Create interface for TorrentFileManager as well as an implementation of the initialization routine
and related tests.
Change-Id: I10320fc02764975e23263f9d5dc4b8b7c70ba88c
diff --git a/src/torrent-manager.cpp b/src/torrent-manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..305fa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/torrent-manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#include "torrent-manager.hpp"
+#include "file-manifest.hpp"
+#include "torrent-file.hpp"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/signing-helpers.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+namespace {
+// TODO(msweatt) Move this to a utility
+template<typename T>
+static vector<T>
+load_directory(const string& dirPath,
+ ndn::io::IoEncoding encoding = ndn::io::IoEncoding::BASE_64) {
+ vector<T> structures;
+ if (fs::exists(dirPath)) {
+ for(fs::directory_iterator it(dirPath);
+ it != fs::directory_iterator();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ auto data_ptr = ndn::io::load<T>(it->path().string(), encoding);
+ if (nullptr != data_ptr) {
+ structures.push_back(*data_ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ structures.shrink_to_fit();
+ return structures;
+} // end anonymous
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ntorrent {
+// TODO(msweatt) Move this to a utility
+static vector<ndn::Data>
+packetize_file(const fs::path& filePath,
+ const ndn::Name& commonPrefix,
+ size_t dataPacketSize,
+ size_t subManifestSize,
+ size_t subManifestNum)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(0 < dataPacketSize);
+ size_t APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); // 2 * 1024 * 1024 *1024
+ auto file_size = fs::file_size(filePath);
+ auto start_offset = subManifestNum * subManifestSize * dataPacketSize;
+ // determine the number of bytes in this submanifest
+ auto subManifestLength = subManifestSize * dataPacketSize;
+ auto remainingFileLength = file_size - start_offset;
+ subManifestLength = remainingFileLength < subManifestLength
+ ? remainingFileLength
+ : subManifestLength;
+ vector<ndn::Data> packets;
+ packets.reserve(subManifestLength/dataPacketSize + 1);
+ fs::ifstream fs(filePath, fs::ifstream::binary);
+ if (!fs) {
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FileManifest::Error("IO Error when opening" + filePath.string()));
+ }
+ // ensure that buffer is large enough to contain whole packets
+ // buffer size is either the entire file or the smallest number of data packets >= 2 GB
+ auto buffer_size =
+ subManifestLength < APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE ?
+ subManifestLength :
+ APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE % dataPacketSize == 0 ?
+ APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE + dataPacketSize - (APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE % dataPacketSize);
+ vector<char> file_bytes;
+ file_bytes.reserve(buffer_size);
+ size_t bytes_read = 0;
+ fs.seekg(start_offset);
+ while(fs && bytes_read < subManifestLength && !fs.eof()) {
+ // read the file into the buffer
+, buffer_size);
+ auto read_size = fs.gcount();
+ if (fs.bad() || read_size < 0) {
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FileManifest::Error("IO Error when reading" + filePath.string()));
+ }
+ bytes_read += read_size;
+ char *curr_start = &file_bytes.front();
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i < buffer_size; i += dataPacketSize) {
+ // Build a packet from the data
+ Name packetName = commonPrefix;
+ packetName.appendSequenceNumber(packets.size());
+ Data d(packetName);
+ auto content_length = i + dataPacketSize > buffer_size ? buffer_size - i : dataPacketSize;
+ d.setContent(encoding::makeBinaryBlock(tlv::Content, curr_start, content_length));
+ curr_start += content_length;
+ // append to the collection
+ packets.push_back(d);
+ }
+ file_bytes.clear();
+ // recompute the buffer_size
+ buffer_size =
+ subManifestLength - bytes_read < APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE ?
+ subManifestLength - bytes_read :
+ APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE % dataPacketSize == 0 ?
+ APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE + dataPacketSize - (APPROX_BUFFER_SIZE % dataPacketSize);
+ }
+ fs.close();
+ packets.shrink_to_fit();
+ ndn::security::KeyChain key_chain;
+ // sign all the packets
+ for (auto& p : packets) {
+ key_chain.sign(p, signingWithSha256());
+ }
+ return packets;
+static vector<TorrentFile>
+intializeTorrentSegments(const string& torrentFilePath, const Name& initialSegmentName)
+ security::KeyChain key_chain;
+ Name currSegmentFullName = initialSegmentName;
+ vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments = load_directory<TorrentFile>(torrentFilePath);
+ // Starting with the initial segment name, verify the names, loading next name from torrentSegment
+ for (auto it = torrentSegments.begin(); it != torrentSegments.end(); ++it) {
+ TorrentFile& segment = *it;
+ key_chain.sign(segment, signingWithSha256());
+ if (segment.getFullName() != currSegmentFullName) {
+ vector<TorrentFile> correctSegments(torrentSegments.begin(), it);
+ torrentSegments.swap(correctSegments);
+ break;
+ }
+ // load the next full name
+ if (nullptr == segment.getTorrentFilePtr()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ currSegmentFullName = *segment.getTorrentFilePtr();
+ }
+ return torrentSegments;
+static vector<FileManifest>
+intializeFileManifests(const string& manifestPath, vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments)
+ security::KeyChain key_chain;
+ vector<FileManifest> manifests = load_directory<FileManifest>(manifestPath);
+ // sign the manifests
+ std::for_each(manifests.begin(), manifests.end(),
+ [&key_chain](FileManifest& m){
+ key_chain.sign(m,signingWithSha256());
+ });
+ // put all names of manifests from the valid torrent files into a set
+ std::set<ndn::Name> validManifestNames;
+ for (const auto& segment : torrentSegments) {
+ const auto& catalog = segment.getCatalog();
+ validManifestNames.insert(catalog.begin(), catalog.end());
+ }
+ // put all names of file manifests from disk into a set
+ std::set<ndn::Name> loadedManifestNames;
+ std::for_each(manifests.begin(), manifests.end(),
+ [&loadedManifestNames](const FileManifest& m){
+ loadedManifestNames.insert(m.getFullName());
+ });
+ // the set of fileManifests that we have is simply the intersection
+ std::set<Name> output;
+ std::set_intersection(validManifestNames.begin() , validManifestNames.end(),
+ loadedManifestNames.begin(), loadedManifestNames.end(),
+ std::inserter(output, output.begin()));
+ // filter out those manifests that are not in this set
+ std::remove_if(manifests.begin(),
+ manifests.end(),
+ [&output](const FileManifest& m) {
+ return (output.end() == output.find(;
+ });
+ // order the manifests in the same order they are in the torrent
+ std::vector<Name> catalogNames;
+ for (const auto& segment : torrentSegments) {
+ const auto& catalog = segment.getCatalog();
+ catalogNames.insert(catalogNames.end(), catalog.begin(), catalog.end());
+ }
+ size_t curr_index = 0;
+ for (auto name : catalogNames) {
+ auto it = std::find_if(manifests.begin(), manifests.end(),
+ [&name](const FileManifest& m) {
+ return m.getFullName() == name;
+ });
+ if (it != manifests.end()) {
+ // not already in the correct position
+ if (it != manifests.begin() + curr_index) {
+ std::swap(manifests[curr_index], *it);
+ }
+ ++curr_index;
+ }
+ }
+ return manifests;
+static vector<Data>
+intializeDataPackets(const string& filePath,
+ const FileManifest manifest,
+ const TorrentFile& torrentFile)
+ vector<Data> packets;
+ auto subManifestNum = - 1).toSequenceNumber();
+ packets = packetize_file(filePath,
+ manifest.data_packet_size(),
+ manifest.catalog().size(),
+ subManifestNum);
+ auto catalog = manifest.catalog();
+ // Filter out invalid packet names
+ std::remove_if(packets.begin(), packets.end(),
+ [&packets, &catalog](const Data& p) {
+ return catalog.end() == std::find(catalog.begin(),
+ catalog.end(),
+ p.getFullName());
+ });
+ return packets;
+void TorrentManager::Initialize()
+ // .../<torrent_name>/torrent-file/<implicit_digest>
+ string dataPath = ".appdata/" + m_torrentFileName.get(-3).toUri();
+ string manifestPath = dataPath +"/manifests";
+ string torrentFilePath = dataPath +"/torrent_files";
+ // get the torrent file segments and manifests that we have.
+ if (!fs::exists(torrentFilePath)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_torrentSegments = intializeTorrentSegments(torrentFilePath, m_torrentFileName);
+ if (m_torrentSegments.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_fileManifests = intializeFileManifests(manifestPath, m_torrentSegments);
+ auto currTorrentFile_it = m_torrentSegments.begin();
+ for (const auto& m : m_fileManifests) {
+ // find the appropriate torrent file
+ auto currCatalog = currTorrentFile_it->getCatalog();
+ while (currCatalog.end() == std::find(currCatalog.begin(), currCatalog.end(), m.getFullName()))
+ {
+ ++currTorrentFile_it;
+ currCatalog = currTorrentFile_it->getCatalog();
+ }
+ // construct the file name
+ auto fileName =, - 2).toUri();
+ auto filePath = m_dataPath + fileName;
+ // If there are any valid packets, add corresponding state to manager
+ auto packets = intializeDataPackets(filePath, m, *currTorrentFile_it);
+ if (!packets.empty()) {
+ // build the bit map
+ auto catalog = m.catalog();
+ vector<bool> fileBitMap(catalog.size());
+ auto read_it = packets.begin();
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (auto name : catalog) {
+ if (name == read_it->getFullName()) {
+ ++read_it;
+ fileBitMap[i]= true;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ for (const auto& d : packets) {
+ seed(d);
+ }
+ auto s = std::make_shared<fs::fstream>(filePath, fs::fstream::binary
+ | fs::fstream::in
+ | fs::fstream::out);
+ m_fileStates[m.getFullName()] = std::make_pair(s, fileBitMap);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& t : m_torrentSegments) {
+ seed(t);
+ }
+ for (const auto& m : m_fileManifests) {
+ seed(m);
+ }
+void TorrentManager::seed(const Data& data) const {
+ // TODO(msweatt) IMPLEMENT ME
+} // end ntorrent
+} // end ndn
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/torrent-manager.hpp b/src/torrent-manager.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4b923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/torrent-manager.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+* Copyright (c) 2016 Regents of the University of California.
+* This file is part of the nTorrent codebase.
+* nTorrent is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* nTorrent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+* General Public License along with nTorrent, e.g., in file. If not, see
+* <>.
+* See AUTHORS for complete list of nTorrent authors and contributors.
+#include "torrent-file.hpp"
+#include "file-manifest.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ntorrent {
+class TorrentManager : boost::noncopyable {
+ /**
+ * \class TorrentManager
+ *
+ * \brief A class to manage the interaction with the system in seeding/leaching a torrent
+ */
+ public:
+ typedef std::function<void(const ndn::Name&)> DataReceivedCallback;
+ typedef std::function<void(const std::vector<ndn::Name>&)> ManifestReceivedCallback;
+ typedef std::function<void(const ndn::Name&, const std::string&)> FailedCallback;
+ TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
+ const std::string& dataPath);
+ /*
+ * \brief Create a new Torrent manager with the specified parameters.
+ * @param torrentFileName The full name of the initial segment of the torrent file
+ * @param filePath The path to the location on disk to use for the torrent data
+ *
+ * The behavior is undefined unless Initialize() is called before calling any other method on a
+ * TorrentManger object.
+ */
+ void Initialize();
+ /*
+ * \brief Initialize the state of this object.
+ * Read and validate from disk all torrent file segments, file manifests, and data packets for
+ * the torrent file managed by this object initializing all state in this manager respectively.
+ * Also seeds all validated data.
+ */
+ std::vector<Name> downloadTorrentFile(const std::string& path = "");
+ // Request from the network the all segments of the 'torrentFileName' and write onto local disk at
+ // the specified 'path'.
+ void download_file_manifest(const Name& manifestName,
+ const std::string& path,
+ ManifestReceivedCallback onSuccess,
+ FailedCallback onFailed) const;
+ // Request from the network the all segments of the 'manifestName' and write onto local disk at
+ // the specified 'path'.
+ void download_data_packet(const Name& packetName,
+ DataReceivedCallback onSuccess,
+ FailedCallback onFailed) const;
+ // Request from the network the Data with the specified 'packetName' and write onto local disk at
+ // 'm_dataPath'.
+ void seed(const Data& data) const;
+ // Seed the specified 'data' to the network.
+ protected:
+ void onDataReceived(const Data& data);
+ void onInterestReceived(const Name& name);
+ // A map from each fileManifest to corresponding file stream on disk and a bitmap of which Data
+ // packets this manager currently has
+ mutable std::unordered_map<Name,
+ std::pair<std::shared_ptr<fs::fstream>,
+ std::vector<bool>>> m_fileStates;
+ // The segments of the TorrentFile this manager has
+ std::vector<TorrentFile> m_torrentSegments;
+ // The FileManifests this manager has
+ std::vector<FileManifest> m_fileManifests;
+ // The name of the initial segment of the torrent file for this manager
+ Name m_torrentFileName;
+ // The path to the location on disk of the Data packet for this manager
+ std::string m_dataPath;
+TorrentManager::TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
+ const std::string& dataPath)
+: m_fileStates()
+, m_torrentSegments()
+, m_fileManifests()
+, m_torrentFileName(torrentFileName)
+, m_dataPath(dataPath)
+} // end ntorrent
+} // end ndn
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59392aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/torrent-manager.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+* Copyright (c) 2016 Regents of the University of California.
+* This file is part of the nTorrent codebase.
+* nTorrent is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* nTorrent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+* General Public License along with nTorrent, e.g., in file. If not, see
+* <>.
+* See AUTHORS for complete list of nTorrent authors and contributors.
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include "torrent-manager.hpp"
+#include "torrent-file.hpp"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ntorrent {
+namespace tests {
+using std::vector;
+using ndn::Name;
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+class TestTorrentManager : public TorrentManager {
+ public:
+ TestTorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
+ const std::string& filePath)
+ : TorrentManager(torrentFileName, filePath)
+ {}
+ std::vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments() const {
+ return m_torrentSegments;
+ }
+ std::vector<FileManifest> fileManifests() const {
+ return m_fileManifests;
+ }
+ std::vector<bool> fileState(const ndn::Name& manifestName) {
+ return m_fileStates[manifestName].second;
+ }
+ vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+ vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+ std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+ // get torrent files and manifests
+ {
+ auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ false);
+ torrentSegments = temp.first;
+ auto temp1 = temp.second;
+ for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+ for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
+ manifests.push_back(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // write the torrent segments and manifests to disk
+ std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+ std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(torrentPath);
+ auto fileNum = 0;
+ for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(t, filename);
+ }
+ fileNum = 0;
+ auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(manifestPath);
+ for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(m, filename);
+ }
+ // Initialize and verify
+ TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+ filePath);
+ manager.Initialize();
+ // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests() == manifests);
+ // next check the data packet state vectors
+ for (auto m : manager.fileManifests()) {
+ auto fileState = manager.fileState(m.getFullName());
+ BOOST_CHECK(fileState.size() == m.catalog().size());
+ for (auto s : fileState) {
+ }
+ }
+ fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+ TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+ "tests/testdata/");
+ manager.Initialize();
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == vector<TorrentFile>());
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests() == vector<FileManifest>());
+ vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+ std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+ // get torrent files and manifests
+ {
+ auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ false);
+ torrentSegments = temp.first;
+ }
+ // write the torrent segments but no manifests to disk
+ std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+ std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(torrentPath);
+ auto fileNum = 0;
+ for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(t, filename);
+ }
+ // Initialize and verify
+ TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+ filePath);
+ manager.Initialize();
+ // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests() == vector<FileManifest>());
+ fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+ vector<FileManifest> manifests;
+ vector<TorrentFile> torrentSegments;
+ std::string filePath = "tests/testdata/";
+ // get torrent files and manifests
+ {
+ auto temp = TorrentFile::generate("tests/testdata/foo",
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ false);
+ torrentSegments = temp.first;
+ auto temp1 = temp.second;
+ temp1.pop_back(); // remove the manifests for the last file
+ for (const auto& ms : temp1) {
+ for (const auto& m : ms.first) {
+ manifests.push_back(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // write the torrent segments and manifests to disk
+ std::string dirPath = ".appdata/foo/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(dirPath);
+ std::string torrentPath = dirPath + "torrent_files/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(torrentPath);
+ auto fileNum = 0;
+ for (const auto& t : torrentSegments) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = torrentPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(t, filename);
+ }
+ fileNum = 0;
+ auto manifestPath = dirPath + "manifests/";
+ boost::filesystem::create_directory(manifestPath);
+ for (const auto& m : manifests) {
+ fileNum++;
+ auto filename = manifestPath + to_string(fileNum);
+ io::save(m, filename);
+ }
+ // Initialize and verify
+ TestTorrentManager manager("/NTORRENT/foo/torrent-file/sha256digest=02c737fd4c6e7de4b4825b089f39700c2dfa8fd2bb2b91f09201e357c4463253",
+ filePath);
+ manager.Initialize();
+ // Check that the torrent segments and file manifests match (content and order)
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.torrentSegments() == torrentSegments);
+ BOOST_CHECK(manager.fileManifests() == manifests);
+ // next check the data packet state vectors
+ for (auto m : manager.fileManifests()) {
+ auto fileState = manager.fileState(m.getFullName());
+ BOOST_CHECK(fileState.size() == m.catalog().size());
+ for (auto s : fileState) {
+ }
+ }
+ fs::remove_all(dirPath);
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nTorrent
+} // namespace ndn
\ No newline at end of file