docs: Update of tutorials and other minor fixes

Change-Id: I87d8679d38b3f17f8d4d8dbad3d5f01b3cc4ce7b
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/signed-interest.rst b/docs/tutorials/signed-interest.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..093797a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/signed-interest.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Signed Interest
+**Signed Interest** is a mechanism to issue an authenticated interest.
+The signature of a signed Interest packet is embedded into the last component of the Interest
+name. The signature covers a continuous block starting from the first name component TLV to the
+penultimate name component TLV:
+    +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    |  Interest   | Interest | +------+--------+--------------------------------------------------+ +----------+ |
+    | Type (0x01) |  length  | | Name |  Name  | +---------+--   --+---------+---------+---------+| | Other    | |
+    |             |          | | Type | Length | |Component|  ...  |Component|Component|Component|| | TLVs ... | |
+    |             |          | |      |        | |  TLV 1  |       | TLV n-2 | TLV n-1 |  TLV n  || | in       | |
+    |             |          | |      |        | +---------+--   --+---------+---------+---------+| | Interest | |
+    |             |          | +------+--------+--------------------------------------------------+ +----------+ |
+    +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+                                                 \                                    /\        /
+                                                  ----------------  ------------------  ---  ---
+                                                                  \/                       \/
+                                                       Signed portion of Interest       Signature
+More specifically, the SignedInterest is defined to have four additional components:
+-  ``<timestamp>``
+-  ``<nonce>``
+-  ``<SignatureInfo>``
+-  ``<SignatureValue>``
+For example, for ``/signed/interest/name`` name, CommandInterest will be defined as:
+     /signed/interest/name/<timestamp>/<random-value>/<SignatureInfo>/<SignatureValue>
+                          \                                                         /
+                           -----------------------------  --------------------------
+                                                        \/
+                                  Additional components of Signed Interest
+Signed Interest specific Name components
+Timestamp component (n-3 *th*)
+The value of the n-3 *th* component is the interest's timestamp (in terms of millisecond offset
+from UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00) encoded as
+`nonNegativeInteger <>`__.
+The timestamp may be used to protect against replay attack.
+Nonce component (n-2 *th*)
+The value of the n-2 *th* component is random value (encoded as
+`nonNegativeInteger <>`__)
+that adds additional assurances that the interest will be unique.
+SignatureInfo component (n-1 *th*)
+The value of the n-1 *th* component is actually a
+`SignatureInfo <>`__ TLV.
+    +---------+---------+-------------------+
+    |Component|Component| +---------------+ |
+    |   Type  |  Length | | SignatureInfo | |
+    |         |         | |      TLV      | |
+    |         |         | +---------------+ |
+    +---------+---------+-------------------+
+    |                                       |
+    |<---------The n-1 th Component-------->|
+SignatureValue component (n *th*)
+The value of the n *th* component is actually a
+`SignatureValue <>`__ TLV.
+    +---------+---------+--------------------+
+    |Component|Component| +----------------+ |
+    |   Type  |  Length | | SignatureValue | |
+    |         |         | |      TLV       | |
+    |         |         | +----------------+ |
+    +---------+---------+--------------------+
+    |                                        |
+    |<----------The n th Component---------->|
+Signed Interest processing
+On receiving an Interest, the producer, according to the Interest name prefix, should be able
+to tell whether the Interest is required to be signed. If the received Interest is supposed to
+be signed, it will be treated as invalid in the following three cases:
+-  one of the four components above (Timestamp, Nonce, SignatureValue, and SignatureInfo) is
+   missing or cannot be parsed correctly;
+-  the key is not trusted for signing the Interest;
+-  the signature cannot be verified with the public key pointed by the
+   `KeyLocator <>`__ in
+   SignatureInfo.
+Recipients of a signed interest may further check the timestamp and the uniqueness of the
+signed interest (e.g., when the signed interest carries a command). In this case, a signed
+interest may be treated as invalid if :
+-  a valid signed Interest whose timestamp is **equal or later** than the timestamp of the
+   received one has been received before.
+Note that in order to detect this situation, the recipient needs to maintain a *latest
+timestamp* state for each trusted public key (**Since public key cryptography is used, sharing
+private keys is not recommended. If private key sharing is inevitable, it is the key owner's
+responsibility to keep clock synchronized**). For each trusted public key, the state is
+initialized as the timestamp of the first valid Interest signed by the key. Since then, the
+state will be updated every time when the recipient receives a valid signed Interest.
+Note that for the first Interest, the state is not available. To handle this special situation,
+the recipient should check the Interest's timestamp against a grace interval (e.g., 120
+seconds) [current\_timestamp - interval/2, current\_timestamp + interval/2]. The first interest
+is invalid if its timestamp is outside of the interval.