Implement method to verify and  write torrent files and  file manifests to disk.
Also add some helper methods to file manifest and torrent file get add useful info encapsulated
in the name. Lastly fixed an apart bug in load_directory helper related to files from
boost::directory_iterator being in an arbitrary rather than  lexicographical order.

Change-Id: I8a2c2f3224caec65cf97a418785778234a0d4d73
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
index 910704d..722173b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
@@ -65,6 +65,13 @@
   bool writeData(const Data& data) {
     return TorrentManager::writeData(data);
+  bool writeTorrentSegment(const TorrentFile& segment, const std::string& path) {
+    return TorrentManager::writeTorrentSegment(segment, path);
+  }
+  bool writeFileManifest(const FileManifest& manifest, const std::string& path) {
+    return TorrentManager::writeFileManifest(manifest, path);
+  }
@@ -98,13 +105,13 @@
     auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
     io::save(t, filename);
-  fileNum = 0;
+  //fileNum = 0;
   auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
   for (const auto& m : manifests) {
-    fileNum++;
-    auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
-    io::save(m, filename);
+    fs::path filename = manifestPath + m.file_name() + "/" + to_string(m.submanifest_number());
+    boost::filesystem::create_directories(filename.parent_path());
+    io::save(m, filename.string());
   // Initialize and verify
   TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
@@ -200,13 +207,12 @@
     auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
     io::save(t, filename);
-  fileNum = 0;
   auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
   for (const auto& m : manifests) {
-    fileNum++;
-    auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
-    io::save(m, filename);
+    fs::path filename = manifestPath + m.file_name() + to_string(m.submanifest_number());
+    boost::filesystem::create_directory(filename.parent_path());
+    io::save(m, filename.string());
   // Initialize and verify
   TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
@@ -263,13 +269,13 @@
     auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
     io::save(t, filename);
-  fileNum = 0;
+  //fileNum = 0;
   auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
   for (const auto& m : manifests) {
-    fileNum++;
-    auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
-    io::save(m, filename);
+    fs::path filename = manifestPath + m.file_name() + to_string(m.submanifest_number());
+    boost::filesystem::create_directory(filename.parent_path());
+    io::save(m, filename.string());
   // Initialize manager
   TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
@@ -322,6 +328,150 @@
+  const struct {
+      const char    *d_directoryPath;
+      const char    *d_initialSegmentName;
+      size_t         d_namesPerSegment;
+      size_t         d_subManifestSize;
+      size_t         d_dataPacketSize;
+  } DATA [] = {
+    {"tests/testdata/foo", "/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253", 1024, 1024, 1024},
+    {"tests/testdata/foo", "/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=96d900d6788465f9a7b00191581b004c910d74b3762d141ec0e82173731bc9f4",    1,    1, 1024},
+  };
+  enum { NUM_DATA = sizeof DATA / sizeof *DATA };
+  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DATA; ++i) {
+    auto directoryPath      = DATA[i].d_directoryPath;
+    Name initialSegmentName = DATA[i].d_initialSegmentName;
+    auto namesPerSegment    = DATA[i].d_namesPerSegment;
+    auto dataPacketSize     = DATA[i].d_dataPacketSize;
+    auto subManifestSize    = DATA[i].d_subManifestSize;
+    vector<TorrentFile>  torrentSegments;
+    std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/temp";
+    // get torrent files
+    {
+      auto temp = TorrentFile::generate(directoryPath,
+                                        namesPerSegment,
+                                        subManifestSize,
+                                        dataPacketSize,
+                                        false);
+      torrentSegments = temp.first;
+    }
+    // Initialize manager
+    TestTorrentManager manager(initialSegmentName,
+                               filePath);
+    manager.Initialize();
+    std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+    std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments().empty());
+    for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(manager.writeTorrentSegment(t, torrentPath));
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+    // check that initializing a new manager also gets all the torrent torrentSegments
+    TestTorrentManager manager2(initialSegmentName,
+                                filePath);
+    manager2.Initialize();
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager2.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+    // start anew
+    fs::remove_all(torrentPath);
+    fs::create_directories(torrentPath);
+    manager.Initialize();
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments().empty());
+    // check that there is no dependence on the order of torrent segments
+    // randomize the order of the torrent segments
+    auto torrentSegmentsRandom = torrentSegments;
+    std::random_shuffle(torrentSegmentsRandom.begin(), torrentSegmentsRandom.end());
+    for (const auto& t : torrentSegmentsRandom) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(manager.writeTorrentSegment(t, torrentPath));
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+    fs::remove_all(".appdata");
+  }
+  std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+  std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+  std::string manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+  const struct {
+     const char    *d_directoryPath;
+     const char    *d_initialSegmentName;
+     size_t         d_namesPerSegment;
+     size_t         d_subManifestSize;
+     size_t         d_dataPacketSize;
+  } DATA [] = {
+   {"tests/testdata/foo", "/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253", 1024, 1024, 1024},
+   {"tests/testdata/foo", "/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",     128,  128, 1024},
+  };
+  enum { NUM_DATA = sizeof DATA / sizeof *DATA };
+  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DATA; ++i) {
+    auto directoryPath      = DATA[i].d_directoryPath;
+    Name initialSegmentName = DATA[i].d_initialSegmentName;
+    auto namesPerSegment    = DATA[i].d_namesPerSegment;
+    auto dataPacketSize     = DATA[i].d_dataPacketSize;
+    auto subManifestSize    = DATA[i].d_subManifestSize;
+    vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+    vector<TorrentFile>  torrentSegments;
+    std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/temp";
+    // get torrent files and manifests
+    {
+       auto temp = TorrentFile::generate(directoryPath,
+                                         namesPerSegment,
+                                         subManifestSize,
+                                         dataPacketSize,
+                                         false);
+      torrentSegments = temp.first;
+      auto temp1      = temp.second;
+      for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+        manifests.insert(manifests.end(), ms.first.begin(), ms.first.end());
+      }
+    }
+    TestTorrentManager manager(initialSegmentName,
+                              filePath);
+    manager.Initialize();
+    for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+      manager.writeTorrentSegment(t, torrentPath);
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests().empty());
+    for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(manager.writeFileManifest(m, manifestPath));
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests() == manifests);
+    TestTorrentManager manager2(initialSegmentName,
+                                filePath);
+    manager2.Initialize();
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager2.fileManifests() == manifests);
+    // start anew
+    fs::remove_all(manifestPath);
+    fs::create_directories(manifestPath);
+    manager.Initialize();
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests().empty());
+    // check that there is no dependence on the order of torrent segments
+    // randomize the order of the torrent segments
+    auto fileManifestsRandom = manifests;
+    std::random_shuffle(fileManifestsRandom.begin(), fileManifestsRandom.end());
+    for (const auto& m : fileManifestsRandom) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(manager.writeFileManifest(m, manifestPath));
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(manager2.fileManifests() == manifests);
+    fs::remove_all(".appdata");
+  }