blob: 4610cd455d8d97eddc07150e9fe185e745886699 [file] [log] [blame]
Validation Error Code
The following table defines a list of known codes and their description, which can be returned from the :ndn-cxx:`v2::Validator` interface.
Other error codes can be returned by validator implementations outside ndn-cxx codebase.
| Error code | Short ID | Description |
| 0 | NO_ERROR | No error |
| 1 | INVALID_SIGNATURE | Invalid signature |
| 2 | NO_SIGNATURE | Missing signature |
| 3 | CANNOT_RETRIEVE_CERT | Cannot retrieve certificate |
| 4 | EXPIRED_CERT | Certificate expired |
| 5 | LOOP_DETECTED | Loop detected in certification chain |
| 6 | MALFORMED_CERT | Malformed certificate |
| 7 | EXCEEDED_DEPTH_LIMIT | Exceeded validation depth limit |
| 8 | INVALID_KEY_LOCATOR | Key locator violates validation policy |
| .. | ... | ... |
| 255 | IMPLEMENTATION_ERROR | Internal implementation error |
Specialized validator implementations can use error codes >= 256 to indicate a specialized error.