make: Global change: Move all public headers to include folder.  Change source to including public headers using #include <ndn-cpp/*>. Split some header files to minimize exposing C .h files.
diff --git a/include/ndn-cpp/sha256-with-rsa-signature.hpp b/include/ndn-cpp/sha256-with-rsa-signature.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25eb6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndn-cpp/sha256-with-rsa-signature.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California.
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson <>
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "data.hpp"
+#include "key.hpp"
+#include "publisher-public-key-digest.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+ * A Sha256WithRsaSignature extends Signature and holds the signature bits and other info representing a
+ * SHA256-with-RSA signature in a data packet.
+ */
+class Sha256WithRsaSignature : public Signature {
+  /**
+   * Return a pointer to a new Sha256WithRsaSignature which is a copy of this signature.
+   */
+  virtual ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Signature> 
+  clone() const;
+  /**
+   * Set the signatureStruct to point to the values in this signature object, without copying any memory.
+   * WARNING: The resulting pointers in signatureStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
+   * @param signatureStruct a C ndn_Signature struct where the name components array is already allocated.
+   */
+  virtual void 
+  get(struct ndn_Signature& signatureStruct) const;
+  /**
+   * Clear this signature, and set the values by copying from the ndn_Signature struct.
+   * @param signatureStruct a C ndn_Signature struct
+   */
+  virtual void 
+  set(const struct ndn_Signature& signatureStruct);
+  const Blob& 
+  getDigestAlgorithm() const { return digestAlgorithm_; }
+  const Blob& 
+  getWitness() const { return witness_; }
+  const Blob& 
+  getSignature() const { return signature_; }
+  const PublisherPublicKeyDigest& 
+  getPublisherPublicKeyDigest() const { return publisherPublicKeyDigest_; }
+  PublisherPublicKeyDigest& 
+  getPublisherPublicKeyDigest() { return publisherPublicKeyDigest_; }
+  const KeyLocator& 
+  getKeyLocator() const { return keyLocator_; }
+  KeyLocator& 
+  getKeyLocator() { return keyLocator_; }
+  void 
+  setDigestAlgorithm(const std::vector<uint8_t>& digestAlgorithm) { digestAlgorithm_ = digestAlgorithm; }
+  void 
+  setDigestAlgorithm(const uint8_t *digestAlgorithm, size_t digestAlgorithmLength) 
+  { 
+    digestAlgorithm_ = Blob(digestAlgorithm, digestAlgorithmLength); 
+  }
+  void 
+  setWitness(const std::vector<uint8_t>& witness) { witness_ = witness; }
+  void 
+  setWitness(const uint8_t *witness, size_t witnessLength) 
+  { 
+    witness_ = Blob(witness, witnessLength); 
+  }
+  void 
+  setSignature(const std::vector<uint8_t>& signature) { signature_ = signature; }
+  void 
+  setSignature(const uint8_t *signature, size_t signatureLength) 
+  { 
+    signature_ = Blob(signature, signatureLength); 
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set signature to point to an existing byte array.  IMPORTANT: After calling this,
+   * if you keep a pointer to the array then you must treat the array as immutable and promise not to change it.
+   * @param signature A pointer to a vector with the byte array.  This takes another reference and does not copy the bytes.
+   */
+  void 
+  setSignature(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t> > &signature) { signature_ = signature; }
+  void 
+  setSignature(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const std::vector<uint8_t> > &signature) { signature_ = signature; }
+  void 
+  setPublisherPublicKeyDigest(const PublisherPublicKeyDigest& publisherPublicKeyDigest) { publisherPublicKeyDigest_ = publisherPublicKeyDigest; }
+  void 
+  setKeyLocator(const KeyLocator& keyLocator) { keyLocator_ = keyLocator; }
+  /**
+   * Clear all the fields.
+   */
+  void 
+  clear()
+  {
+    digestAlgorithm_.reset();
+    witness_.reset();
+    signature_.reset();
+    publisherPublicKeyDigest_.clear();
+    keyLocator_.clear();
+  }
+  Blob digestAlgorithm_; /**< if empty, the default is 2.16.840. (sha-256) */
+  Blob witness_;
+  Blob signature_;
+  PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisherPublicKeyDigest_;
+  KeyLocator keyLocator_;