Implement a method in TorrentManger to write a Data packet of a torrent to the correct location on
disk. Also create a utility method to initialize the structure for fileState, fixing a bug of
opening a non-existent file with the fs::stream::in bit.
Change-Id: Ife08c2fef93d6a6cba906c3735ffac57506b7750
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
index 59392aa..910704d 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include "torrent-manager.hpp"
#include "torrent-file.hpp"
+#include <set>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
@@ -53,8 +55,16 @@
std::vector<bool> fileState(const ndn::Name& manifestName) {
+ auto fout = m_fileStates[manifestName].first;
+ if (nullptr != fout) {
+ fout->flush();
+ }
return m_fileStates[manifestName].second;
+ bool writeData(const Data& data) {
+ return TorrentManager::writeData(data);
+ }
@@ -74,9 +84,7 @@
torrentSegments = temp.first;
auto temp1 = temp.second;
for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
- for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
- manifests.push_back(m);
- }
+ manifests.insert(manifests.end(), ms.first.begin(), ms.first.end());
// write the torrent segments and manifests to disk
@@ -177,10 +185,8 @@
torrentSegments = temp.first;
auto temp1 = temp.second;
temp1.pop_back(); // remove the manifests for the last file
- for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
- for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
- manifests.push_back(m);
- }
+ for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+ manifests.insert(manifests.end(), ms.first.begin(), ms.first.end());
// write the torrent segments and manifests to disk
@@ -193,7 +199,6 @@
auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
io::save(t, filename);
fileNum = 0;
auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
@@ -224,6 +229,102 @@
+ vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+ vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+ // for each file, the data packets
+ std::vector<vector<Data>> fileData;
+ std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/temp";
+ // get torrent files and manifests
+ {
+ auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ true);
+ torrentSegments = temp.first;
+ auto temp1 = temp.second;
+ for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+ manifests.insert(manifests.end(), ms.first.begin(), ms.first.end());
+ fileData.push_back(ms.second);
+ }
+ }
+ // write the torrent segments and manifests to disk
+ std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+ std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(torrentPath);
+ auto fileNum = 0;
+ for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(t, filename);
+ }
+ fileNum = 0;
+ auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(manifestPath);
+ for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(m, filename);
+ }
+ // Initialize manager
+ TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+ filePath);
+ manager.Initialize();
+ // check that initially there is no data on disk
+ for (auto m : manager.fileManifests()) {
+ auto fileState = manager.fileState(m.getFullName());
+ BOOST_CHECK(fileState.empty());
+ }
+ // write all data to disk (for each file manifest)
+ auto manifest_it = manifests.begin();
+ for (auto& data : fileData) {
+ for (auto& d : data) {
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.writeData(d));
+ }
+ // check that the state is updated appropriately
+ auto fileState = manager.fileState(manifest_it->getFullName());
+ for (auto s : fileState) {
+ }
+ ++manifest_it;
+ }
+ // get the file names (ascending)
+ std::set<std::string> fileNames;
+ for (auto i = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(filePath + "/foo");
+ i != fs::recursive_directory_iterator();
+ ++i) {
+ fileNames.insert(i->path().string());
+ }
+ // verify file by file that the data packets are written correctly
+ auto f_it = fileData.begin();
+ for (auto f : fileNames) {
+ // read file from disk
+ std::vector<uint8_t> file_bytes;
+ fs::ifstream is(f, fs::ifstream::binary | fs::ifstream::in);
+ is >> std::noskipws;
+ std::istream_iterator<uint8_t> start(is), end;
+ file_bytes.insert(file_bytes.end(), start, end);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data_bytes;
+ // get content from data packets
+ for (const auto& d : *f_it) {
+ auto content = d.getContent();
+ data_bytes.insert(data_bytes.end(), content.value_begin(), content.value_end());
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK(data_bytes == file_bytes);
+ ++f_it;
+ }
+ fs::remove_all(filePath);
+ fs::remove_all(".appdata");
} // namespace tests
} // namespace nTorrent
} // namespace ndn
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