NetworkMonitor test

These instructions are only for Linux.

Run the network-monitor integrated test binary, e.g.:


Note: sudo is not required.

You should see an onInterfaceAdded message for each ethernet and loopback network interface present on the system, followed by an onAddressAdded message for each IPv4/IPv6 address on each interface. Finally, onEnumerationCompleted is printed, along with a summary of all interfaces discovered thus far.

[The following commands assume eth0 is the name of an ethernet interface on the machine. If your interfaces are named differently, replace eth0 with the name of any ethernet interface that you have available.]

CommandExpected output
sudo ip link add link eth0 name nmtest0 type vlan id 42nmtest0: onInterfaceAdded
sudo ip link set dev nmtest0 mtu 1342nmtest0: onMtuChanged <old_mtu> -> 1342 (old_mtu is most likely 1500)
sudo ip link set dev nmtest0 upnmtest0: onStateChanged down -> <new_state> (new_state is one of: running, dormant, no-carrier)
sudo ip address add dev nmtest0nmtest0: onAddressAdded
sudo ip address del dev nmtest0nmtest0: onAddressRemoved
sudo ip address add 2001:db8::1/80 dev nmtest0nmtest0: onAddressAdded 2001:db8::1/80
sudo ip address del 2001:db8::1/80 dev nmtest0nmtest0: onAddressRemoved 2001:db8::1/80
sudo ip link delete dev nmtest0nmtest0: onInterfaceRemoved

If you unplug the ethernet cable from your network card, you should see:

eth0: onStateChanged running -> no-carrier
nmtest0: onStateChanged running -> no-carrier

Plugging the cable back in should produce the following messages:

eth0: onStateChanged no-carrier -> running
nmtest0: onStateChanged no-carrier -> running