build: change the fallback version suffix to `+git.{sha}`

Seems to be more commonly used than the current `-commit-{sha}`.
Also cleanup/simplify the version handling code and fix the list
of dependencies in the CI scripts.

Change-Id: I75d9e492523c296ad69c5b94be071836308f4ad8
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 945da93..f9cee88 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 VERSION = '0.1.0'
 APPNAME = 'ndn-nac'
-GIT_TAG_PREFIX = 'nac-'
+GIT_TAG_PREFIX = 'ndn-nac-'
 def options(opt):
     opt.load(['compiler_cxx', 'gnu_dirs'])
@@ -168,43 +168,43 @@
     Context.g_module.VERSION_SPLIT = VERSION_BASE.split('.')
     # first, try to get a version string from git
-    gotVersionFromGit = False
+    version_from_git = ''
-        cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--match', f'{GIT_TAG_PREFIX}*']
-        out =, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True).stdout.strip()
-        if out:
-            gotVersionFromGit = True
-            if out.startswith(GIT_TAG_PREFIX):
-                Context.g_module.VERSION = out.lstrip(GIT_TAG_PREFIX)
+        cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=8', '--always', '--match', f'{GIT_TAG_PREFIX}*']
+        version_from_git =, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True).stdout.strip()
+        if version_from_git:
+            if GIT_TAG_PREFIX and version_from_git.startswith(GIT_TAG_PREFIX):
+                Context.g_module.VERSION = version_from_git[len(GIT_TAG_PREFIX):]
+            elif not GIT_TAG_PREFIX and ('.' in version_from_git or '-' in version_from_git):
+                Context.g_module.VERSION = version_from_git
-                # no tags matched
-                Context.g_module.VERSION = f'{VERSION_BASE}-commit-{out}'
+                # no tags matched (or we are in a shallow clone)
+                Context.g_module.VERSION = f'{VERSION_BASE}+git.{version_from_git}'
     except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError):
-    versionFile = ctx.path.find_node('')
-    if not gotVersionFromGit and versionFile is not None:
+    # fallback to the file, if it exists and is not empty
+    version_from_file = ''
+    version_file = ctx.path.find_node('')
+    if version_file is not None:
-            Context.g_module.VERSION =
-            return
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            pass
+            version_from_file =
+        except OSError as e:
+            Logs.warn(f'{e.filename} exists but is not readable ({e.strerror})')
+    if version_from_file and not version_from_git:
+        Context.g_module.VERSION = version_from_file
+        return
-    # version was obtained from git, update VERSION file if necessary
-    if versionFile is not None:
-        try:
-            if == Context.g_module.VERSION:
-                # already up-to-date
-                return
-        except EnvironmentError as e:
-            Logs.warn(f'{versionFile} exists but is not readable ({e.strerror})')
-    else:
-        versionFile = ctx.path.make_node('')
+    # update if necessary
+    if version_from_file == Context.g_module.VERSION:
+        # already up-to-date
+        return
+    if version_file is None:
+        version_file = ctx.path.make_node('')
-        versionFile.write(Context.g_module.VERSION)
-    except EnvironmentError as e:
-        Logs.warn(f'{versionFile} is not writable ({e.strerror})')
+        version_file.write(Context.g_module.VERSION)
+    except OSError as e:
+        Logs.warn(f'{e.filename} is not writable ({e.strerror})')
 def dist(ctx):
     ctx.algo = 'tar.xz'