blob: 6a4aebb62f7dc7410c4a59d0025f1e7635b2bdf1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Author: Jeff Thompson
* BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information.
#include "BinaryXMLDecoder.h"
#include "BinaryXML.h"
#include "BinaryXMLName.h"
char *ndn_decodeBinaryXMLName(struct ndn_Name *name, unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
struct ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder decoder;
ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_init(&decoder, input, inputLength);
char *error;
if (error = ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_readDTag(&decoder, ndn_BinaryXML_DTag_Name))
return error;
while (1) {
int gotExpectedTag;
if (error = ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_peekDTag(&decoder, ndn_BinaryXML_DTag_Component, &gotExpectedTag))
return error;
if (!gotExpectedTag)
// No more components.
unsigned char *component;
unsigned int componentLen;
if (error = ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_readBinaryDTagElement(&decoder, ndn_BinaryXML_DTag_Component, 0, &component, &componentLen))
return error;
// Add the component to the name.
if (name->nComponents >= name->maxComponents)
return "ndn_decodeBinaryXMLName: read a component past the maximum number of components allowed in the name";
ndn_NameComponent_init(name->components + name->nComponents, component, componentLen);
if (error = ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_readElementClose(&decoder))
return error;
return 0;