| //Run when the document loads AND we have the config loaded. |
| (function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var config; |
| var conversions; |
| |
| Promise.all([new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { |
| $.ajax('config.json').done(function(data) { |
| config = data; |
| resolve(); |
| }).fail(function() { |
| console.error("Failed to get config."); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'error', 'config'); |
| reject(); |
| }); |
| }), new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { |
| var timeout = setTimeout(function() { |
| console.error("Document never loaded? Something bad has happened!"); |
| reject(); |
| }, 10000); |
| $(function() { |
| clearTimeout(timeout); |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| }), new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { |
| $.getJSON('../conversions.json').done(function(data) { |
| conversions = data; |
| resolve(); |
| }).fail(function() { |
| console.error("Failed to get conversions."); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'error', 'config'); |
| //reject(); We will continue anyways. We don't need this functionality. |
| conversions = {}; |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| })]).then(function() { |
| var getParameterByName = function(name) { |
| name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); |
| var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"); |
| var results = regex.exec(location.search); |
| return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); |
| } |
| //Overwrite config if present. Any failure will just cause this to be skipped. |
| try { |
| var configParam = JSON.parse(getParameterByName('config')); |
| config = jQuery.extend(true, config, configParam); |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.warn("Failure in config overwrite, skipping.", e); |
| } |
| new Atmos(config,conversions); |
| }, function() { |
| console.error("Failed to initialize!"); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'error', 'init'); |
| }); |
| |
| })(); |
| var Atmos = (function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var closeButton = '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>'; |
| var guid = function() { |
| var d = new Date().getTime(); |
| var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { |
| var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; |
| d = Math.floor(d / 16); |
| return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16); |
| }); |
| return uuid; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Atmos |
| * @version 2.0 |
| |
| * Configures an Atmos object. This manages the atmos interface. |
| |
| * @constructor |
| * @param {string} catalog - NDN path |
| * @param {Object} config - Object of configuration options for a Face. |
| */ |
| var Atmos = function(config, conversions) { |
| //Internal variables. |
| this.results = []; |
| this.resultCount = Infinity; |
| this.name = null ; |
| this.page = 0; |
| this.resultsPerPage = 25; |
| this.retrievedSegments = 0; |
| |
| //Config/init |
| this.config = config; |
| this.conversions = conversions; |
| |
| this.catalog = config['global']['catalogPrefix']; |
| this.catalogPrefix = new Name(this.catalog); |
| this.face = new Face(config['global']['faceConfig']); |
| |
| //Easy access dom variables |
| this.categories = $('#side-menu'); |
| this.resultTable = $('#resultTable'); |
| this.filters = $('#filters'); |
| this.searchInput = $('#search'); |
| this.searchBar = $('#searchBar'); |
| this.searchButton = $('#searchButton'); |
| this.resultMenu = $('.resultMenu'); |
| this.alerts = $('#alerts'); |
| this.requestForm = $('#requestForm'); |
| |
| var scope = this; |
| $('.requestSelectedButton').click(function() { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'request'); |
| scope.request(scope.resultTable.find('.resultSelector:checked:not([disabled])').parent().parent()); |
| }); |
| this.filterSetup(); |
| |
| //Init autocomplete |
| this.searchInput.autoComplete(function(field, callback) { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'search', 'autocomplete'); |
| scope.autoComplete(field, function(data) { |
| var list = data.next; |
| var last = data.lastComponent === true; |
| callback(list.map(function(element) { |
| return field + element + (last ? "/" : ""); |
| //Don't add trailing slash for last component. |
| })); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| //Handle search |
| this.searchBar.submit(function(e) { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'search', 'submit'); |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| if (scope.searchInput.val().length === 0) { |
| if (!scope.searchBar.hasClass('has-error')) { |
| scope.searchBar.addClass('has-error').append('<span class="help-block">Search path is required!</span>'); |
| } |
| return; |
| } else { |
| scope.searchBar.removeClass('has-error').find('.help-block').fadeOut(function() { |
| $(this).remove() |
| }); |
| } |
| scope.pathSearch(); |
| }); |
| |
| this.searchButton.click(function() { |
| console.log("Search Button Pressed"); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'search'); |
| scope.search(); |
| }); |
| |
| //Result navigation handlers |
| this.resultMenu.find('.next').click(function() { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'next'); |
| if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { |
| scope.getResults(scope.page + 1); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| this.resultMenu.find('.previous').click(function() { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'previous'); |
| if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { |
| scope.getResults(scope.page - 1); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| this.resultMenu.find('.clearResults').click(function() { |
| ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'resultClear'); |
| scope.clearResults(); |
| $('#results').fadeOut(function() { |
| $(this).addClass('hidden'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| //Change the number of results per page handler |
| var rpps = $('.resultsPerPageSelector').click(function() { |
| var t = $(this); |
| if (t.hasClass('active')) { |
| return; |
| } |
| rpps.find('.active').removeClass('active'); |
| t.addClass('active'); |
| scope.resultsPerPage = Number(t.text()); |
| scope.getResults(0); |
| //Force return to page 1; |
| }); |
| |
| //Init tree search |
| $('#treeSearch div').treeExplorer(function(path, callback) { |
| console.log("Tree Explorer request", path); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'tree', 'request'); |
| scope.autoComplete(path, function(data) { |
| var list = data.next; |
| var last = (data.lastComponent === true); |
| if (last) { |
| console.log("Redirecting last element request to a search."); |
| scope.clearResults(); |
| scope.query(scope.catalog, { |
| '??': path |
| }, function(interest, data) { |
| console.log("Search response", interest, data); |
| scope.name = interest.getName(); |
| scope.getResults(0); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| console.warn("Failed to retrieve final component.", interest, path); |
| scope.createAlert("Failed to request final component. " + path + " See console for details."); |
| }); |
| return; |
| //Don't call the callback |
| } |
| console.log("Autocomplete response", list); |
| callback(list.map(function(element) { |
| return (path == "/" ? "/" : "") + element + "/"; |
| })); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| $('#treeSearch').on('click', '.treeSearch', function() { |
| var t = $(this); |
| scope.clearResults(); |
| var path = t.parent().parent().attr('id'); |
| console.log("Tree search:", path); |
| scope.query(scope.catalog, { |
| '??': path |
| }, function(interest, data) { |
| //Success |
| console.log("Tree search response", interest, data); |
| scope.name = interest.getName(); |
| scope.getResults(0); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| //Failure |
| console.warn("Request failed! Timeout", interest); |
| scope.createAlert("Request timed out.\"" + interest.getName().toUri() + "\" See console for details."); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| this.setupRequestForm(); |
| this.resultTable.popover({ |
| selector: ".metaDataLink", |
| content: function() { |
| $('.metaDataLink').not(this).popover('destroy'); |
| return scope.getMetaData(this); |
| }, |
| title: "Metadata", |
| html: true, |
| trigger: 'click', |
| placement: 'bottom' |
| }); |
| |
| this.resultTable.on('click', '.metaDataLink', function(e) { |
| //This prevents the page from scrolling when you click on a name. |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| }); |
| |
| this.resultTable.on('click', '.subsetButton', function() { |
| var metaData = $(this).siblings('pre').text(); |
| var exp = /netcdf ([\w-]+)/; |
| var match = exp.exec(metaData); |
| var filename = match[0].replace(/netcdf /, '') + '.nc'; |
| scope.request(null , filename); |
| }); |
| |
| //Allow the title to change the tab |
| $('#brand-title').click(function() { |
| //Correct active class on tabs. |
| $('#path-search-tab').removeClass('active'); |
| $('#tree-search-tab').removeClass('active'); |
| $('#search-tab').addClass('active'); |
| }); |
| } |
| Atmos.prototype.clearResults = function() { |
| this.results = []; |
| //Drop any old results. |
| this.retrievedSegments = 0; |
| this.resultCount = Infinity; |
| this.page = 0; |
| this.resultTable.empty(); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.pathSearch = function() { |
| var value = this.searchInput.val(); |
| this.clearResults(); |
| var scope = this; |
| this.query(this.catalog, { |
| "??": value |
| }, function(interest, data) { |
| console.log("Query response:", interest, data); |
| scope.name = interest.getName(); |
| scope.getResults(0); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| console.warn("Request failed! Timeout", interest); |
| scope.createAlert("Request timed out. \"" + interest.getName().toUri() + "\" See console for details."); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.search = function() { |
| var filters = this.getFilters(); |
| console.log("Search started!", this.searchInput.val(), filters); |
| console.log("Initiating query"); |
| this.clearResults(); |
| var scope = this; |
| this.query(this.catalog, filters, function(interest, data) { |
| //Response function |
| console.log("Query Response:", interest, data); |
| scope.name = interest.getName(); |
| scope.getResults(0); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| //Timeout function |
| console.warn("Request failed after 3 attempts!", interest); |
| scope.createAlert("Request failed after 3 attempts. \"" + interest.getName().toUri() + "\" See console for details."); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.autoComplete = function(field, callback) { |
| var scope = this; |
| var result = {}; |
| const getAll = function(interest, data) { |
| if (data.getContent().length !== 0) { |
| var resp = JSON.parse(data.getContent().toString().replace(/[\n\0]/g, "")); |
| if (result.next) { |
| result.next = result.next.concat(resp.next); |
| } else { |
| result = resp; |
| } |
| } else { |
| callback(result); |
| } |
| var name = data.getName(); |
| var segment = name.components[name.getComponentCount() - 1]; |
| if (segment.toSegment() !== data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().toSegment()) { |
| name = name.getPrefix(-1); |
| //Remove segment |
| name.appendSegment(segment.toSegment() + 1); |
| scope.expressInterest(name, getAll, function() { |
| console.warn("Autocomplete timed out, results may be incomplete."); |
| callback(result); |
| //Return if we get a timeout. |
| }); |
| } else { |
| callback(result); |
| } |
| } |
| this.query(this.catalog, { |
| "?": field |
| }, getAll); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.showResults = function(resultIndex) { |
| var results = this.results.slice(this.resultsPerPage * resultIndex, this.resultsPerPage * (resultIndex + 1)); |
| var resultDOM = $(results.reduce(function(prev, current) { |
| prev.push('<tr><td><input class="resultSelector" type="checkbox"></td><td class="popover-container">'); |
| if (current.has_metadata){ |
| prev.push('<a href="#" class="metaDataLink">'); |
| } |
| prev.push(current.name); |
| if (current.has_metadata){ |
| prev.push('</a>'); |
| } |
| prev.push('</td></tr>'); |
| return prev; |
| }, ['<tr><th><input id="resultSelectAll" type="checkbox"> Select All</th><th>Name</th></tr>']).join('')); |
| resultDOM.find('#resultSelectAll').click(function() { |
| if ($(this).is(':checked')) { |
| resultDOM.find('.resultSelector:not([disabled])').prop('checked', true); |
| } else { |
| resultDOM.find('.resultSelector:not([disabled])').prop('checked', false); |
| } |
| }); |
| this.resultTable.hide().empty().append(resultDOM).slideDown('slow'); |
| this.resultMenu.find('.pageNumber').text(resultIndex + 1); |
| this.resultMenu.find('.pageLength').text(this.resultsPerPage * resultIndex + results.length); |
| if (this.resultsPerPage * (resultIndex + 1) >= this.resultCount) { |
| this.resultMenu.find('.next').addClass('disabled'); |
| } else if (resultIndex === 0) { |
| this.resultMenu.find('.next').removeClass('disabled'); |
| } |
| if (resultIndex === 0) { |
| this.resultMenu.find('.previous').addClass('disabled'); |
| } else if (resultIndex === 1) { |
| this.resultMenu.find('.previous').removeClass('disabled'); |
| } |
| $.scrollTo("#results", 500, { |
| interrupt: true |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.getResults = function(index) { |
| |
| var scope = this; |
| |
| if ($('#results').hasClass('hidden')) { |
| $('#results').removeClass('hidden').slideDown(); |
| } |
| |
| if ((scope.results.length === scope.resultCount) || (scope.resultsPerPage * (index + 1) < scope.results.length)) { |
| //console.log("We already have index", index); |
| scope.page = index; |
| scope.showResults(index); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (scope.name === null ) { |
| console.error("This shouldn't be reached! We are getting results before a search has occured!"); |
| throw new Error("Illegal State"); |
| } |
| |
| var interestName = new Name(scope.name); |
| // Interest name should be /<catalog-prefix>/query/<query-param>/<version>/<#seq> |
| if (scope.name.size() === (scope.catalogPrefix.size() + 3)) { |
| interestName = interestName.appendSegment(scope.retrievedSegments++); |
| //console.log("Requesting data index: (", scope.retrievedSegments - 1, ") at ", interestName.toUri()); |
| } |
| |
| this.expressInterest(interestName, function(interest, data) { |
| //Response |
| if (data.getContent().length === 0) { |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.totalResults').text(0); |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.pageNumber').text(0); |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.pageLength').text(0); |
| console.log("Empty response."); |
| scope.resultTable.html("<tr><td>Empty response. This usually means no results.</td></tr>"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var content = JSON.parse(data.getContent().toString().replace(/[\n\0]/g, "")); |
| |
| if (!content.results) { |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.totalResults').text(0); |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.pageNumber').text(0); |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.pageLength').text(0); |
| console.log("No results were found!"); |
| scope.resultTable.html("<tr><td>No Results</td></tr>"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| scope.results = scope.results.concat(content.results); |
| scope.resultCount = content.resultCount; |
| scope.resultMenu.find('.totalResults').text(scope.resultCount); |
| scope.page = index; |
| // reset scope.name |
| scope.name = new Name(data.getName().getPrefix(scope.catalogPrefix.size() + 3)); |
| scope.getResults(index); |
| //Keep calling this until we have enough data. |
| }, function() {});//Ignore failure |
| |
| } |
| Atmos.prototype.query = function(prefix, parameters, callback, timeout) { |
| var queryPrefix = new Name(prefix); |
| queryPrefix.append("query"); |
| var jsonString = JSON.stringify(parameters); |
| queryPrefix.append(jsonString); |
| this.expressInterest(queryPrefix, callback, timeout); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.expressInterest = function(name, success, failure) { |
| var interest = new Interest(name); |
| interest.setInterestLifetimeMilliseconds(500); |
| interest.setMustBeFresh(true); |
| const face = this.face; |
| async.retry(4, function(done) { |
| face.expressInterest(interest, function(interest, data) { |
| done(); |
| success(interest, data); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| done("Interest timed out 4 times.", interest); |
| }); |
| }, function(err, interest) { |
| if (err) { |
| console.log(err, interest); |
| failure(interest); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This function returns a map of all the categories active filters. |
| * @return {Object<string, string>} |
| */ |
| Atmos.prototype.getFilters = function() { |
| var filters = this.filters.children().toArray().reduce(function(prev, current) { |
| var data = $(current).text().split(/:/); |
| prev[data[0]] = data[1]; |
| return prev; |
| }, {}); |
| //Collect a map<category, filter>. |
| //TODO Make the return value map<category, Array<filter>> |
| return filters; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Creates a closable alert for the user. |
| |
| * @param {string} message |
| * @param {string} type - Override the alert type. |
| */ |
| Atmos.prototype.createAlert = function(message, type) { |
| var alert = $('<div class="alert"><div>'); |
| alert.addClass(type ? type : 'alert-info'); |
| alert.text(message); |
| alert.append(closeButton); |
| this.alerts.append(alert); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Requests all of the names represented by the buttons in the elements list. |
| |
| * @param elements {Array<jQuery>} A list of the table row elements |
| * @param subsetFileName {String} If present then do a subsetting request instead. |
| */ |
| Atmos.prototype.request = function() { |
| //Pseudo globals. |
| var keyChain; |
| var certificateName; |
| var keyAdded = false; |
| return function(elements, subsetFilename) { |
| |
| var names = []; |
| |
| $(elements).find('.metaDataLink').each(function() { |
| var name = $(this).text(); |
| names.push(name); |
| }); |
| var subset = false; |
| if (!subsetFilename) { |
| $('#subsetting').hide(); |
| } else { |
| $('#subsetting').show(); |
| subset = true; |
| } |
| |
| var scope = this; |
| |
| //FIXME The following is temporary, it allows people to direct download from |
| //a single host with a small set of names. It is to demo the functionality but |
| //could use improvement. (Multiple servers, non static list, etc) |
| var directDls = $('#directDownloadList').empty(); |
| names.forEach(function(name) { |
| if (scope.conversions[name]) { |
| //If the name exists in the conversions. |
| var ele = $('<a href="http://atmos-mwsc.ucar.edu/ucar/' + conversions[name] + '" class="list-group-item>' + name + '</a>'); |
| directDls.append(ele); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| this.requestForm.on('submit', function(e) { |
| //This will be registered for the next submit from the form. |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| $('#request .alert').remove(); |
| var variables = []; |
| if (subset) { |
| $('#subsetVariables .row').each(function() { |
| var t = $(this); |
| var values = {}; |
| t.find('.values input').each(function() { |
| var t = $(this); |
| values[t.attr('name')] = t.val(); |
| }); |
| variables.push({ |
| variable: t.find('.variable').val(), |
| values: values |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| //Form checking |
| var dest = scope.requestForm.find('#requestDest .active'); |
| if (dest.length !== 1) { |
| var alert = $('<div class="alert alert-warning">A destination is required!' + closeButton + '<div>'); |
| $('#request > .panel-body').append(alert); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| $('#request').modal('hide'); |
| |
| //Initial params are ok. We can close the form. |
| scope.cleanRequestForm(); |
| |
| $(this).off(e); //Don't fire this again, the request must be regenerated |
| |
| //Key setup |
| if (!keyAdded) { |
| if (!scope.config.retrieval.demoKey || !scope.config.retrieval.demoKey.pub || !scope.config.retrieval.demoKey.priv) { |
| scope.createAlert("This host was not configured to handle retrieval! See console for details.", 'alert-danger'); |
| console.error("Missing/invalid key! This must be configured in the config on the server.", scope.config.demoKey); |
| return; |
| } |
| //FIXME base64 may or may not exist in other browsers. Need a new polyfill. |
| var pub = new Buffer(base64.toByteArray(scope.config.retrieval.demoKey.pub)); |
| //MUST be a Buffer (Buffer != Uint8Array) |
| var priv = new Buffer(base64.toByteArray(scope.config.retrieval.demoKey.priv)); |
| var identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage(); |
| var privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage(); |
| keyChain = new KeyChain(new IdentityManager(identityStorage,privateKeyStorage),new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage)); |
| var keyName = new Name("/retrieve/DSK-123"); |
| certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append("KEY").append(keyName.get(-1)).append("ID-CERT").append("0"); |
| identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(pub,false)); |
| privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, KeyType.RSA, pub, priv); |
| scope.face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName); |
| keyAdded = true; |
| } |
| |
| //Retrieval |
| var retrievePrefix = new Name("/catalog/ui/" + guid()); |
| scope.face.registerPrefix(retrievePrefix, function(prefix, interest, face, interestFilterId, filter) { |
| //On Interest |
| //This function will exist until the page exits but will likely only be used once. |
| var data = new Data(interest.getName()); |
| var content; |
| if (subset) { |
| content = JSON.stringify({ |
| name: subsetFilename, |
| subset: variables |
| }); |
| } else { |
| content = JSON.stringify(names); |
| } |
| |
| //Blob breaks the data! Don't use it |
| data.setContent(content); |
| |
| //TODO Packetize this. |
| keyChain.sign(data, certificateName); |
| |
| try { |
| face.putData(data); |
| console.log("Responded for", interest.getName().toUri(), data); |
| scope.createAlert("Data retrieval has initiated.", "alert-success"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.error("Failed to respond to", interest.getName().toUri(), data); |
| scope.createAlert("Data retrieval failed."); |
| } |
| }, function(prefix) { |
| //On fail |
| scope.createAlert("Failed to register the retrieval URI! See console for details.", "alert-danger"); |
| console.error("Failed to register URI:", prefix.toUri(), prefix); |
| }, function(prefix, registeredPrefixId) { |
| //On success |
| var name = new Name(dest.text()); |
| name.append(prefix); |
| scope.expressInterest(name, function(interest, data) { |
| //Success |
| console.log("Request for", name.toUri(), "succeeded.", interest, data); |
| }, function() { |
| console.warn("Failed to request from retrieve agent."); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| $('#request').modal(); |
| //This forces the form to be the only option. |
| } |
| }(); |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.filterSetup = function() { |
| //Filter setup |
| var prefix = new Name(this.catalog).append("filters-initialization"); |
| |
| var scope = this; |
| |
| this.getAll(prefix, function(data) { |
| //Success |
| var raw = JSON.parse(data.replace(/[\n\0]/g, '')); |
| //Remove null byte and parse |
| console.log("Filter categories:", raw); |
| |
| $.each(raw, function(index, object) { |
| //Unpack list of objects |
| |
| $.each(object, function(category, searchOptions) { |
| //Unpack category from object (We don't know what it is called) |
| //Create the category |
| var e = $('<li><a href="#">' + category.replace(/_/g, " ") + '</a><ul class="subnav nav nav-pills nav-stacked"></ul></li>'); |
| var sub = e.find('ul.subnav'); |
| $.each(searchOptions, function(index, name) { |
| //Create the filter list inside the category |
| |
| var item = $('<li><a href="#">' + name + '</a></li>'); |
| sub.append(item); |
| item.click(function() { |
| //Click on the side menu filters |
| if (item.hasClass('active')) { |
| //Does the filter already exist? |
| item.removeClass('active'); |
| scope.filters.find(':contains(' + category + ':' + name + ')').remove(); |
| } else { |
| //Add a filter |
| item.addClass('active'); |
| var filter = $('<span class="label label-default"></span>'); |
| filter.text(category + ':' + name); |
| scope.filters.append(filter); |
| filter.click(function() { |
| //Click on a filter |
| filter.remove(); |
| item.removeClass('active'); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| //Toggle the menus. (Only respond when the immediate tab is clicked.) |
| e.find('> a').click(function() { |
| scope.categories.find('.subnav').slideUp(); |
| var t = $(this).siblings('.subnav'); |
| if (!t.is(':visible')) { |
| //If the sub menu is not visible |
| t.slideDown(function() { |
| t.triggerHandler('focus'); |
| }); |
| //Make it visible and look at it. |
| } |
| }); |
| scope.categories.append(e); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }, function(interest) { |
| //Timeout |
| scope.createAlert("Failed to initialize the filters!", "alert-danger"); |
| console.error("Failed to initialize filters!", interest); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'error', 'filters'); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This function retrieves all segments in order until it knows it has reached the last one. |
| * It then returns the final joined result. |
| |
| * @param prefix {String|Name} The ndn name we are retrieving. |
| * @param callback {function(String)} if successful, will call the callback with a string of data. |
| * @param failure {function(Interest)} if unsuccessful, will call failure with the last failed interest. |
| * @param stop {boolean} stop if no finalBlock. |
| */ |
| Atmos.prototype.getAll = function(prefix, callback, failure, stop) { |
| var scope = this; |
| var d = []; |
| var name = new Name(prefix); |
| var segment = 0; |
| var request = function() { |
| var n2 = new Name(name); |
| n2.appendSegment(segment); |
| scope.expressInterest(n2, handleData, function(err, interest) { |
| failure(interest) |
| }); |
| //Forward to handleData and ignore error |
| } |
| var handleData = function(interest, data) { |
| d.push(data.getContent().toString()); |
| var hasFinalBlock = data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().value.length === 0; |
| var finalBlockStop = hasFinalBlock && stop; |
| if (finalBlockStop || (!hasFinalBlock && interest.getName().get(-1).toSegment() == data.getMetaInfo().getFinalBlockId().toSegment())) { |
| callback(d.join("")); |
| } else { |
| segment++; |
| request(); |
| } |
| } |
| request(); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.cleanRequestForm = function() { |
| $('#requestDest').prev().removeClass('btn-success').addClass('btn-default'); |
| $('#requestDropText').text('Destination'); |
| $('#requestDest .active').removeClass('active'); |
| $('#subsetMenu').attr('class', 'collapse'); |
| $('#subsetVariables').empty(); |
| $('#request .alert').alert('close').remove(); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.setupRequestForm = function() { |
| var scope = this; |
| this.requestForm.find('#requestCancel').click(function() { |
| $('#request').unbind('submit')//Removes all event handlers. |
| .modal('hide'); |
| //Hides the form. |
| scope.cleanRequestForm(); |
| }); |
| var dests = $(this.config['retrieval']['destinations'].reduce(function(prev, current) { |
| prev.push('<li><a href="#">'); |
| prev.push(current); |
| prev.push("</a></li>"); |
| return prev; |
| }, []).join("")); |
| this.requestForm.find('#requestDest').append(dests).on('click', 'a', function(e) { |
| $('#requestDest .active').removeClass('active'); |
| var t = $(this); |
| t.parent().addClass('active'); |
| $('#requestDropText').text(t.text()); |
| $('#requestDest').prev().removeClass('btn-default').addClass('btn-success'); |
| }); |
| var addVariable = function(selector) { |
| var ele = $(selector).clone().attr('id', ''); |
| ele.find('.close').click(function() { |
| ele.remove(); |
| }); |
| $('#subsetVariables').append(ele); |
| } |
| $('#subsetAddVariableBtn').click(function() { |
| addVariable('#customTemplate'); |
| }); |
| $('#subsetAddTimeVariable').click(function() { |
| addVariable('#timeTemplate'); |
| }); |
| $('#subsetAddLocVariable').click(function() { |
| addVariable('#locationTemplate'); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Atmos.prototype.getMetaData = (function() { |
| var cache = {}; |
| return function(element) { |
| var name = $(element).text(); |
| ga('send', 'event', 'request', 'metaData'); |
| var subsetButton = '<button class="btn btn-default subsetButton" type="button">Subset</button>'; |
| if (cache[name]) { |
| return [subsetButton, '<pre class="metaData">', cache[name], '</pre>'].join(''); |
| } |
| var prefix = new Name(name).append("metadata"); |
| var id = guid(); |
| //We need an id because the return MUST be a string. |
| var ret = '<div id="' + id + '"><span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span></div>'; |
| this.getAll(prefix, function(data) { |
| var el = $('<pre class="metaData"></pre>'); |
| el.text(data); |
| var container = $('<div></div>'); |
| container.append($(subsetButton)); |
| container.append(el); |
| $('#' + id).empty().append(container); |
| cache[name] = data; |
| }, function(interest) { |
| $('#' + id).text("The metadata is unavailable for this name."); |
| console.log("Data is unavailable for " + name); |
| }); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| return Atmos; |
| |
| })(); |