  For example, if pkgconfig or pkgconf package is
-  installed and PKG_CONFIG_PATH is configured properly (or ``<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig`` is a
-  default path), ``pkgconfig --libs --clflags libndn-cpp-dev`` will return all necessary
+  installed and `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` is configured properly (or `<LIBPATH>/pkgconfig` is a
+  default path), `pkgconfig --libs --clflags libndn-cpp-dev` will return all necessary
   compile and link flags for the library.
-* ``<BINPATH>/tlvdump``: a simple tool to dump contents of TLV-formatted data
-* ``<BINPATH>/ndncatchunks3``: a simplified equivalent to ndncatchunks2 in NDNx package
-* ``<BINPATH>/ndnputchunks3``: a simplified equivalent to ndnputchunks2 in NDNx package
+* `<BINPATH>/tlvdump`: a simple tool to dump contents of TLV-formatted data
+* `<BINPATH>/ndncatchunks3`: a simplified equivalent to ndncatchunks2 in NDNx package
+* `<BINPATH>/ndnputchunks3`: a simplified equivalent to ndnputchunks2 in NDNx package
+* `<BINPATH>/ndnsec`: tool to manage NDN keys and certificates
+* `<BINPATH>/ndnsec-*`: convenience scripts for `ndnsec` tools
-If configured with tests: ``./waf configure --with-tests``), the above commands will
+If configured with tests: `./waf configure --with-tests`), the above commands will
 also produce:
-* ``build/tests/unit-tests``: A tool to run unit tests for the library
+* `build/unit-tests`: A unit test binary for the library
@@ -84,19 +92,7 @@
 This will produce doxygen API code documentation in:
-* build/doc/html
-Supported platforms
-(to be confirmed)
-ndn-cpp-dev is tested on the following platforms:
-* Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit and 32 bit)
-* Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit and 32 bit)
-* Mac OS X 10.8
-* Mac OS X 10.9
+* `build/doc/html`
 Development Prerequisites
@@ -117,7 +113,17 @@
         sudo apt-get install doxygen
+Development Build
-Follow Development Prerequisites above for your platform.
+The following is the suggested configure commands for development build.
+    ./waf configure --debug --with-tests
+    ./waf
+    sudo ./waf install
+In the development build all compiler optimizations are disabled by default and all warnings are treated as error.
+The default behavior can be overridden by setting CXXFLAGS environment variable before running `./waf configure`:
+    CXXFLAGS="-O1 -g3" ./waf configure --debug --with-tests
+    ...
diff --git a/tests-integrated/wscript b/tests-integrated/wscript
index c0466cd..98f6dab 100644
--- a/tests-integrated/wscript
+++ b/tests-integrated/wscript
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 def build(bld):
     unittests = bld.program (
-        features = "cxx cxxprogram",
-        source = bld.path.ant_glob(['**/*.cpp'],
-                                   excl = ['**/*-osx.cpp', '**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
-        use = 'ndn-cpp-dev',
-        install_path = None,
+        features="cxx cxxprogram",
+        source=bld.path.ant_glob(['**/*.cpp'],
+                                 excl=['**/*-osx.cpp', '**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
+        use='ndn-cpp-dev',
+        install_path=None,
     if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
@@ -22,4 +22,3 @@
     if bld.env['WITH_PCH']:
         unittests.pch = "test-all.hpp"
diff --git a/tests/wscript b/tests/wscript
index 8a5de6e..6caa5f3 100644
--- a/tests/wscript
+++ b/tests/wscript
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 def build(bld):
     unittests = bld.program (
-        features = "cxx cxxprogram",
-        source = bld.path.ant_glob(['**/*.cpp'],
-                                   excl = ['**/*-osx.cpp', '**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
-        use = 'ndn-cpp-dev',
-        install_path = None,
+        features="cxx cxxprogram",
+        source=bld.path.ant_glob(['**/*.cpp'],
+                                 excl=['**/*-osx.cpp', '**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
+        use='ndn-cpp-dev',
+        install_path=None,
     if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
@@ -22,4 +22,3 @@
     if bld.env['WITH_PCH']:
         unittests.pch = "test-all.hpp"
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 8100f8b..390b54b 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
 # -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Regents of the University of California
+# GPL 3.0 license, see the file for more information
-from waflib import Build, Logs, Utils, Task, TaskGen, Configure
+VERSION = '0.4.0'
+APPNAME = "ndn-cpp-dev"
+from waflib import Logs, Utils, Task, TaskGen
 from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
 def options(opt):
-    opt.load('compiler_c compiler_cxx gnu_dirs c_osx')
-    opt.load('boost doxygen openssl cryptopp coverage', tooldir=['.waf-tools'])
+    opt.load('compiler_cxx gnu_dirs c_osx')
+    opt.load('boost doxygen openssl cryptopp coverage default-compiler-flags',
+             tooldir=['.waf-tools'])
-    opt = opt.add_option_group('NDN-CPP Options')
+    opt = opt.add_option_group('Library Options')
-    opt.add_option('--debug',action='store_true',default=False,dest='debug',help='''debugging mode''')
-    opt.add_option('--with-tests', action='store_true',default=False,dest='with_tests',
+    opt.add_option('--with-tests', action='store_true', default=False, dest='with_tests',
                    help='''build unit tests''')
-    opt.add_option('--with-log4cxx', action='store_true',default=False,dest='log4cxx',
+    opt.add_option('--with-log4cxx', action='store_true', default=False, dest='log4cxx',
                    help='''Compile with log4cxx logging support''')
     opt.add_option('--with-c++11', action='store_true', default=False, dest='use_cxx11',
@@ -23,20 +29,22 @@
     opt.add_option('--without-tools', action='store_false', default=True, dest='with_tools',
                    help='''Do not build tools''')
-    opt.add_option('--without-sqlite-locking', action='store_false', default=True, dest='with_sqlite_locking',
-                   help='''Disable filesystem locking in sqlite3 database (use unix-dot locking mechanism instead). '''
+    opt.add_option('--without-sqlite-locking', action='store_false', default=True,
+                   dest='with_sqlite_locking',
+                   help='''Disable filesystem locking in sqlite3 database '''
+                        '''(use unix-dot locking mechanism instead). '''
                         '''This option may be necessary if home directory is hosted on NFS.''')
     opt.add_option('--with-pch', action='store_true', default=False, dest='with_pch',
-                   help='''Try to use precompiled header to speed up compilation (only gcc and clang)''')
-    opt.add_option('--without-osx-keychain', action='store_false', default=True, dest='with_osx_keychain',
+                   help='''Try to use precompiled header to speed up compilation '''
+                        '''(only gcc and clang)''')
+    opt.add_option('--without-osx-keychain', action='store_false', default=True,
+                   dest='with_osx_keychain',
                    help='''On Darwin, do not use OSX keychain as a default TPM''')
 def configure(conf):
-    conf.load("compiler_c compiler_cxx boost gnu_dirs c_osx openssl cryptopp")
-    try:
-        conf.load("doxygen")
-    except:
-        pass
+    conf.load("compiler_cxx boost gnu_dirs c_osx openssl cryptopp")
+    try: conf.load("doxygen")
+    except: pass
     if conf.options.with_tests:
         conf.env['WITH_TESTS'] = True
@@ -46,80 +54,52 @@
-    areCustomCxxflagsPresent = (len(conf.env.CXXFLAGS) > 0)
-    if conf.options.debug:
-        conf.define('_DEBUG', 1)
-        defaultFlags = ['-O0', '-g3',
-                        '-Werror',
-                        '-Wall',
-                        '-fcolor-diagnostics', # only clang supports
+    conf.load('default-compiler-flags')
-                        # to disable known warnings
-                        '-Wno-unused-variable', # cryptopp
-                        '-Wno-unused-function',
-                        '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-                        ]
-        if areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
-            missingFlags = [x for x in defaultFlags if x not in conf.env.CXXFLAGS]
-            if len(missingFlags) > 0:
-                Logs.warn("Selected debug mode, but CXXFLAGS is set to a custom value '%s'"
-                           % " ".join(conf.env.CXXFLAGS))
-                Logs.warn("Default flags '%s' are not activated" % " ".join(missingFlags))
-        else:
-            conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags = defaultFlags)
-    else:
-        defaultFlags = ['-O2', '-g', '-Wall',
-                        # to disable known warnings
-                        '-Wno-unused-variable', # cryptopp
-                        '-Wno-unused-function',
-                        '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-                        ]
-        if not areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
-            conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags = defaultFlags)
-    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
-        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='CoreFoundation', uselib_store='OSX_COREFOUNDATION', mandatory=True)
-        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='CoreServices', uselib_store='OSX_CORESERVICES', mandatory=True)
-        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='Security',   uselib_store='OSX_SECURITY',   define_name='HAVE_SECURITY',
-                       use="OSX_COREFOUNDATION", mandatory=True)
+    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "darwin":
+        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='CoreFoundation', uselib_store='OSX_COREFOUNDATION',
+                       mandatory=True)
+        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='CoreServices', uselib_store='OSX_CORESERVICES',
+                       mandatory=True)
+        conf.check_cxx(framework_name='Security', uselib_store='OSX_SECURITY',
+                       define_name='HAVE_SECURITY', use="OSX_COREFOUNDATION", mandatory=True)
         conf.define('HAVE_OSX_SECURITY', 1)
-    conf.define ("PACKAGE_BUGREPORT", "")
-    conf.define ("PACKAGE_NAME", NAME)
-    conf.define ("PACKAGE_VERSION", VERSION)
-    conf.define ("PACKAGE_URL", "")
-    conf.check_cfg(package='sqlite3', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='SQLITE3', mandatory=True)
+    conf.check_cfg(package='sqlite3', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='SQLITE3',
+                   mandatory=True)
     if conf.options.log4cxx:
-        conf.check_cfg(package='liblog4cxx', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='LOG4CXX', mandatory=True)
-        conf.define ("HAVE_LOG4CXX", 1)
+        conf.check_cfg(package='liblog4cxx', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='LOG4CXX',
+                       mandatory=True)
+        conf.define("HAVE_LOG4CXX", 1)
     conf.check_cryptopp(path=conf.options.cryptopp_dir, mandatory=True)
     if conf.options.use_cxx11:
-        conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags = ['-std=c++11', '-std=c++0x'])
+        conf.add_supported_cxxflags(cxxflags=['-std=c++11', '-std=c++0x'])
         conf.check(msg='Checking for type std::shared_ptr',
-                   type_name="std::shared_ptr<int>", header_name="memory", define_name='HAVE_STD_SHARED_PTR')
+                   type_name="std::shared_ptr<int>", header_name="memory",
+                   define_name='HAVE_STD_SHARED_PTR')
         conf.check(msg='Checking for type std::function',
-                   type_name="std::function<void()>", header_name="functional", define_name='HAVE_STD_FUNCTION')
+                   type_name="std::function<void()>", header_name="functional",
+                   define_name='HAVE_STD_FUNCTION')
         conf.define('HAVE_CXX11', 1)
-    USED_BOOST_LIBS = ['system', 'filesystem', 'date_time', 'iostreams', 'regex', 'program_options', 'chrono']
+    USED_BOOST_LIBS = ['system', 'filesystem', 'date_time', 'iostreams',
+                       'regex', 'program_options', 'chrono']
     if conf.env['WITH_TESTS']:
         USED_BOOST_LIBS += ['unit_test_framework']
     conf.check_boost(lib=USED_BOOST_LIBS, mandatory=True)
     if conf.env.BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER < 104800:
-        Logs.error ("Minimum required boost version is 1.48.0")
-        Logs.error ("Please upgrade your distribution or install custom boost libraries" +
+        Logs.error("Minimum required boost version is 1.48.0")
+        Logs.error("Please upgrade your distribution or install custom boost libraries" +
                     " (")
-    conf.check_cxx(lib='pthread', uselib_store='PTHREAD', define_name='HAVE_PTHREAD', mandatory=False)
+    conf.check_cxx(lib='pthread', uselib_store='PTHREAD', define_name='HAVE_PTHREAD',
+                   mandatory=False)
     conf.check_cxx(lib='rt', uselib_store='RT', define_name='HAVE_RT', mandatory=False)
     conf.check_cxx(cxxflags=['-fPIC'], uselib_store='cxxstlib', mandatory=False)
@@ -128,7 +108,7 @@
     conf.env['WITH_PCH'] = conf.options.with_pch
-    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
+    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "darwin":
         conf.env['WITH_OSX_KEYCHAIN'] = conf.options.with_osx_keychain
         if conf.options.with_osx_keychain:
             conf.define('WITH_OSX_KEYCHAIN', 1)
@@ -141,24 +121,24 @@
     conf.write_config_header('src/ndn-cpp-config.h', define_prefix='NDN_CPP_')
-def build (bld):
-    libndn_cpp = bld (
+def build(bld):
+    libndn_cpp = bld(
         features=['cxx', 'cxxstlib'], # 'cxxshlib',
-        # vnum = "0.3.0",
+        # vnum="0.3.0",
-        name = "ndn-cpp-dev",
-        source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/**/*.cpp',
-                                   excl = ['src/**/*-osx.cpp', 'src/**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
-        includes = ". src",
-        export_includes = "src",
-        install_path = '${LIBDIR}',
+        name="ndn-cpp-dev",
+        source=bld.path.ant_glob('src/**/*.cpp',
+                                   excl=['src/**/*-osx.cpp', 'src/**/*-sqlite3.cpp']),
+        includes=". src",
+        export_includes="src",
+        install_path='${LIBDIR}',
     if bld.env['WITH_PCH']:
-        libndn_cpp.pch = "src/common.hpp"
+        libndn_cpp.pch="src/common.hpp"
-    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
+    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "darwin":
         libndn_cpp.source += bld.path.ant_glob('src/**/*-osx.cpp')
         libndn_cpp.mac_app = True
         libndn_cpp.use += " OSX_COREFOUNDATION OSX_SECURITY"
@@ -166,7 +146,7 @@
     # In case we want to make it optional later
     libndn_cpp.source += bld.path.ant_glob('src/**/*-sqlite3.cpp')
+    # Prepare flags that should go to pkgconfig file
     pkgconfig_libs = []
     pkgconfig_ldflags = []
     pkgconfig_linkflags = []
@@ -185,27 +165,27 @@
             pkgconfig_cxxflags += Utils.to_list(bld.env['CXXFLAGS_%s' % lib])
-    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
+    if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "darwin":
         EXTRA_FRAMEWORKS = "-framework CoreFoundation -framework Security"
     def uniq(alist):
         set = {}
         return [set.setdefault(e,e) for e in alist if e not in set]
-    pkconfig = bld (features = "subst",
-         source = "",
-         target = "libndn-cpp-dev.pc",
-         install_path = "${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig",
-         VERSION = VERSION,
+    pkconfig = bld(features="subst",
+         source="",
+         target="libndn-cpp-dev.pc",
+         install_path="${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig",
          # This probably not the right thing to do, but to simplify life of apps
          # that use the library
-         EXTRA_LIBS = " ".join([('-l%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_libs)]),
-         EXTRA_LDFLAGS = " ".join([('-L%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_ldflags)]),
-         EXTRA_LINKFLAGS = " ".join(uniq(pkgconfig_linkflags)),
-         EXTRA_INCLUDES = " ".join([('-I%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_includes)]),
-         EXTRA_CXXFLAGS = " ".join(uniq(pkgconfig_cxxflags)),
+         EXTRA_LIBS=" ".join([('-l%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_libs)]),
+         EXTRA_LDFLAGS=" ".join([('-L%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_ldflags)]),
+         EXTRA_LINKFLAGS=" ".join(uniq(pkgconfig_linkflags)),
+         EXTRA_INCLUDES=" ".join([('-I%s' % i) for i in uniq(pkgconfig_includes)]),
+         EXTRA_CXXFLAGS=" ".join(uniq(pkgconfig_cxxflags)),
     # Unit tests
@@ -219,51 +199,26 @@
     headers = bld.path.ant_glob(['src/**/*.hpp'])
-    bld.install_files("%s/ndn-cpp-dev" % bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'], headers, relative_trick=True, cwd=bld.path.find_node('src'))
+    bld.install_files("%s/ndn-cpp-dev" % bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'], headers,
+                      relative_trick=True, cwd=bld.path.find_node('src'))
-    bld.install_files("%s/ndn-cpp-dev" % bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'], bld.path.find_resource('src/ndn-cpp-config.h'))
+    bld.install_files("%s/ndn-cpp-dev" % bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'],
+                      bld.path.find_resource('src/ndn-cpp-config.h'))
     bld.install_files("${SYSCONFDIR}/ndn", "client.conf.sample")
-def add_supported_cxxflags(self, cxxflags):
-    """
-    Check which cxxflags are supported by compiler and add them to env.CXXFLAGS variable
-    """
-    self.start_msg('Checking allowed flags for c++ compiler')
-    supportedFlags = []
-    for flag in cxxflags:
-        if self.check_cxx (cxxflags=[flag], mandatory=False):
-            supportedFlags += [flag]
-    self.end_msg (' '.join (supportedFlags))
-    self.env.CXXFLAGS += supportedFlags
-# doxygen docs
-from waflib.Build import BuildContext
-class doxy(BuildContext):
-    cmd = "doxygen"
-    fun = "doxygen"
 def doxygen(bld):
     if not bld.env.DOXYGEN:
         bld.fatal("ERROR: cannot build documentation (`doxygen' is not found in $PATH)")
-# doxygen docs
-from waflib.Build import BuildContext
-class sphinx (BuildContext):
-    cmd = "sphinx"
-    fun = "sphinx"
-def sphinx (bld):
+def sphinx(bld):
     bld.load('sphinx_build', tooldir=['waf-tools'])
-    bld (features="sphinx",
-         outdir = "doc/html",
-         source = "doc/source/")
+    bld(features="sphinx",
+        outdir="doc/html",
+        source="doc/source/")
@@ -278,11 +233,14 @@
                 z.orig_self = self
 class gchx(Task.Task):
+    run_str = '${CXX} -x c++-header ${CXXFLAGS} ${FRAMEWORKPATH_ST:FRAMEWORKPATH} ' + \
+                '${CPPPATH_ST:INCPATHS} ${DEFINES_ST:DEFINES} ' + \
+                '${CXX_SRC_F}${SRC} ${CXX_TGT_F}${TGT}'
     scan    = c_preproc.scan
     ext_out = ['.hpp']
     color   = 'BLUE'
     def post_run(self):
         super(gchx, self).post_run()
-        self.orig_self.env['CXXFLAGS'] = ['-include', self.inputs[0].relpath()] + self.env['CXXFLAGS']
+        self.orig_self.env['CXXFLAGS'] = ['-include', self.inputs[0].relpath()] + \
+                                         self.env['CXXFLAGS']