security: Rename security/v2/* to security/*

Security v1-v2 transition has been completed for a while and path
separation is no longer needed. However, this commit preserves
`ndn::security::v2` namespace, but makes it inline.

Some commonly used v2 headers are preserved, but are deprecated and
should be avoided in the dependent software.

Change-Id: I26056cb3d34bcdc0a16e06dea8c1a78c03da2d40
diff --git a/tests/unit/security/validation-policy-config.t.cpp b/tests/unit/security/validation-policy-config.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f6778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/security/validation-policy-config.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "ndn-cxx/security/validation-policy-config.hpp"
+#include "ndn-cxx/security/transform/base64-encode.hpp"
+#include "ndn-cxx/security/transform/buffer-source.hpp"
+#include "ndn-cxx/security/transform/stream-sink.hpp"
+#include "ndn-cxx/util/logger.hpp"
+#include "ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp"
+#include "tests/boost-test.hpp"
+#include "tests/unit/security/validator-config/common.hpp"
+#include "tests/unit/security/validator-fixture.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace security {
+inline namespace v2 {
+namespace validator_config {
+namespace tests {
+using namespace ndn::tests;
+using namespace ndn::security::v2::tests;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(EmptyConfig, HierarchicalValidatorFixture<ValidationPolicyConfig>)
+  this->policy.load(ConfigSection{}, "<empty>");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 0);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 0);
+  Data d("/Security/ValidationPolicyConfig/D");
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(d, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(d, "Empty policy should reject everything");
+  Interest i("/Security/ValidationPolicyConfig/I");
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(i, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(i, "Empty policy should reject everything");
+template<typename Packet>
+class PacketName;
+class PacketName<Interest>
+  static std::string
+  getName()
+  {
+    return "interest";
+  }
+class PacketName<Data>
+  static std::string
+  getName()
+  {
+    return "data";
+  }
+template<typename PacketType>
+class ValidationPolicyConfigFixture : public HierarchicalValidatorFixture<ValidationPolicyConfig>
+  ValidationPolicyConfigFixture()
+    : path(boost::filesystem::path(UNIT_TEST_CONFIG_PATH) / "security" / "v2" / "validation-policy-config")
+  {
+    boost::filesystem::create_directories(path);
+    baseConfig = R"CONF(
+        rule
+        {
+          id test-rule-id
+          for )CONF" + PacketName<Packet>::getName() + R"CONF(
+          filter
+          {
+            type name
+            name )CONF" + identity.getName().toUri() + R"CONF(
+            relation is-prefix-of
+          }
+          checker
+          {
+            type hierarchical
+            sig-type rsa-sha256
+          }
+        }
+      )CONF";
+  }
+  ~ValidationPolicyConfigFixture()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    boost::filesystem::remove_all(path, ec);
+  }
+  using Packet = PacketType;
+  const boost::filesystem::path path;
+  std::string baseConfig;
+template<typename PacketType>
+class LoadStringWithFileAnchor : public ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<PacketType>
+  LoadStringWithFileAnchor()
+  {
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+    this->saveCertificate(this->identity, (this->path / "identity.ndncert").string());
+    this->policy.load(this->baseConfig + R"CONF(
+        trust-anchor
+        {
+          type file
+          file-name "trust-anchor.ndncert"
+        }
+      )CONF", (this->path / "test-config").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  }
+template<typename PacketType>
+class LoadFileWithFileAnchor : public ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<PacketType>
+  LoadFileWithFileAnchor()
+  {
+    std::string configFile = (this->path / "config.conf").string();
+    {
+      std::ofstream config(configFile);
+      config << this->baseConfig << R"CONF(
+          trust-anchor
+          {
+            type file
+            file-name "trust-anchor.ndncert"
+          }
+        )CONF";
+    }
+    this->saveCertificate(this->identity, (this->path / "identity.ndncert").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+    this->policy.load(configFile);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  }
+template<typename PacketType>
+class LoadSectionWithFileAnchor : public ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<PacketType>
+  LoadSectionWithFileAnchor()
+  {
+    auto section = makeSection(this->baseConfig + R"CONF(
+        trust-anchor
+        {
+          type file
+          file-name "trust-anchor.ndncert"
+        }
+      )CONF");
+    this->saveCertificate(this->identity, (this->path / "identity.ndncert").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+    this->policy.load(section, (this->path / "test-config").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  }
+template<typename PacketType>
+class LoadStringWithBase64Anchor : public ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<PacketType>
+  LoadStringWithBase64Anchor()
+  {
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    {
+      using namespace ndn::security::transform;
+      const auto& cert = this->identity.getDefaultKey().getDefaultCertificate().wireEncode();
+      bufferSource(cert.wire(), cert.size()) >> base64Encode(false) >> streamSink(os);
+    }
+    this->policy.load(this->baseConfig + R"CONF(
+        trust-anchor
+        {
+          type base64
+          base64-string ")CONF" + os.str() + R"CONF("
+        }
+      )CONF", (this->path / "test-config").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  }
+class NoRefresh
+  static std::string
+  getRefreshString()
+  {
+    return "";
+  }
+class Refresh1h
+  static std::string
+  getRefreshString()
+  {
+    return "refresh 1h";
+  }
+  static time::milliseconds
+  getRefreshTime()
+  {
+    return 1_h;
+  }
+class Refresh1m
+  static std::string
+  getRefreshString()
+  {
+    return "refresh 1m";
+  }
+  static time::milliseconds
+  getRefreshTime()
+  {
+    return 1_min;
+  }
+class Refresh1s
+  static std::string
+  getRefreshString()
+  {
+    return "refresh 1s";
+  }
+  static time::milliseconds
+  getRefreshTime()
+  {
+    return 1_s;
+  }
+template<typename PacketType, typename Refresh = NoRefresh>
+class LoadStringWithDirAnchor : public ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<PacketType>
+  LoadStringWithDirAnchor()
+  {
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+    boost::filesystem::create_directories(this->path / "keys");
+    this->saveCertificate(this->identity, (this->path / "keys" / "identity.ndncert").string());
+    this->policy.load(this->baseConfig + R"CONF(
+        trust-anchor
+        {
+          type dir
+          dir keys
+          )CONF" + Refresh::getRefreshString() + R"CONF(
+        }
+      )CONF", (this->path / "test-config").string());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  }
+using DataPolicies = boost::mpl::vector<LoadStringWithFileAnchor<Data>,
+                                        LoadFileWithFileAnchor<Data>,
+                                        LoadSectionWithFileAnchor<Data>,
+                                        LoadStringWithBase64Anchor<Data>,
+                                        LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Data>,
+                                        LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Data, Refresh1h>,
+                                        LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Data, Refresh1m>,
+                                        LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Data, Refresh1s>
+                                        >;
+using InterestPolicies = boost::mpl::vector<LoadStringWithFileAnchor<Interest>,
+                                            LoadFileWithFileAnchor<Interest>,
+                                            LoadSectionWithFileAnchor<Interest>,
+                                            LoadStringWithBase64Anchor<Interest>,
+                                            LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Interest>,
+                                            LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Interest, Refresh1h>,
+                                            LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Interest, Refresh1m>,
+                                            LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Interest, Refresh1s>
+                                            >;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(ValidateData, Policy, DataPolicies, Policy)
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 1);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 0);
+  using Packet = typename Policy::Packet;
+  Packet unsignedPacket("/Security/ValidatorFixture/Sub1/Sub2/Packet");
+  Packet packet = unsignedPacket;
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Unsigned");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingWithSha256());
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Policy doesn't accept Sha256Digest signature");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Should get accepted, as signed by the anchor");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Should get accepted, as signed by the policy-compliant cert");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->otherIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, as signed by the policy-violating cert");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subSelfSignedIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, because subSelfSignedIdentity is not a trust anchor");
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(ValidateInterest, Policy, InterestPolicies, Policy)
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 0);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 1);
+  using Packet = typename Policy::Packet;
+  Packet unsignedPacket("/Security/ValidatorFixture/Sub1/Sub2/Packet");
+  Packet packet = unsignedPacket;
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Unsigned");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingWithSha256());
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Policy doesn't accept Sha256Digest signature");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Should get accepted, as signed by the anchor");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, as there is no matching rule for data");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->otherIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, as signed by the policy-violating cert");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subSelfSignedIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, because subSelfSignedIdentity is not a trust anchor");
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Reload, HierarchicalValidatorFixture<ValidationPolicyConfig>)
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, false);
+  this->policy.load(R"CONF(
+      rule
+      {
+        id test-rule-data-id
+        for data
+        filter
+        {
+          type name
+          name /foo/bar
+          relation is-prefix-of
+        }
+        checker
+        {
+          type hierarchical
+          sig-type rsa-sha256
+        }
+      }
+      rule
+      {
+        id test-rule-interest-id
+        for interest
+        filter
+        {
+          type name
+          name /foo/bar
+          relation is-prefix-of
+        }
+        checker
+        {
+          type hierarchical
+          sig-type rsa-sha256
+        }
+      }
+      trust-anchor
+      {
+        type dir
+        dir keys
+        refresh 1h
+      }
+    )CONF", "test-config");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, false);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 1);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 1);
+  this->policy.load(R"CONF(
+      trust-anchor
+      {
+        type any
+      }
+    )CONF", "test-config");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 0);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 0);
+using Packets = boost::mpl::vector<Interest, Data>;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(TrustAnchorWildcard, Packet, Packets, ValidationPolicyConfigFixture<Packet>)
+  this->policy.load(R"CONF(
+      trust-anchor
+      {
+        type any
+      }
+    )CONF", "test-config");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_isConfigured, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_shouldBypass, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_dataRules.size(), 0);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(this->policy.m_interestRules.size(), 0);
+  Packet unsignedPacket("/Security/ValidatorFixture/Sub1/Sub2/Packet");
+  Packet packet = unsignedPacket;
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingWithSha256());
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->otherIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subSelfSignedIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_SUCCESS(packet, "Policy should accept everything");
+using RefreshPolicies = boost::mpl::vector<Refresh1h, Refresh1m, Refresh1s>;
+template<typename RefreshPolicy>
+class RefreshPolicyFixture : public LoadStringWithDirAnchor<Data, RefreshPolicy>
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(ValidateRefresh, Refresh, RefreshPolicies, RefreshPolicyFixture<Refresh>)
+  using Packet = Data;
+  Packet unsignedPacket("/Security/ValidatorFixture/Sub1/Sub2/Packet");
+  boost::filesystem::remove(this->path / "keys" / "identity.ndncert");
+  this->advanceClocks(Refresh::getRefreshTime(), 3);
+  Packet packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->identity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, as the trust anchor should no longer exist");
+  packet = unsignedPacket;
+  this->m_keyChain.sign(packet, signingByIdentity(this->subIdentity));
+  VALIDATE_FAILURE(packet, "Should fail, as the trust anchor should no longer exist");
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(OrphanedPolicyLoad, HierarchicalValidatorFixture<ValidationPolicyConfig>) // Bug #4758
+  ValidationPolicyConfig policy1;
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(policy1.load("trust-anchor { type any }", "test-config"), Error);
+  // Reloading would have triggered a segfault
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(policy1.load("trust-anchor { type any }", "test-config"), Error);
+  ValidationPolicyConfig policy2;
+  std::string config = R"CONF(
+      trust-anchor
+      {
+        type dir
+        dir keys
+        refresh 1h
+      }
+    )CONF";
+  // Inserting trust anchor would have triggered a segfault
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(policy2.load(config, "test-config"), Error);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() // TestValidationPolicyConfig
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace validator_config
+} // inline namespace v2
+} // namespace security
+} // namespace ndn