docs+build: Prepare release of version 0.4.0

Change-Id: Ie5dfb3a1c7674cd426b89721c91ad59327517764
Refs: #3178
diff --git a/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.2.0.rst b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.2.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..718a39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.2.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ndn-cxx version 0.2.0
+Release date: August 25, 2014
+Changes since version 0.1.0:
+New features:
+- **Base**
+  + The license under which the library is released is changed to **Lesser GNU Public
+    License version 3.0**.
+  + New ways to use incoming Interest dispatching:
+    * New :ndn-cxx:`InterestFilter` abstraction that supports filtering based on name
+      prefixes and regular expressions.
+    * Separated :ndn-cxx:`Face::registerPrefix()` and :ndn-cxx:`Face::setInterestFilter()`
+      methods allow distinct operations of registering with the local NDN forwarder and setting
+      up application-specific ``OnInterest`` call dispatch using InterestFilters.
+  + Add support for new `NDN naming conventions
+    <>`_ (:issue:`1761`)
+- **Security**
+  + Add ``type dir`` :ref:`trust-anchor in ValidatorConfig <validator-conf-trust-anchors>`
+    to add all certificates under the specified directory as trust anchors.
+    The new option also allow periodic reloading trust anchors, allowing dynamic trust
+    models.
+  + Added support for multiple signature types to :ndn-cxx:`PublicKey`,
+    :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo` abstractions
+  + New :ndn-cxx:`SignatureSha256WithEcdsa` signature type
+  + Updates in :ndn-cxx:`Signature` data structure to reflect changes in `NDN-TLV spec
+    0.1.1 <>`_
+- **Wire encoding**
+  + :ndn-cxx:`Data::getFullName() <getFullName()>` method to get :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet
+    name with implicit digest
+  + New :ndn-cxx:`Name::getSuccessor()` method to get name successor (:issue:`1677`)
+  + New in-wire refreshing of Interest's nonce (:issue:`1758`)
+- **Management**
+  + Support for :ndn-cxx:`ChannelStatus`, :ndn-cxx:`StrategyChoice` datasets
+  + Defining new common Route Origins for NFD RIB management protocol (:issue:`1719`)
+  + New RibEntry and Route data structures for RIB management protocol (:issue:`1764`)
+  + Add support for RIB flags for setInterestFilter and registerPrefix (:issue:`1842`)
+- **Miscellaneous tools**
+  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler::cancelAllEvents` to cancel all previously scheduled events
+    (:issue:`1757`)
+  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::EventEmitter`, :ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationSubscriber`,
+    :ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationStream`, and :ndn-cxx:`nfd::FaceMonitor` utility classes
+  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::SegmentFetcher` helper class to fetch multi-segmented data
+    (:issue:`1879`)
+- **Build**
+  + enabled support of precompiled headers for clang and gcc compilers to speed up compilation
+Updates and bug fixes:
+- **Base**
+  + Serialization of socket write operations (:issue:`1707`)
+  + Enforcing limit on Interest and Data packet size in :ndn-cxx:`Face::expressInterest` and
+    :ndn-cxx:`Face::put` methods (:issue:`1774`)
+  + Cleaning up transport state on communication failure, so Face can try to reconnect
+    in the future.
+  + Fix bug with Face::removePendingInterest (:issue:`1917`)
+- **Wire encoding**
+  + Nonce field is now encoded as 4-byte uint8_t value, as defined by NDN-TLV spec.
+  + Optimized Data packet signing
+    :ndn-cxx:`KeyChain::sign` method now pre-allocates :ndn-cxx:`EncodingBuffer`, requests
+    unsigned portion of :ndn-cxx:`Data` using ``Data::wireEncode(EncodingBuffer, true)``,
+    and then appends the resulting signature and prepends :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet header.
+    This way there is no extra memory allocation after :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet is signed.
+  + Optimized implicit digest calculation in :ndn-cxx:`Interest::matchesData` method
+    (:issue:`1769`)
+- **Management**
+  + Add link-layer byte counts in FaceStatus data structure (:issue:`1765`)
+- **Security**
+  + Allow user to explicitly specify the cert name prefix before 'KEY' component in
+    ``ndnsec-certgen``
+  + ``SignatureSha256`` has been renamed to :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` to conform with
+    `NDN-TLV specification <>`_.
+  + Add checking of ``Timestamp`` and ``Nonce`` fields in signed Interest within
+    :ndn-cxx:`ValidatorConfig`
+  + Allow validator customization using hooks:
+    Sub-classes of :ndn-cxx:`Validator` class can use the following hooks to fine-tune the
+    validation process:
+      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::preCertificateValidation <preCertificateValidation>` to
+        process received certificate before validation.
+      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::onTimeout <onTimeout>` to process interest timeout
+      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::afterCheckPolicy <afterCheckPolicy>` to process validation requests.
+  + Fix memory issues in :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfoSqlite3`
+- **Miscellaneous tools**
+  + Redefine method for random number generation: ``random::generateWord*`` and
+    ``random::generateSecureWord*`` to generate cryptographically non-secure (fast) and
+    secure (slow) random numbers.
+- Other minor fixes and corrections
+- ``SignatureSha256`` class, use :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` instead.
+- All :ndn-cxx:`Face` constructors that accept ``shared_ptr<io_service>``.
+  Use versions that accept reference to ``io_service`` object.
+- ``Face::ioService`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`Face::getIoService` instead.
+- :ndn-cxx:`Interest` constructor that accepts name, individual selectors, and individual
+  guiders as constructor parameters.
+  Use ``Interest().setX(...).setY(...)`` or use the overload taking ``Selectors``
+- ``name::Component::toEscapedString`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`name::Component::toUri` instead.
+- ``SecPublicInfo::addPublicKey`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo::addKey` instead.
+- ``Tlv::ConentType`` constant (typo), use ``Tlv::ContentType`` instead.
+- ``CommandInterestGenerator`` and ``CommandInterestValidator`` utility classes.
+  :ndn-cxx:`ValidatorConfig` should be used instead.
+- support of ndnd-tlv (only NFD management protocol is supported now)
+- ``SecPublicInfoMemory`` and ``SecTpmMemory`` classes that were no longer used
+- Removing concept of periodic event from :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler`.
+  In applications, periodic events should be just re-scheduled within the callback for
+  single-shot events.