Create interface for TorrentFileManager as well as an implementation of the initialization routine
and related tests.

Change-Id: I10320fc02764975e23263f9d5dc4b8b7c70ba88c
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59392aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+* Copyright (c) 2016 Regents of the University of California.
+* This file is part of the nTorrent codebase.
+* nTorrent is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* nTorrent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+* General Public License along with nTorrent, e.g., in file. If not, see
+* <>.
+* See AUTHORS for complete list of nTorrent authors and contributors.
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include "torrent-manager.hpp"
+#include "torrent-file.hpp"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ntorrent {
+namespace tests {
+using std::vector;
+using ndn::Name;
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+class TestTorrentManager : public TorrentManager {
+ public:
+  TestTorrentManager(const ndn::Name&   torrentFileName,
+                     const std::string& filePath)
+  : TorrentManager(torrentFileName, filePath)
+  {}
+  std::vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments() const {
+    return m_torrentSegments;
+  }
+  std::vector<FileManifest> fileManifests() const {
+    return m_fileManifests;
+  }
+  std::vector<bool> fileState(const ndn::Name& manifestName) {
+    return m_fileStates[manifestName].second;
+  }
+  vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+  vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+  std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+  // get torrent files and manifests
+  {
+    auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      false);
+    torrentSegments = temp.first;
+    auto temp1      = temp.second;
+    for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+      for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
+        manifests.push_back(m);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // write the torrent segments  and manifests to disk
+  std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+  std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory(torrentPath);
+  auto fileNum = 0;
+  for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+    fileNum++;
+    auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+    io::save(t, filename);
+  }
+  fileNum = 0;
+  auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory(manifestPath);
+  for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+    fileNum++;
+    auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
+    io::save(m, filename);
+  }
+  // Initialize and verify
+  TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+                             filePath);
+  manager.Initialize();
+  // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests()   == manifests);
+  // next check the data packet state vectors
+  for (auto m : manager.fileManifests()) {
+    auto fileState = manager.fileState(m.getFullName());
+    BOOST_CHECK(fileState.size() == m.catalog().size());
+    for (auto s : fileState) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(s);
+    }
+  }
+  fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+  TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+                             "tests/testdata/");
+  manager.Initialize();
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == vector<TorrentFile>());
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests()   == vector<FileManifest>());
+  vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+  std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+  // get torrent files and manifests
+  {
+    auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      false);
+    torrentSegments = temp.first;
+  }
+  // write the torrent segments but no manifests to disk
+  std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+  std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory(torrentPath);
+  auto fileNum = 0;
+  for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+    fileNum++;
+    auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+    io::save(t, filename);
+  }
+  // Initialize and verify
+  TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+                             filePath);
+  manager.Initialize();
+  // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests()   == vector<FileManifest>());
+  fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+  vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+  vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+  std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+  // get torrent files and manifests
+  {
+    auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      1024,
+                                      false);
+    torrentSegments = temp.first;
+    auto temp1      = temp.second;
+    temp1.pop_back(); // remove the manifests for the last file
+    for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+      for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
+        manifests.push_back(m);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // write the torrent segments  and manifests to disk
+  std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+  std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directories(torrentPath);
+  auto fileNum = 0;
+  for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+    fileNum++;
+    auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+    io::save(t, filename);
+  }
+  fileNum = 0;
+  auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory(manifestPath);
+  for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+    fileNum++;
+    auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
+    io::save(m, filename);
+  }
+  // Initialize and verify
+  TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+                             filePath);
+  manager.Initialize();
+  // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+  BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests()   == manifests);
+  // next check the data packet state vectors
+  for (auto m : manager.fileManifests()) {
+    auto fileState = manager.fileState(m.getFullName());
+    BOOST_CHECK(fileState.size() == m.catalog().size());
+    for (auto s : fileState) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(s);
+    }
+  }
+  fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nTorrent
+} // namespace ndn
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