Enhance exception throwing with Boost Exception library

Change-Id: I471023fc23ffaebe04d9668426b4c1b03e4962ba
Refs: #2997
diff --git a/docs/code-style.rst b/docs/code-style.rst
index 58bd4b0..6a578ba 100644
--- a/docs/code-style.rst
+++ b/docs/code-style.rst
@@ -1113,3 +1113,9 @@
     ``NDN_CXX_DECL_OVERRIDE`` and ``NDN_CXX_DECL_FINAL`` macros are for ndn-cxx internal use.
     Other projects, if adopting this style guide, should define their own macros if needed.
+3.31. The recommended way to throw an exception derived from ``std::exception`` is to use
+`macro <http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/exception/doc/BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION.html>`__.
+Exceptions thrown using this macro will be bundled with additional diagnostic information, including
+filename, line number, and function name from where the exception was thrown.