First set of changes for direct download. Needs further testing.

* Fixed bug introduced in download change and updated ndn-js (Backport)

Change-Id: I72742322cca6aa7d6e7f4c2b5f90e7035d6e6953
diff --git a/client/convert.js b/client/convert.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe6c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/convert.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+"use strict";
+const fs = require('fs');
+const regex = /^Original File Name: ([\w\d-]+\.nc)\s*^NDN Name: (\/(?:[\w\d-]+\/)*)/gm;
+fs.readFile('sample_output', 'utf8',function(err, data){
+  if (err){
+    return console.error(err);
+  }
+  var output = {};
+  for (let match = regex.exec(data); match; match = regex.exec(data)){
+    if (output[match[2]]){
+      console.log("Duplicate found for:", match[2], "|", output[match[2]], "|", match[1]);
+      continue;
+    }
+    output[match[2]] = match[1];
+  }
+  console.log("Found", Object.keys(output).length, "conversions.");
+  fs.writeFile('conversions.json', JSON.stringify(output), function(err){
+    if (err){
+      return console.error(err);
+    }	
+  });