blob: 56548a793e15f9cdab9e97698108061ff7cc1b26 [file] [log] [blame]
ndn-cxx v0.1.0 Release Notes
Version 0.1.0 is the initial release of ndn-cxx, an NDN C++ library with eXperimental
Originally based on `ndn-cpp library <>`_ the ndn-cxx
library adopts a slightly different design philosophy (extensive use of Boost libraries,
use of Crypto++ library to support cryptographic operations) and includes a number of
various extensions that can simplify writing NDN applications.
The current features include:
- **Base**
+ Fully asynchronous, event-driven communication model implemented using `Boost.Asio
+ Single-threaded, but thread-safe Face operations
A single Face object can be safely used in multiple threads to express Interests and
publish Data packets
+ Explicit time management for NDN operations using `Boost.Chrono
+ Simplified and extended `NDN API <doxygen/annotated.html>`_
+ Extensive set of unit-tests based on `Boost.Test framework
- Continuous integration using an in-house installation of Jenkins build bots and the
hosted `travis-ci <>`_ continuous
integration service compiles and verifies correctness of the library for each commit
- **Wire format**
+ Full support of `NDN-TLV packet format v0.1 <>`_
+ Pure C++ implementation of wire encoding/decoding with simple access to wire format
of all NDN packet abstractions via ``wireEncode`` and ``wireDecode`` methods
In many cases, NDN packet abstractions are just "indices" to the wire format
+ Optimized wire format encoding/decoding
- **Communication with the forwarder**
+ Enable connecting to local forwarder via UNIX and TCP transports and to remote
forwarders using TCP transport
+ Full support for communication with `Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon (NFD)
- Full support for `NFD management protocols
<>`_ to NFD status
information, create and manage NFD Faces, receive NFD Face status change
notifications, update StrategyChoice for namespaces, and manage routes in RIB
- Support for `LocalControlHeader
<>`_ to implement
special NDN applications that need low-level control of NDN packet forwarding
- **Security**
+ Extensive set of security primitives, allowing implementation of truly secure NDN
applications in a simplified manner
- **KeyChain**: provides simple interfaces of packet signing, and key and certificate
- **ValidatorConfig**: validator that implements trust model defined in a configuration
- **CommandInterestGenerator** and **CommandInterestValidator**: convenient helpers to produce
and validate command interests, while preventing potential replay attacks
+ Several implementations of trusted platform modules to securely manage private keys
- **SecTpmOsx**: TPM based on OSX KeyChain (OSX-specific)
- **SecTpmFile**: TPM that uses file-based access control to protect keys (cross-platform)
+ Extensive set of security command-line tools to manage security identities and certificates
- Generating private/public keys
- Issuing certificates
- Exporting/importing identities
- Managing default security settings
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Scheduler to support delayed time operations
+ NDN regular expressions
+ Simple config file to alter various aspects of the library
+ **tlvdump**: a simple tool to visualize TLV-encoded blocks