First commit
diff --git a/mininet/ b/mininet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff9604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mininet/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''@package topo
+Network topology creation.
+@author Brandon Heller (
+This package includes code to represent network topologies.
+A Topo object can be a topology database for NOX, can represent a physical
+setup for testing, and can even be emulated with the Mininet package.
+# BL: we may have to fix compatibility here.
+# networkx is also a fairly heavyweight dependency
+# from networkx.classes.graph import Graph
+from networkx import Graph
+from mininet.util import irange, natural, naturalSeq
+class Topo(object):
+    "Data center network representation for structured multi-trees."
+    def __init__(self, hopts=None, sopts=None, lopts=None):
+        """Topo object:
+           hinfo: default host options
+           sopts: default switch options
+           lopts: default link options"""
+        self.g = Graph()
+        self.node_info = {}
+        self.link_info = {}  # (src, dst) tuples hash to EdgeInfo objects
+        self.hopts = {} if hopts is None else hopts
+        self.sopts = {} if sopts is None else sopts
+        self.lopts = {} if lopts is None else lopts
+        self.ports = {}  # ports[src][dst] is port on src that connects to dst
+    def addNode(self, name, **opts):
+        """Add Node to graph.
+           name: name
+           opts: node options
+           returns: node name"""
+        self.g.add_node(name)
+        self.node_info[name] = opts
+        return name
+    def addHost(self, name, **opts):
+        """Convenience method: Add host to graph.
+           name: host name
+           opts: host options
+           returns: host name"""
+        if not opts and self.hopts:
+            opts = self.hopts
+        return self.addNode(name, **opts)
+    def addSwitch(self, name, **opts):
+        """Convenience method: Add switch to graph.
+           name: switch name
+           opts: switch options
+           returns: switch name"""
+        if not opts and self.sopts:
+            opts = self.sopts
+        result = self.addNode(name, isSwitch=True, **opts)
+        return result
+    def addLink(self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
+                **opts):
+        """node1, node2: nodes to link together
+           port1, port2: ports (optional)
+           opts: link options (optional)
+           returns: link info key"""
+        if not opts and self.lopts:
+            opts = self.lopts
+        self.addPort(node1, node2, port1, port2)
+        key = tuple(self.sorted([node1, node2]))
+        self.link_info[key] = opts
+        self.g.add_edge(*key)
+        return key
+    def addPort(self, src, dst, sport=None, dport=None):
+        '''Generate port mapping for new edge.
+        @param src source switch name
+        @param dst destination switch name
+        '''
+        self.ports.setdefault(src, {})
+        self.ports.setdefault(dst, {})
+        # New port: number of outlinks + base
+        src_base = 1 if self.isSwitch(src) else 0
+        dst_base = 1 if self.isSwitch(dst) else 0
+        if sport is None:
+            sport = len(self.ports[src]) + src_base
+        if dport is None:
+            dport = len(self.ports[dst]) + dst_base
+        self.ports[src][dst] = sport
+        self.ports[dst][src] = dport
+    def nodes(self, sort=True):
+        "Return nodes in graph"
+        if sort:
+            return self.sorted( self.g.nodes() )
+        else:
+            return self.g.nodes()
+    def isSwitch(self, n):
+        '''Returns true if node is a switch.'''
+        info = self.node_info[n]
+        return info and info.get('isSwitch', False)
+    def switches(self, sort=True):
+        '''Return switches.
+        sort: sort switches alphabetically
+        @return dpids list of dpids
+        '''
+        return [n for n in self.nodes(sort) if self.isSwitch(n)]
+    def hosts(self, sort=True):
+        '''Return hosts.
+        sort: sort hosts alphabetically
+        @return dpids list of dpids
+        '''
+        return [n for n in self.nodes(sort) if not self.isSwitch(n)]
+    def links(self, sort=True):
+        '''Return links.
+        sort: sort links alphabetically
+        @return links list of name pairs
+        '''
+        if not sort:
+            return self.g.edges()
+        else:
+            links = [tuple(self.sorted(e)) for e in self.g.edges()]
+            return sorted( links, key=naturalSeq )
+    def port(self, src, dst):
+        '''Get port number.
+        @param src source switch name
+        @param dst destination switch name
+        @return tuple (src_port, dst_port):
+            src_port: port on source switch leading to the destination switch
+            dst_port: port on destination switch leading to the source switch
+        '''
+        if src in self.ports and dst in self.ports[src]:
+            assert dst in self.ports and src in self.ports[dst]
+            return (self.ports[src][dst], self.ports[dst][src])
+    def linkInfo( self, src, dst ):
+        "Return link metadata"
+        src, dst = self.sorted([src, dst])
+        return self.link_info[(src, dst)]
+    def setlinkInfo( self, src, dst, info ):
+        "Set link metadata"
+        src, dst = self.sorted([src, dst])
+        self.link_info[(src, dst)] = info
+    def nodeInfo( self, name ):
+        "Return metadata (dict) for node"
+        info = self.node_info[ name ]
+        return info if info is not None else {}
+    def setNodeInfo( self, name, info ):
+        "Set metadata (dict) for node"
+        self.node_info[ name ] = info
+    @staticmethod
+    def sorted( items ):
+        "Items sorted in natural (i.e. alphabetical) order"
+        return sorted(items, key=natural)
+class SingleSwitchTopo(Topo):
+    '''Single switch connected to k hosts.'''
+    def __init__(self, k=2, **opts):
+        '''Init.
+        @param k number of hosts
+        @param enable_all enables all nodes and switches?
+        '''
+        super(SingleSwitchTopo, self).__init__(**opts)
+        self.k = k
+        switch = self.addSwitch('s1')
+        for h in irange(1, k):
+            host = self.addHost('h%s' % h)
+            self.addLink(host, switch)
+class SingleSwitchReversedTopo(Topo):
+    '''Single switch connected to k hosts, with reversed ports.
+    The lowest-numbered host is connected to the highest-numbered port.
+    Useful to verify that Mininet properly handles custom port numberings.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, k=2, **opts):
+        '''Init.
+        @param k number of hosts
+        @param enable_all enables all nodes and switches?
+        '''
+        super(SingleSwitchReversedTopo, self).__init__(**opts)
+        self.k = k
+        switch = self.addSwitch('s1')
+        for h in irange(1, k):
+            host = self.addHost('h%s' % h)
+            self.addLink(host, switch,
+                         port1=0, port2=(k - h + 1))
+class LinearTopo(Topo):
+    "Linear topology of k switches, with one host per switch."
+    def __init__(self, k=2, **opts):
+        """Init.
+           k: number of switches (and hosts)
+           hconf: host configuration options
+           lconf: link configuration options"""
+        super(LinearTopo, self).__init__(**opts)
+        self.k = k
+        lastSwitch = None
+        for i in irange(1, k):
+            host = self.addHost('h%s' % i)
+            switch = self.addSwitch('s%s' % i)
+            self.addLink( host, switch)
+            if lastSwitch:
+                self.addLink( switch, lastSwitch)
+            lastSwitch = switch