blob: 9919f49f3b11e5e6d0d6565f26687bce8ae06662 [file] [log] [blame]
* @author: Jeff Thompson
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
#include <string>
#include "name.hpp"
#include "publisher-public-key-digest.hpp"
#include "c/forwarding-entry.h"
namespace ndn {
* An ForwardingEntry holds an action and Name prefix and other fields for an forwarding entry.
class ForwardingEntry {
(const std::string& action, const Name& prefix, const PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisherPublicKeyDigest,
int faceId, int forwardingFlags, int freshnessSeconds)
: action_(action), prefix_(prefix), publisherPublicKeyDigest_(publisherPublicKeyDigest),
faceId_(faceId), forwardingFlags_(forwardingFlags), freshnessSeconds_(freshnessSeconds)
: faceId_(-1), forwardingFlags_(-1), freshnessSeconds_(-1)
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<std::vector<unsigned char> > wireEncode(WireFormat& wireFormat) const
return wireFormat.encodeForwardingEntry(*this);
ptr_lib::shared_ptr<std::vector<unsigned char> > wireEncode() const
return wireEncode(*WireFormat::getDefaultWireFormat());
void wireDecode(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength, WireFormat& wireFormat)
wireFormat.decodeForwardingEntry(*this, input, inputLength);
void wireDecode(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
wireDecode(input, inputLength, *WireFormat::getDefaultWireFormat());
void wireDecode(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input, WireFormat& wireFormat)
wireDecode(&input[0], input.size(), wireFormat);
void wireDecode(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input)
wireDecode(&input[0], input.size());
* Set the forwardingEntryStruct to point to the components in this forwarding entry, without copying any memory.
* WARNING: The resulting pointers in forwardingEntryStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
* @param forwardingEntryStruct a C ndn_ForwardingEntry struct where the prefix name components array is already allocated.
void get(struct ndn_ForwardingEntry& forwardingEntryStruct) const;
const std::string& getAction() const { return action_; }
Name& getPrefix() { return prefix_; }
const Name& getPrefix() const { return prefix_; }
PublisherPublicKeyDigest& getPublisherPublicKeyDigest() { return publisherPublicKeyDigest_; }
const PublisherPublicKeyDigest& getPublisherPublicKeyDigest() const { return publisherPublicKeyDigest_; }
int getFaceId() const { return faceId_; }
int getForwardingFlags() const { return forwardingFlags_; }
int getFreshnessSeconds() const { return freshnessSeconds_; }
* Clear this forwarding entry, and set the values by copying from forwardingEntryStruct.
* @param forwardingEntryStruct a C ndn_ForwardingEntry struct.
void set(const struct ndn_ForwardingEntry& forwardingEntryStruct);
void setAction(const std::string& value) { action_ = value; }
void setFaceId(int value) { faceId_ = value; }
void setForwardingFlags(int value) { forwardingFlags_ = value; }
void setFreshnessSeconds(int value) { freshnessSeconds_ = value; }
std::string action_; /**< empty for none. */
Name prefix_;
PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisherPublicKeyDigest_;
int faceId_; /**< -1 for none. */
int forwardingFlags_; /**< -1 for none. */
int freshnessSeconds_; /**< -1 for none. */