blob: a9fabe90223b3ab5dc3c6d81a26dbb6d45107053 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "pib-impl.hpp"
struct sqlite3;
namespace ndn {
namespace security {
* @brief Pib backend implementation based on SQLite3 database
* All the contents in Pib are stored in a SQLite3 database file.
* This backend provides more persistent storage than PibMemory.
class PibSqlite3 : public PibImpl
* @brief Constructor of PibSqlite3
* This method will create a SQLite3 database file under the directory @p dir.
* If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically.
* It assumes that the directory does not contain a PIB database of an older version,
* It is user's responsibility to update the older version database or remove the database.
* @param dir The directory where the database file is located. By default, it points to the
* $HOME/.ndn directory.
* @throws PibImpl::Error when initialization fails.
PibSqlite3(const std::string& dir = "");
* @brief Destruct and cleanup internal state
public: // TpmLocator management
* @brief Set the corresponding TPM information to @p tpmLocator.
* If the provided @p tpmLocator is different from the existing one, the
* content in PIB will be cleaned up, otherwise nothing will be changed.
* @param tpmLocator The name for the new TPM locator
virtual void
setTpmLocator(const std::string& tpmLocator) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get TPM Locator
virtual std::string
getTpmLocator() const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
public: // Identity management
* @brief Check the existence of an identity.
* @param identity The name of the identity.
* @return true if the identity exists, otherwise false.
virtual bool
hasIdentity(const Name& identity) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Add an identity.
* If the identity already exists, do nothing.
* If no default identity has been set, set the added one as default identity.
* @param identity The name of the identity to add.
virtual void
addIdentity(const Name& identity) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Remove an identity
* If the identity does not exist, do nothing.
* Remove related keys and certificates as well.
* @param identity The name of the identity to remove.
virtual void
removeIdentity(const Name& identity) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get the name of all the identities
virtual std::set<Name>
getIdentities() const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Set an identity with name @p identityName as the default identity.
* Since adding an identity only requires the identity name, create the
* identity if it does not exist.
* @param identityName The name for the default identity.
virtual void
setDefaultIdentity(const Name& identityName) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get the default identity.
* @return The name for the default identity.
* @throws Pib::Error if no default identity.
virtual Name
getDefaultIdentity() const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
public: // Key management
* @brief Check the existence of a key.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @param keyId The key id component.
* @return true if the key exists, otherwise false. Return false if the identity does not exist
virtual bool
hasKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Add a key.
* If the key already exists, do nothing.
* If the identity does not exist, add the identity as well.
* If no default key of the identity has been set, set the added one as default
* key of the identity.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @param keyId The key id component.
* @param publicKey The public key bits.
virtual void
addKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId, const PublicKey& publicKey) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Remove a key.
* If the key does not exist, do nothing.
* Remove related certificates as well.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @param keyId The key id component.
virtual void
removeKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get the key bits of a key.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @param keyId The key id component.
* @return key bits
* @throws Pib::Error if the key does not exist.
virtual PublicKey
getKeyBits(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get all the key ids of an identity with name @p identity
* The returned key ids can be used to create a KeyContainer.
* With key id, identity name, backend implementation, one can create a Key frontend instance.
* @return the key id name component set. If the identity does not exist, return an empty set.
virtual std::set<name::Component>
getKeysOfIdentity(const Name& identity) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Set an key with id @p keyId as the default key of an identity with name @p identity.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @param keyId The key id component.
* @throws Pib::Error if the key does not exist.
virtual void
setDefaultKeyOfIdentity(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get the id of the default key of an identity with name @p identity.
* @param identity The name of the belonged identity.
* @throws Pib::Error if no default key or the identity does not exist.
virtual name::Component
getDefaultKeyOfIdentity(const Name& identity) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
public: // Certificate Management
* @brief Check the existence of a certificate with name @p certName.
* @param certName The name of the certificate.
* @return true if the certificate exists, otherwise false.
virtual bool
hasCertificate(const Name& certName) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Add a certificate.
* If the certificate already exists, do nothing.
* If the key or identity do not exist, add them as well.
* If no default certificate of the key has been set, set the added one as
* default certificate of the key.
* @param certificate The certificate to add.
virtual void
addCertificate(const IdentityCertificate& certificate) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Remove a certificate with name @p certName.
* If the certificate does not exist, do nothing.
* @param certName The name of the certificate.
virtual void
removeCertificate(const Name& certName) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get a certificate with name @p certName.
* @param certName The name of the certificate.
* @return the certificate.
* @throws Pib::Error if the certificate does not exist.
virtual IdentityCertificate
getCertificate(const Name& certName) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get a list of certificate names of a key with id @p keyId of @p identity.
* The returned certificate names can be used to create a CertificateContainer.
* With certificate name and backend implementation, one can obtain the certificate directly.
* @param identity The name of the belonging identity.
* @param keyId The key id.
* @return The certificate name set. If the key does not exist, return an empty set.
virtual std::set<Name>
getCertificatesOfKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Set a cert with name @p certName as the default of a key with id @keyId of @identity.
* @param identity The name of the belonging identity.
* @param keyId The key id.
* @param certName The name of the certificate.
* @throws Pib::Error if the certificate with name @p certName does not exist.
virtual void
setDefaultCertificateOfKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId,
const Name& certName) NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
* @brief Get the default certificate of a key with id @keyId of @identity.
* @param identity The name of the belonging identity.
* @param keyId The key id.
* @return a pointer to the certificate, null if no default certificate for the key.
* @throws Pib::Error if the default certificate does not exist.
virtual IdentityCertificate
getDefaultCertificateOfKey(const Name& identity, const name::Component& keyId) const NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL;
sqlite3* m_database;
} // namespace security
} // namespace ndn