api: Major API change.  OnInterest/OnData callbacks now use just references, not shared pointers

If shared pointer is necessary, it can be obtained using
.shared_from_this() on Interest or Data object.

This commit also corrects all internal uses of expressInterest/setIntersetFilter.

Change-Id: I20207a5789fd189902f2c6e3827260b6b27a2514
diff --git a/src/face.cpp b/src/face.cpp
index 9385358..7e62fe4 100644
--- a/src/face.cpp
+++ b/src/face.cpp
@@ -5,34 +5,342 @@
  * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+#include "common.hpp"
 #include "face.hpp"
-using namespace std;
+#include "security/signature-sha256-with-rsa.hpp"
+#include "util/time.hpp"
+#include "util/random.hpp"
+#include "management/ndnd-controller.hpp"
+#include "management/nfd-controller.hpp"
 namespace ndn {
-const PendingInterestId*
-  (const Name& name, const Interest *interestTemplate, const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout)
+Face::Face(bool nfdMode/* = false*/)
-  if (interestTemplate)
-    return node_.expressInterest(Interest
-      (name,
-       interestTemplate->getMinSuffixComponents(), interestTemplate->getMaxSuffixComponents(),
-       interestTemplate->getExclude(),
-       interestTemplate->getChildSelector(),
-       interestTemplate->getMustBeFresh(),
-       interestTemplate->getScope(),
-       interestTemplate->getInterestLifetime()),
-      onData, onTimeout);
+  construct(shared_ptr<Transport>(new UnixTransport()),
+            make_shared<boost::asio::io_service>(), nfdMode);
+Face::Face(const shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> &ioService, bool nfdMode/* = false*/)
+  construct(shared_ptr<Transport>(new UnixTransport()),
+            ioService, nfdMode);
+Face::Face(const std::string &host, const std::string &port/* = "6363"*/, bool nfdMode/* = false*/)
+  construct(shared_ptr<Transport>(new TcpTransport(host, port)),
+            make_shared<boost::asio::io_service>(), nfdMode);
+Face::Face(const shared_ptr<Transport>& transport, bool nfdMode/* = false*/)
+  construct(transport,
+            make_shared<boost::asio::io_service>(), nfdMode);
+Face::Face(const shared_ptr<Transport>& transport,
+           const shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> &ioService,
+           bool nfdMode/* = false*/)
+  construct(transport, ioService, nfdMode);
+Face::construct(const shared_ptr<Transport>& transport,
+                const shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> &ioService,
+                bool nfdMode)
+  pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_ = false;
+  transport_ = transport;
+  ioService_ = ioService;
+  pitTimeoutCheckTimer_      = make_shared<boost::asio::deadline_timer>(boost::ref(*ioService_));
+  processEventsTimeoutTimer_ = make_shared<boost::asio::deadline_timer>(boost::ref(*ioService_));
+  if (nfdMode)
+      m_fwController = make_shared<nfd::Controller>(boost::ref(*this));
-    return node_.expressInterest(Interest(name, 4000.0), onData, onTimeout);  
+      m_fwController = make_shared<ndnd::Controller>(boost::ref(*this));
+const PendingInterestId*
+Face::expressInterest(const Interest& interest, const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout)
+  if (!transport_->isConnected())
+    transport_->connect(*ioService_,
+                        bind(&Face::onReceiveElement, this, _1));
+  shared_ptr<const Interest> interestToExpress(new Interest(interest));
+  ioService_->post(bind(&Face::asyncExpressInterest, this, interestToExpress, onData, onTimeout));
+  return reinterpret_cast<const PendingInterestId*>(interestToExpress.get());
+const PendingInterestId*
+Face::expressInterest(const Name& name,
+                      const Interest &tmpl,
+                      const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout/* = OnTimeout()*/)
+  return expressInterest(Interest(name,
+                                  tmpl.getMinSuffixComponents(),
+                                  tmpl.getMaxSuffixComponents(),
+                                  tmpl.getExclude(),
+                                  tmpl.getChildSelector(),
+                                  tmpl.getMustBeFresh(),
+                                  tmpl.getScope(),
+                                  tmpl.getInterestLifetime()),
+                         onData, onTimeout);
+Face::asyncExpressInterest(const shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest,
+                           const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout)
+  pendingInterestTable_.push_back(shared_ptr<PendingInterest>(new PendingInterest
+                                                              (interest, onData, onTimeout)));
+  transport_->send(interest->wireEncode());
+  if (!pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_) {
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_ = true;
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->async_wait(bind(&Face::checkPitExpire, this));
+  }
+Face::put(const Data &data)
+  if (!transport_->isConnected())
+    transport_->connect(*ioService_,
+                        bind(&Face::onReceiveElement, this, _1));
+  transport_->send(data.wireEncode());
+Face::removePendingInterest(const PendingInterestId *pendingInterestId)
+  ioService_->post(bind(&Face::asyncRemovePendingInterest, this, pendingInterestId));
+Face::asyncRemovePendingInterest(const PendingInterestId *pendingInterestId)
+  pendingInterestTable_.remove_if(MatchPendingInterestId(pendingInterestId));
+const RegisteredPrefixId*
+Face::setInterestFilter(const Name& prefix,
+                        const OnInterest& onInterest,
+                        const OnSetInterestFilterFailed& onSetInterestFilterFailed)
+  shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> prefixToRegister(new RegisteredPrefix(prefix, onInterest));
+  m_fwController->selfRegisterPrefix(prefixToRegister->getPrefix(),
+                                     bind(&RegisteredPrefixTable::push_back, &registeredPrefixTable_, prefixToRegister),
+                                     bind(onSetInterestFilterFailed, prefixToRegister->getPrefix(), _1));
+  return reinterpret_cast<const RegisteredPrefixId*>(prefixToRegister.get());
+Face::unsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId)
+  ioService_->post(bind(&Face::asyncUnsetInterestFilter, this, registeredPrefixId));
+Face::asyncUnsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId)
+  RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator i = std::find_if(registeredPrefixTable_.begin(), registeredPrefixTable_.end(),
+                                                   MatchRegisteredPrefixId(registeredPrefixId));  
+  if (i != registeredPrefixTable_.end())
+    {
+      m_fwController->selfDeregisterPrefix((*i)->getPrefix(),
+                                           bind(&RegisteredPrefixTable::erase, &registeredPrefixTable_, i),
+                                           Controller::FailCallback());
+    }
+  // there cannot be two registered prefixes with the same id. if there are, then something is broken
+Face::processEvents(Milliseconds timeout/* = 0 */, bool keepThread/* = false*/)
+  try
+    {
+      if (timeout < 0)
+        {
+          // do not block if timeout is negative, but process pending events
+          ioService_->poll();
+          return;
+        }
+      if (timeout > 0)
+        {
+          processEventsTimeoutTimer_->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(timeout));
+          processEventsTimeoutTimer_->async_wait(&fireProcessEventsTimeout);
+        }
+      if (keepThread) {
+        // work will ensure that ioService_ is running until work object exists
+        ioServiceWork_ = make_shared<boost::asio::io_service::work>(boost::ref(*ioService_));
+      }
+      ioService_->run();
+      ioService_->reset(); // so it is possible to run processEvents again (if necessary)
+    }
+  catch(Face::ProcessEventsTimeout &)
+    {
+      // break
+      ioService_->reset();
+    }
+  catch(const std::exception &)
+    {
+      ioService_->reset();
+      pendingInterestTable_.clear();
+      registeredPrefixTable_.clear();
+      throw;
+    }
-  node_.shutdown();
+  pendingInterestTable_.clear();
+  registeredPrefixTable_.clear();
+  transport_->close();
+  pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->cancel();
+  processEventsTimeoutTimer_->cancel();
+  pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_ = false;
+Face::fireProcessEventsTimeout(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+  if (!error) // can fire for some other reason, e.g., cancelled
+    throw Face::ProcessEventsTimeout();
+  // Check for PIT entry timeouts.  Go backwards through the list so we can erase entries.
+  MillisecondsSince1970 nowMilliseconds = getNowMilliseconds();
+  PendingInterestTable::iterator i = pendingInterestTable_.begin();
+  while (i != pendingInterestTable_.end())
+    {
+      if ((*i)->isTimedOut(nowMilliseconds))
+        {
+          // Save the PendingInterest and remove it from the PIT.  Then call the callback.
+          shared_ptr<PendingInterest> pendingInterest = *i;
+          i = pendingInterestTable_.erase(i);
+          pendingInterest->callTimeout();
+        }
+      else
+        ++i;
+    }
+  if (!pendingInterestTable_.empty()) {
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_ = true;
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->async_wait(bind(&Face::checkPitExpire, this));
+  }
+  else {
+    pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_ = false;
+    if (registeredPrefixTable_.empty()) {
+      transport_->close();
+      if (!ioServiceWork_) {
+        processEventsTimeoutTimer_->cancel();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Face::onReceiveElement(const Block &block)
+  if (block.type() == Tlv::Interest)
+    {
+      shared_ptr<Interest> interest(new Interest());
+      interest->wireDecode(block);
+      RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator entry = getEntryForRegisteredPrefix(interest->getName());
+      if (entry != registeredPrefixTable_.end()) {
+        (*entry)->getOnInterest()((*entry)->getPrefix(), *interest);
+      }
+    }
+  else if (block.type() == Tlv::Data)
+    {
+      shared_ptr<Data> data(new Data());
+      data->wireDecode(block);
+      PendingInterestTable::iterator entry = getEntryIndexForExpressedInterest(data->getName());
+      if (entry != pendingInterestTable_.end()) {
+        // Copy pointers to the needed objects and remove the PIT entry before the calling the callback.
+        const OnData onData = (*entry)->getOnData();
+        const shared_ptr<const Interest> interest = (*entry)->getInterest();
+        pendingInterestTable_.erase(entry);
+        if (onData) {
+          onData(*interest, *data);
+        }
+        if (pendingInterestTable_.empty()) {
+          pitTimeoutCheckTimer_->cancel(); // this will cause checkPitExpire invocation
+        }
+      }
+    }
+Face::getEntryIndexForExpressedInterest(const Name& name)
+  for (PendingInterestTable::iterator i = pendingInterestTable_.begin ();
+       i != pendingInterestTable_.end(); ++i)
+    {
+      if ((*i)->getInterest()->matchesName(name))
+        {
+          return i;
+        }
+    }
+  return pendingInterestTable_.end();
+Face::getEntryForRegisteredPrefix(const Name& name)
+  RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator longestPrefix = registeredPrefixTable_.end();
+  for (RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator i = registeredPrefixTable_.begin();
+       i != registeredPrefixTable_.end();
+       ++i)
+    {
+      if (longestPrefix == registeredPrefixTable_.end() ||
+          (*i)->getPrefix().size() > (*longestPrefix)->getPrefix().size())
+        {
+          longestPrefix = i;
+        }
+    }
+  return longestPrefix;
+} // namespace ndn